Have your ever seen a dog dragging their foot? Heard them scraping their nails? Or even witnessed them actually standing or walking on the tops of their feet? Listen to Cathy and Chris talk about knuckling - what is it, why it happens, and what to do about it. This episode focuses on anti-knuckling devices - maybe something you've never considered, but should know about if you have a dog - or cat. They cover everything from anti-knuckling devices themselves to exercises to help arm you with...
Published 07/25/23
Cathy and Chris pick the brain of Diane Dewberry about flower essences and how they are used to rid our pets of emotional trauma and bring them back into balance. Safe for ALL animals, including people, learn how these gentle, yet powerful, essences may help your pets with such things as anxiety, grief, and behavioral issues. What are flower essences and how are they used?What conditions are commonly treated with flower essences?How are flower essences administered and dosed? How does one...
Published 07/11/23
Ticks are everywhere! Ticks carry bacteria that cause diseases, most notably Lyme Disease. Listen to our esteemed guests from Merck Animal Health, Kathryn Duncan, DVM, PhD, DACVM, an expert in parasitology, and Laura Greene, DVM, DACVIM, an expert in internal medicine, as they educate us about what we need to know. They lend their individual expertise to discuss the following and more: How Lyme Disease is transmitted;The common signs and symptoms to look for;How Lyme Disease is diagnosed;The...
Published 06/27/23
Listen to Kathy Keenan, MS, DVM, explain yet another exciting advancement in veterinary medicine called Renal Replacement Therapy. This life-saving treatment is done for cats and dogs with many conditions including acute kidney failure, immune-mediated diseases, cancer, toxin ingestion, and drug overdoses. Renal Replacement Therapy treats the pets blood by filtering the blood in a specialized machine and then replacing the healthier blood back into the body. Sedation is required to ensure the...
Published 06/13/23
How do you know if a home laser therapy device is good or not? PetAbility invited Alon Landa, CEO of MedcoVet, to help us discern the good from the not-so-good light therapy devices available today. The laser (also known as light) therapy market is very competitive and navigating the marketing of a device, as well as comparing specs between devices can feel overwhelming. Home laser therapy is beneficial on so many levels, but can also be intimidating for the owner without proper education and...
Published 05/30/23
Just because a dog is wearing a muzzle does not mean they are a bad dog! Listen to professional dog trainer, Laura Gendron, CPDT-KA, LFDM, FFCP, dispel the stigma associated with muzzle wearing by educating us about muzzle positivity! Laura shares a plethora of reasons why muzzling is beneficial such as during medical recovery (an alternative to the "cone of shame"), preventing the ingestion of inappropriate objects like rocks, and the ability to safely forge new friendships. Laura discusses...
Published 05/16/23
Our conversation with pet photographer, Fred Levy, uncovers the unique challenges of photographing pets. We discuss what differentiates a professional photo from those smartphone pics we snap on an almost daily basis, tips for getting the right shot with your own pet, and why everyone should consider professional pet photos at various stages of their pet's lives. Additionally, Fred discusses his infamous The Black Dogs Project  that sheds light on "black dog syndrome", which suggests that...
Published 05/02/23
If your dog has ever had a seizure, you should listen to this. If your dog has never had a seizure, you should listen to this. The truth is that approximately one in ten dogs will experience a seizure in their lifetime. Listen as Gena Sliver, MS, DVM, DACVIM, explains everything from the various types of seizures to what can cause a seizure to what we can do both during a seizure and over time to manage a seizure disorder. As a veterinary neurologist, seizures are among the top three reasons...
Published 04/18/23
Write it down! Often times when it comes to things we need for our pets, we have to create them ourselves, like the old adage "necessity is the mother of invention" implies. This is exactly what Erin Scott, self-proclaimed dog mom, did when she created the electronic Dog Health Journal. This practical, informative  guide facilitates keeping track of all of your dog's information in one place: diet, meds, changes in behavior, it's all in there.  You can record vet visits, vaccination records,...
Published 04/04/23
Whether you have an exotic pet or don't even know what exotics are, you will be entertained and educated as you listen to expert storyteller Dr. Doug share his adventures of treating exotic animals for over 30 years. From parrots to primates and snakes to alligators, he's done it all with great passion. We discuss what attracts some of us to exotic pets, the ubiquitous human-animal bond, and the unique challenges of exotic veterinary medicine. Dr. Doug, a world-renowned veterinarian of...
Published 03/21/23
Bringing your pet to the vet can be a stress-inducing blur! Listen as Chris and Cathy share suggestions to best prepare for your pet's trip to the vet and get the most out of your visit. They cover everything from what to do before leaving your home, providing helpful tips to maximize efficiency and managing expectations during the visit, and helping to ensure that you remember not only what happened, but why tests or treatments were done when you leave the appointment. Bottom line is trust...
Published 03/07/23
Listen as Phoebe Hart takes us on her journey with Hugo, her endearing, 12 y.o., mixed breed rescue that was diagnosed 1.5 years ago with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), a neurological disease with no known cure that causes progressive paralysis. Phoebe shares her reaction when she learned of Hugo's diagnosis. She stresses the importance of not panicking, but rather processing, as she assembled a care team that supports both Hugo and herself. Phoebe also discusses  the resources, equipment and...
Published 02/21/23
Who has one of the coolest jobs ever? Our vote goes to Bethany Brown, founder of the Saco River Wildlife Sanctuary in Maine in 2015. Listen as Bethany shares tales of rehabilitating all kinds of critters, including racoons, foxes, opossums, skunks, porcupines, squirrels, coyotes, fisher cats and even bats! The Sanctuary takes in over 800  animals annually (and ever-growing) with the goal of setting them free in their natural habitat once healthy. Bethany educates us about what to do if we...
