Do you feel overwhelmed at times, unsure of how to balance a lifestyle that is disciplined, productive, yet also relaxed and spontaneous? In a world where we're inundated with information, it's more important now than ever to figure out your own unique "magic middle". I hope these 5 tips I'm sharing can help you check-in and reflect on how to create more synergy and balance in your own life. Sometimes the first step to living your best life is to simply allow yourself to be imperfect ;) all o...
Published 06/22/24
Published 06/22/24
Have you ever felt frustrated with concepts in manifestation? Or you feel the gap between where you are and where you want to be is too wide for you to "pretend" you're already there? I've tried all the methods under the sun, and today - prefer a much more grounded approach to achieving my dream reality and life. Once you understand and start to embody these concepts, you won't have to be "delusional" anymore. The magic exists in our everyday lives. I hope this episode empowers you to ar...
Published 06/15/24
Does it drive you crazy when you feel jealous or paranoid in your relationship? Maybe you've worked on yourself and are an otherwise confident person. Yet, somehow you find yourself in this exhausting pattern of feeling insecure or jealous once you CARE about someone.In this episode, I dive deep into the root causes of this insecurity and offer 4 practical steps to help you overcome it.Whether you're single or in a relationship, whether you experience this with friends or romantic partners, t...
Published 06/08/24
Inner child healing can be a tool to access our "higher self", or even just the current, adult, grounded version of us. If you've ever felt frustrated with "parts" of you that doesn't seem aligned with your self-identity, I hope the practices in this episode can help you understand more about your healing journey and how to integrate your past, present, and future self into an empowered, loving, supportive, and cohesive team. 🧃If you're looking for an even deeper dive and more support, f...
Published 06/02/24
I realized how daunting it is to summarize everything I've ever learned in just 5 lessons. However, I believe there are primary patterns underlying the human condition, and I hope these rules to life can help you make effective change TODAY. [They're also all connected and complimentary to each other]🎁 Get my list of book recommendation [FREE]: https://www.subscribepage.com/booksSupport the Show. Modern Penpal Website Instagram YouTube
Published 05/25/24
You can have Imposter Syndrome AND move start today anyway. This is your sign to embrace the unknown and pursue your "what if". Someone may always be more qualified, but never starting makes that fact even more true. I am also working on offering 1:1 services and creating a community for those looking to make effective and lasting changes while having genuine support. If you're f*cking smart AND get in your own way, make sure to join 'Modern Penpal' - linked below. Support the Show....
Published 05/18/24
Self-trust is a concept that gets missed a lot when talking about personal growth or healing. I believe it is one of the key pieces to unlock self-worth, self-love, and true confidence. Practicing self-trust helps us integrate our parts into a cohesive team. We build self-trust by actioning the commitments we make for our own betterment. If you found this helpful, please let me know in the comments. I am also working on offering 1:1 services and creating a community for those looking to ...
Published 05/10/24
In this episode, we dive into crucial insights necessary to navigate through the challenges of a healing journey. Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated is a common experience, and this conversation today MAY be the key.   If you've committed to outgrow patterns that don't serve you, and find yourself taking two steps forward and one step back, you're at the right place.  Listen to uncover perspectives to overcome stagnation, understand why we're so STUBBORN when it comes to CHANGE, and...
Published 03/11/24
Our brain is the command center and our minds a powerhouse that can either be our biggest support system or at times, an unhelpful roadblock or even an enemy. In this episode, I talk about WHY we have these unproductive thoughts or thought patterns, and HOW to effectively address and acknowledge them, while putting a stop to letting our thoughts spiral out of control. The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves, and these practices can help us create and build a...
Published 01/22/24
Our perception of self, the external world, and our place in it is the most critical part of living a life we desire, in small essential ways and in large goals that propel us forward. In this episode, I break down what exactly is self-worth, and why it's incredibly important to strengthen or increase our sense of self-worth. Lastly, I share 4 steps/practices on how to begin this process.  Support the show Modern Penpal Website Instagram YouTube
Published 01/06/24
After an extended hiatus, we are back! Funny that I named this podcast 'Paths Back to You", because that was precisely what I have been struggling with for the past year or so. In this first episode back, I invite you to take a moment wherever you are in life, to remember that it is completely natural to get lost on the paths that are guiding us back home, or toward something new altogether. You are not alone.  Mentioned in the episode: 💌  Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to You...
Published 08/19/21
I believe there's an intimate connection, a boundedness between love and loss. A correlation between the depth of the love we experience and the profound loss and grief that may someday follow. Through every disappointment, every diminishing connection, or the dissolution of love, I have always found such treasure through each heartache. In this episode, we dive deeper into the inextricable relationship between the two, and how to navigate through this complex dynamic. Some days love and...
