Happy 100th Episode of Pet Parents Pod! In honor of that, we finally did it--Heath and Danielle pulled the trigger on the Dog DNA tests! We discuss Roux and Mishka as well as Kipp's experience with PetSmart's Puppy Plan DNA test. Enjoy our fun episode!   Mishka's profile: http://embk.me/mishka369?utm_campaign=cns_ref_dog_pub_profile&utm_medium=other&utm_source=embark  Roux's profile:...
Published 09/12/22
This week we do fun and exciting world of travel Cats. Trucker cats, hiker cats, stroller cats, harness cats and car cats. Let's talk about how some take their cats on the road with them and what you can look for if you're interested in the same.   Sources:  https://catexplorer.co/discussion-topics-about-cats  https://www.whyanimalsdothething.com/harness-train-your-cat  https://catexplorer.co/stories-posts/travel-cat-litter-tray-ideas  ...
Published 09/05/22
This week on Pet Parents Pod, we enter the world of games. Danielle has played a bittersweet animal game about a cute fox family in the end of days of a dying planet. Join us for an adventure in the game Endling: Extinction is Forever.    Sources:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/herobeat-studios  https://jgeekstudies.org/2022/01/24/facing-extinction-in-endling/  https://unwinnable.com/2020/06/10/endling-extinction-is-forever/
Published 08/29/22
This week at the movies we watch and discuss a 1993 hit about three house pets and their Incredible Journey through the wilderness. Homeward Bound, a classic from our childhoods.    Sources:  https://screenrant.com/homeward-bound-incredible-journey-remake-changes-1963/  https://d23.com/did-you-know-8-incredible-facts-about-homeward-bound-the-incredible-journey/  https://oregonconfluence.com/2020/04/07/adventures-on-set-bruce-lawson-on-homeward-bound-the-incredible-journey/...
Published 08/22/22
Hear! Hear! Hear all about it! We have happy and uplifting stories of cats saving a restaurant, everyone's favorite Star Trek captain helping pittbulls, a hero cat that saves a baby, and many more Pawsitive Animal Stories. Check out the Cat Train Ramen shop @diorama_syokudou on Instagram Sources: https://www.boredpanda.com/stray-cats-saved-diorama-restaurant-japan-naoki-teraoka/?utm_source=com.google.android&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic ...
Published 08/15/22
TRIGGER WARNING! We are discussing pets and animals in active war zones. Danielle thought it would be a good idea to at least discuss the hardships and conviction of people who try to help animals in conflict zones so please join us for this bitter sweet episode. It truly shows that even in the darkest situations, people are good and will risk their lives to take care of animals.    If you are able and would like to donate to causes that help support animals in conflict zones, we are...
Published 08/08/22
This week, um, trigger warning? We talk about the history of animals in warfare. What animals did we decide were suited for it? What could go wrong? Join us on this history episode! Danielle promises it is not totally depressing.   Sources:  https://www.thecollector.com/animals-used-in-war/  https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/15-animals-that-went-to-war
Published 08/02/22
This week we talk about our vacations. Kipp and Charlie take a hike and make a small miscalculation. Heath and Danielle take trips with their dogs and learn how versatile dog poop bags can be.
Published 07/26/22
This week we talk about Mishka and Roux's vicious domestics. Time to air out the drama of the how they started beef. Heath and Danielle share their fails at trying to get their dogs to be friends with their family's dogs. Lessons learn and hopefully this will help you make better choices and not have to just sit in it.  Source: https://wagurtaildogtraining.com/dominance-in-dogs-recognizing-dominant-behavior/  https://www.thesprucepets.com/how-to-stop-dog-aggression-1118229
Published 07/18/22
Charles has grown into a man and decided he needs to explore the world. Kipp is now in a battle of wits trying to keep him in the yard. Does your dog escape? Would you like to hear about the how, why, and what to do with your Houdini dog? Well then, join us to discuss the next great dog escape.  P.S. Charlie is fine and not lost. Sources: https://iheartdogs.com/is-your-dog-an-escape-artist-try-these-tips-to-keep-them-home-safe/  https://topdogtips.com/escape-artist-dog-breeds/
Published 07/11/22
Happy July 4th! We say that for the sake of festivity, but it's okay to have complicated feelings about the US when you want better for it. In honor of our home country's birthday, we are bringing you the story of a true war hero, Cher Ami. She was a proud, fast, courageous and noble Pigeon. Let us dispel the misconception of these rats with wings. Pigeons are smart, tough and speedy birds and their role in WW1 saved so many lives. This is the story of how one bird saved the Lost...
Published 07/04/22
This week we go on the morbid side of life as we discuss the realities of growing older as humans and what it means to care for pets in old age. Join us as we stare into the future.  Source: https://petsfortheelderly.org/  https://www.fearfreehappyhomes.com/keeping-pets-with-seniors-who-love-them/?gclid=CjwKCAjwtcCVBhA0EiwAT1fY7wnxKA2piFlg9IF4yJMcT_8CcdbMutMkwIXm9N2m3Yo1ZoFViyM5xRoCVgAQAvD_BwE  https://www.techenhancedlife.com/citizen-research/robotic-pets-dementia-patients-our-experiences
Published 06/27/22
This week we prepare for the impending day of horror for animals. The 4th of July approaches and our resident public safety professional is going to give us the do's and don't's of this holiday. Also, small warning - we were recording at Kipp's home during a thunder storm so please excuse the background noise. Consider it ambiance if you personally enjoy a chill day inside during a storm. Sources: ...
