General Smedley Butler
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Speaking of brutal Nicaraguan dictator Somoza, Harry Truman is  supposed to have said “He’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard.” This quote  is attributed to Truman, FDR, and Nixon. This is a broad chronological  range, because there were actually three Somozas: Anastasio Somoza  Garcia, who fathered Luis Somoza Debayle and Anastasio Somoza Debayle,   the Somoza dynasty that ruled Nicaragua from the mid 1930s through the  late 1970s. The Marines invaded Nicaragua in 1912 and stayed until 1933, fighting  but never defeating the revolutionary Augusto Sandino. They created the  Nicaraguan National Guard and installed Anastasio Somoza Garcia in  power. Then Sandino, who had signed a truce and put down his arms, was  assassinated by Somoza. In 1935, General Smedley Butler, who led the Marines into Nicaragua, said: “[I was] a high class muscle man  for big business, for Wall Street and for the banks. In short, I was a  racketeer for capitalism – I helped purify Nicaragua for [an]  international banking house.”
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I just saw on YouTube an interview to Bjarne Stroustrup. Stroustrup began developing C++ in 1979 (then called “C with Classes”),  and, in his own words, “invented C++, wrote its early definitions, and  produced its first implementation… chose and formulated the design  criteria for C++, designed...
Published 11/12/19
Published 11/12/19
A US army manual says, fair enough, that terror is the calculated use of  violence or the threat of violence to attain political or religious  ideological goals through intimidation,coercion, or instilling fear.  That’s terrorism. If you take a look at the definition of Low-Intensity Warfare,...
Published 11/05/19