This message is taken from David’s incredible prayer in first Chronicles chapter 29. The focus of this message is for us to take the focus off of ourselves and to see God in his glory and greatness so that we are not ruled by life in the tyranny of the urgent or in the pursuit of daily necessities. David teaches us how to bless God with all of our hearts.
Published 09/18/18
Jesus spoke with authority. He has given us the same authority to speak like kings and priests to every aspect of our lives.
Published 09/13/18
God is our healer. He heals because his name is Jehova Rapha--God our healer. He has never stopped healing because he always acts according to his Name. But we no longer expect healing because we have lost faith in the fact that God heals. We need more than ever today to recover what the Bible says about God's healing heart and word towards his people. We cannot receive what we do not believe and faith comes by hearing.
Published 06/06/18
The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Published 03/26/18
Got a minute for your marriage? Learn how to sow the seed of Faith to grow your marriage daily.
Published 03/16/18
Jesus is God because God says He is God, because the Spirit testifies through the Scriptures that He is God, and in this episode you will see that He is God because He says He is God.
Published 03/13/18
Jesus is God. The Scriptures prove this in a variety of ways.
Published 03/08/18
Jesus is God because He is the Creator of the World.
Published 03/06/18
This message is the first in a series about the nature of Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God and therefore he is God.
Published 03/05/18
This message from God’s word is for anyone who is facing difficulty and confusion today.
Published 02/23/18
These are encouraging words from Psalm 126 to help those who are currently living in a difficult relationship or in a relationship that has encountered great difficulty and misunderstanding.
Published 02/19/18
This teaching will remind you of God's definition of love so that you can apply it to your marriage.
Published 01/05/16
If you want to renew your marriage, you must renew your mind. God tells us that he has made us new creations. The most effective way to change your marriage is to learn to think and to act from the new creation or the new nature instead of thinking and acting from the flesh or sin within you. God has given you the will and the power to love with his love. But this new will and power is in the new creation which is in Christ. The more we come to understand about the new creation, the more...
Published 01/04/16
How to protect your identity in Christ. Galatians 2:20
Published 04/09/15
What is worship? And why does God command us to worship Him?
Published 01/04/15
God is great and good. He shows his sovereign love by applying his personal goodness to our lives
Published 12/28/14
God shows us how much he loved us by sending his son to die for us. We must place his value upon us and we must place this same value on others so that we can love ourselves as God loves us and love our neighbors as ourselves.
Published 12/14/14
Praise is our strength
Published 11/30/14
Psalm 34
Published 11/23/14
How to fight fear and grow your faith.
Published 11/02/14
How to grow your faith by trusting in God's promises and reasoning from Gods understanding Numbers 13; Proverbs 3:5
Published 10/26/14
Why Joshua and Caleb gave a different report than the other spies who went into Canaan. Numbers Ch.13
Published 10/19/14
Published 10/06/14
What the Bible teaches about faith part 3. How faith allows us to move mountains. How the impossible becomes possible.
Published 09/28/14
What faith is and what it is not. Mark 11:22
Published 09/21/14