Published 01/29/21
Do you ever catch yourself feeling nostalgic for what was? Or feeling that if and only if you reached another "destination", "chapter" or "thing" in your life, then you can finally feel at ease. Or perhaps you get so caught up in the "what ifs" that it feels paralyzing at times to move forward. It's so human of us to cling and grasp, all with either rose-tinted glasses on, or impossibly catastrophic stories in our heads. In this episode, we talk about why it's so paramount to remain in the...
Published 01/22/21
Happy 2021 and welcome back! In this episode, Amanda Prechel and I discussed a variety of topics such as self-love/self-worth, the gift of repeating patterns and lessons, magic vs mundane, the art of self-study, gratitude and so much more. Connect with Amanda Prechel Instagram: @amandaprechel @reflectorlife Mentioned in the episode: Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to You FB group PBTY Instagram: @paths_backtoyou WEBSITE Support the show (https://www.paypal.me/herewithdia)
Published 01/15/21
The patterns we hold and experience are old programming and conditioning that have solidified into what might feel like our 'natural reaction'. In this episode, we talk about why it is such a loving act to lean into the painful patterns we have which are no longer serving us and which puts walls between us and our personal evolution. Mentioned in the episode: Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to You FB group PBTY Instagram: @paths_backtoyou WEBSITE A Return to Love - Marianne...
Published 11/13/20
Sorry for the hiatus! In this episode, I talk about this "micro-death/rebirth" theme that has been popping up lately personally and I think on a collective level. Scorpion season can bring lots of transformation, and sometimes they're not always easy to navigate. I hope if you've been feeling some of these themes, this conversation can aid in some ways, or just help you realize you're not alone. Sending you all my best! Mentioned in the episode: Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to...
Published 11/06/20
I wanted to do a quick check-in to reflect some of the 'waves' I've experienced within these past few days. I hope this episode resonates with you and please feel free to reach out and share any thoughts and comments. Mentioned in the episode: Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to You FB group PBTY Instagram: @paths_backtoyou WEBSITE
Published 10/09/20
Guided Meditation for Inner Child Healing. There exists an inner child in each of us, allow this meditation to guide you, and begin the process of consciously embracing, loving, and healing that aspect of you. 💛 Mentioned in the episode: Get on the Modern Penpals List Paths Back to You FB group PBTY Instagram: @paths_backtoyou WEBSITE
Published 09/18/20
Healing our inner child is an important aspect of self-care because no matter if we're 20 or 80, there exists an inner child in each of us. In this episode, we talk about why it's not only essential and empowering to heal our inner child. In what ways might our inner child show up? And how do we begin the process of consciously embracing, loving, and healing that aspect of ourselves. Blogpost for this episode: https://herewithdia.com/how-to-heal-your-inner-child/
Published 09/11/20
What does it mean for you to be Connected, Empowered, and Joyful? Language and words can be both expansive and restrictive. We assign our collective and personal meaning and association with each word. In this episode, I take us on a delightful exploration of what each of these words might mean, look, feel, or show up in our everyday experiences and interactions, both in our inner landscape as well as our outer relationships. I invite you to discover and inquire what those states of being...
Published 08/28/20
Are you on dreamy Pisces? or a fun-loving Leo? Everybody and their mama probably knows their zodiac sun sign. But the study and art of astrology has SO much more to offer. In this week's episode, I chat with our guest Larimar about astrology and specifically looking at your birth chart in regards to personal empowerment and self realization. We talk about which aspects might give you some insights, which houses to look into. (if you have no idea what I'm talking about - then this episode is...
Published 08/21/20
I'm so excited to make this mid-week announcement! If this sounds like something that you'll love, head on over to: penpals.herewithdia.com Also I'm super excited for Friday's episode! We will chat about Astrology for personal empowerment and realization with our guest Larimar Kriative.
Published 08/19/20
A number of things can seem like "failures" on our personal and spiritual growth journey. In this episode, we will talk about why failing is GOOD. Whether you're frustrated with repeating old patterns and reactive behaviors, feeling stuck or stagnant on your journey, or perhaps you are just frustrated that you haven't attained a life-altering spiritual awakening. We take a look at the gifts these challenges and frustrations bring, and reframe our understanding to why they are spaces to...
Published 08/14/20
Why is it confusing and so hard to distinguish our ego vs our intuition? In this episode, we explore the differences between the voice of our ego vs the powerful inner guidance we most often neglect or haven't quite "tapped into". We talk about how to acknowledge the voice of our ego so that we no longer react from a place of fear, insecurity, anger or pain. We will also go into depth on what intuition feels or sound like, and how to create an empowered and beneficial partnership with that...
Published 08/07/20