As humans we love putting "labels" and we love naming things. Because when we label, that thing becomes concrete and easily recognizable, it makes sense. When we name things, inanimate objects like our car, laptop, etc... We create a personal connection and bond with those things we've labeled and given names to. While this may not always be productive for every single aspect of our experience, this technique can be useful when applied to less concrete concepts such as our ego, intuition,...
Published 07/31/20
There is a time and place to take things seriously. However, many of us find ourselves navigating through the shadow side of "seriousness". From taking ourselves too seriously, often getting defensive and upset, to feeling stuck in a spiral of worst-case-scenario, and rumination of feeling angry, sad or helpless. In this episode, we will first talk about how being a "victim" of over-seriousness may show up in our experiences and interactions. We will also discuss a variety of fun practices to...
Published 07/17/20
We reclaim our power when we find spaces to transform from the victim narrative into one that empowers us with gratitude and trust. Every circumstance and event adds to our layers of identity. Empowerment acknowledges and honors what was, without judgement, without clinging. It is a conscious choice, to then examine the wounded parts of us and in what ways it has damaged or kept us from the most connected, empowered and joyful experiences. It is honoring previous versions of ourselves with...
Published 07/10/20
Ever feel like affirmations, visualization or positive thinking just doesn't quite cut it? A crucial aspect of manifesting and creating our dream reality requires us to be courageous and dig even deeper. If you've heard about words like "shadow" or "shadow work" but don't quite know what it means, then listen to this episode! I break down in 4 sections: What is shadow work and why it's important? How it may show up in your daily life? I also give concrete examples of my own shadow, plus...
Published 06/26/20
Have you ever felt tired or stuck in a cycle of self-created suffering or misery? (I know I have) In this episode I wanted to talk about the changes that happen within each of us. It's those moments that force us to examine the ways we've been trapped in our own minds, by conditioning, beliefs, and layers of identity. When we continue to fear and resist the necessary need to shift and grow, then often times we're confronted with hitting rock bottom, and therefore forced to painfully pick up...
Published 06/12/20
Have you ever felt a little nervous when finding out a retrograde is around the corner? We've all heard about how Mercury retrogrades can mess with technology and how you shouldn't travel during its duration, but there is so much more to it. In this episode, I discuss how we can work WITH planetary retrogrades, specifically more in depth exploration with the current Venus retrograde (in Gemini ending on June 25th) and the upcoming Mercury retrograde (in Cancer from June 18th-July 12th)...
Published 05/29/20
Ever find yourself getting heated with a stranger or loved ones over seemingly trivial matters? I know I'm guilty. Many of us have been conditioned into the same reactive patterns of behavior when we feel triggered, insecure, or find the need to defend our identity or righteousness. After a while though, you sense that all the frustration, hurt, and anger we experience not only spill over into our relationships and interactions with others, it may have also become an unbearable layer of...
Published 05/15/20
In this episode, our guest Amanda Prechel imparts some curious and insightful wisdom on how Human Design helps us navigate our decision making, and tap into our own unique potentials with full embrace and acceptance. We discuss Human Design Types, Authority, the 9 Energy Centers, and a bit on the conscious and unconscious gates. So often we look to our external environment and circumstances to seek understanding and fulfillment, but the more we turn inward with curiosity and compassion, the...
Published 05/08/20
#Selfcare has been popularized across social media. But when does self care cross over into self sabotage? How can we navigate the fine line between caring and nurturing ourselves vs simply distractions or avoidance. It is equally if not even more important to discover the joy and fruits of "self work" - not the same as self care. What might self work look like? In this episode, we talk about why it is essential to dig deeper so we may find sustainable, unshakable joy vs temporary and...
Published 05/01/20
Is self love selfish or narcissistic? What does it mean when we hear "you can't love others until you learn to love yourself first?" In this episode, we dive into what self love is NOT, and how might loving ourself show up in our daily lives, actions and intentions. Why is it so important to learn the art of loving yourself and how to step onto the path of self love in a deeper, more compassionate and expanded way. There's no argument that learning about how to love ourselves better is one of...
Published 04/24/20
Almost every culture across time and distance has their own version of beliefs about reincarnation. It is a fascinating concept to think that our souls might continue on even after the death of our physical bodies in this current life time. Though science hasn't caught up to provide 100% proof of afterlife or evidence of reincarnation, WHAT IF we believed it for one moment? Here are some very interesting reincarnation tales and discussion of how it might affect us in this life, if...
Published 04/17/20
We've all been lost yet navigating this new reality of a world pandemic, and staying home during lockdown and self quarantine. There's much uncertainty, and an array of information telling us how we should be, do and feel. in this episode, I want to talk about how you may be feeling these past couple of weeks or months, and how we can bring more acceptance and love into our daily lives. Nothing you do or feel during this time is right or wrong... The most important thing is that we show up...
Published 04/10/20
Here are some truly heart warming stories in the U.S and around the world that showcases the best of humanity, especially in time of crisis. I hope these happy news stories of kindness, generosity, courage and sacrifice brings you a little bit of joy and hope in this time. I am sending you all some warm thoughts. We are all in this together, and if you have any stories you would like to share, please email them to: [email protected] Find us on Facebook: Paths Back to You group //...
Published 03/27/20
Hi everyone, I know most if not all of us have been quarantined and staying home during this covid-19 situation. It has impacted so many people in different ways. If you've been feeling anxious, disconnected or fearful, I hope this meditation will help bring you back to a more grounded and trusting space. We are all in this together, everything is temporary, and you are never alone.
Published 03/23/20
Welcome to our new segment Feel Good Friday! In this episode, I share with you guys several heartwarming, feel good news stories that I found. And YES, one of them is about a stolen therapy goat returned to depressed cow. Also stories about heroic acts, heartwarming animal rescues and more. Be ready for some tears of joy!
Published 03/20/20
In this ep, we will discuss the different ways WHY practicing gratitude can be life changing (so get excited), and HOW you can start to incorporate feeling grateful everyday. Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions, and why not start today to build a solid foundation and step back in your most powerful self.
Published 03/12/20
What a better way to start than talking about the Law of Attraction and what are some things that may be getting in your way of your successful manifestation story? We will dive a bit deeper than usual, and in 5 steps, we will take a look at the different school of thought on manifesting, discuss what may be blocking you, and how you can begin to powerfully manifest all the good things and vibes into your life.
Published 03/12/20