Published 02/07/23
Dubbed by some as "The Mother of Canine Rehabilitation," it was an honor having Laurie McCauley, DVM, DACVSMR, CCRT, CVA, CVC, on our show to discuss how each of us has the ability to improve our dog's health and longevity through exercise. It's not hard as long as you know a few basics, like the type  of exercise to use to achieve specific goals for your dog's body AND brain. Listen and learn: When is my dog geriatric?What happens to my dog's body and brain with aging? How can I positively...
Published 01/24/23
Returning guest, Beth Innis, DVM, CVA, CVCHM, CCRT, CVSMT, discusses how the use of Eastern and Western veterinary medicine complement each other to provide more treatment options for our pets. Dr. Innis gives examples of each philosophy and how the integration can enhance the effect of the other. She also takes us on her career journey to her current mode of practice. In the U.S. we often think of Eastern medicine as "alternative" and Western medicine as "conventional," but Dr. Innis...
Published 01/10/23
Look for our survey link in 2023 on the PetAbility web page, our socials, and episode show notes for your chance to win $100 Amazon gift card!! When it comes to itchy ears, this perceived annoyance can quickly turn into a veterinary emergency. Itchy ears caused by allergies, is a VERY common problem in our pets and  one of the most frustrating issues to deal with. Left unaddressed, yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites, debris, and water in the ear can lead to infections, severe pain, and...
Published 12/27/22
Love of a pet inevitably turns to grief upon their passing. We each struggle to fill the hole in our hearts that they leave behind. This show discusses how an end-of-life photography session may help memorialize and celebrate our pet’s life.  Listen as Lauren Kennedy shares the story of how her offer of taking photographs of a dog at the end of its life became a world-wide network of over 1,000 photographers offering these same services, often for free. The Tilly Project, named after Lauren’s...
Published 12/13/22
Do you think that your pet may have issues in their tissues? Listen as Samantha Hankey, CVT, describes the therapeutic value of massage for our pets for a variety of conditions, including anxiety. Although small animal massage is gaining much popularity, Sam shares the importance of credentialing and what to look for if you feel that massage may help your dog, cat, or even rabbit! She has gleaned many insights during her years of practice and reveals some of the unique and unexpected benefits...
Published 11/29/22
Listen to expert Terri Bright , Ph. D., BCBA-D, CAAB, tell us stories of animal behavior analysis, its history and use in the veterinary clinic.  She studies the "why" when it comes to animal behavior: what happened before the behavior (the antecedent), what does the actual behavior look like, and what is the consequence? She explains how this is different than behavior modification or training while using specific methodologies to change behavior, such as aggression. Dr. Bright shares many...
Published 11/15/22
Should my pet get a ramp or steps to help him onto the bed? This a question that Cathy and Chris get asked all the time. Listen as they debate the pros and cons of each option to help you determine what is best for your pet. They cover what specifications to look for and offer some suggestions for making your own. In the end, they agreed that what is ideal for one pet or situation may not be for another. Listen to Chris and Cathy hash out the factors that every pet owner should consider when...
Published 11/01/22
This is the hippest show we've launched to date! Why?  Because it covers a very common type of hip surgery called an FHO (Femoral Head and neck Ostectomy) used to treat a variety of hip issues from traumatic injuries to severe arthritis caused by such conditions as hip dysplasia. Listen to Kechia Davis, DVM, DACVS, describe the anatomy of the hip, the surgery itself, the immediate post-op period and particular benefits of physical rehabilitation, and the ultimate goal of return to normal...
Published 10/18/22
The only thing shocking about Shock Wave Therapy is how well it works! Listen as Jennifer Vitucci DVM, CCRP, tells us what Shock Wave Therapy is, how it works in the body, the candidates and conditions it is indicated to treat, and the results to be expected. Simply put, Shock Wave therapy is a painless, non-invasive, cost-effective modality that uses sound waves to help your dog or cat to feel better and heal in 1-3 treatments .  To find Dr. Vitucci and learn more about ShockWave therapy...
Published 10/04/22
Have you ever wondered how dogs think or problem-solve? Listen as Dr. Emily Bray gives insights to these very topics! She researches canine cognition, or how dogs acquire, store, and use information. She explains how cognition is different from temperament or intelligence, yet each influences the other.  Dr. Bray studies everything from impulse control to detecting warning signs of cognitive decline to the ability for dogs to read human cues to the influence of maternal styles on the future...
Published 09/20/22
We've all been there... it's the middle of the night on the Friday of a holiday weekend and your beloved pet is suddenly very ill... and you're on vacation! You're worried sick that she won't make it through the night, you are stressed trying to console her, and you have no idea where the closest veterinary emergency center is or if it's even open. This scenario and others like it occur more often than we care to think. Did you know there is now an app called the Minson's Guide to Veterinary...
Published 09/06/22
Chris Cranston, MPT, CCRP, as both a Physical Therapist and a Small Animal Rehabilitationist, often hears, "I didn't know there is Physical Therapy for dogs," quickly followed by, "What conditions do you treat? And how do you do it?" The truth is that the techniques used for people (manual therapies, therapeutic exercises, modalities, education) and expected outcomes (decreased pain, improved function, increased strength, restored motion) are very similar for animals. Practically anything...
Published 08/23/22