Published 06/21/22
Trigger Warning to gross medical stuff because we are talking about Urinary Tract Infections! There will be discussion of urine, blood, bacteria and more. Sources: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/urinary-tract-infections-utis-in-dogs  https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/urinary-tract-infections-uti-in-dogs/  https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/urology-renal-medicine/urinary-tract-infections-in-dogs/  https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/struvite-bladder-stones-in-dogs
Published 06/13/22
We are learning about a famous dog, Rin Tin Tin. He was a war orphan from France who made his bones in Hollywood! This good boy was a strong silent thespian of the stage and the first dog star of film! Sources: https://americacomesalive.com/the-story-of-rin-tin-tin-2/  https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/rin-tin-tin-the-famous-dog.html  https://americanhistory.si.edu/blog/world-war-i-story-n%C3%A9nette-and-rintintin 
Published 06/06/22
Trigger Warning of animal abuse and worse. We are discussing animals trainers and animals in film via the history of the good folks at the American Humane Association who work to provide rights to animals used in film. Join us as we learn about how we got to the accurate disclaimer "no animals were harmed in the making of this film". Sources: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/careers/getting-started/2018/08/14/sled-reynolds-how-became-animal-trainer-film-tv/973306002/...
Published 05/31/22
This week the temperatures are rising so the pet parents discuss how pets handle the heat and cold. That's right, weather safety folks! What do our furry and feathered friends need to beat the heat and bundle up for the winter? Sources: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/keep-pets-safe heat https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/news/keeping-pets-safe-cold-weather  https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/hot-weather-safety-tips  ...
Published 05/23/22
This week we walk on the wild side. Kipp takes us on a journey to the Outback for the very cool wild dogs known as Dingos. These animals are very interesting. So interesting, in fact, we turn into a true crime podcast for half an episode. Join us for the Crimanimal Parent's Pod backdoor pilot. Sources: A detailed picture of the origin of the Australian dingo, obtained from the study of mitochondrial DNA - Peter Savolainen, Thomas Leitner, Alan N. Wilton, +1 , Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith, and...
Published 05/16/22
This week we are pawsitive the FIV and FeLV kitties deserve a good home and a chance at a fulfilling life! We answer the hard questions. What is FIV? What is FeLV? Can I catch it from my cat? Is this a death sentence? What can we do to help our kitties live happy, healthy and long lives? Sources: https://www.fotasaiken.org/feline-fiv-is-a-virus-not-a-death-sentence/  https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/feline-immunodeficiency-virus-infection  ...
Published 05/09/22
This week we are moo-ving into the country, the farmlands full of fowl, bovine and goats! Van comes back to give us an overview of different barnyard animals he has grown up with.
Published 05/02/22
Ever wondered if sibling rivalry was a thing pets experience? Or maybe being an only child always appealed to you. Well, this week we discuss dogs having issues with littermates and cats needing a friend! Sources: https://meowcatrescue.org/resources/adoption-considerations/single-kitten-syndrome/ Humane Society of West Michigan - Single Kitten Syndrome flyer ...
Published 04/26/22
This week we stay totally focused on the topic of pet tech. We definitely don't spend the opening discussing cars....nope. Three fully focused humans on topic all the time. Microchips, tracking devices and cameras! All for the animals.
Published 04/18/22
Okay, folks, we are here with special guest star, April. Danielle's sister is back to provide holiday drama, emergency vet visits and a firsthand experience of a scary but funnily named condition. We are talking about a serious condition called Bloat, or as scientists say - Gastric Dilatation Volvulus or GDV.   Check out April on Instagram: @mojobymoonsage   Sources: https://www.acvs.org/small-animal/gastric-dilatation-volvulus
Published 04/11/22
We continue in our trip to Costa Rica with a look into the world's largest animal sanctuary, Territorio de Zaguates. The land of the strays was founded by Lya Battle and Alvaro Saumet. We watched a Netflix documentary 'Dogs' which had an episode called, 'Territorio de Zaguates' for most of this episode's information. Run with the dogs and learn about this daunting and impressive undertaking, the least evil option these two compassionate people could make. All Zaguates deserve a loving home...
Published 04/05/22
This week we journey to the misty mountain tops of Costa Rica called Monteverde, a very special cloud forest that has the magic of nature and more importantly - animals! Many unique and cool creatures call this place home including wild felines, birds and a new trash cat to love! Sources: https://www.monteverdeinfo.com/cloud-forests  https://www.monteverdeinfo.com/tours/monteverde-cloud-forest-reserve  https://www.thewildlifediaries.com/wildlife-watching-in-monteverde/
Published 03/28/22