Professor Sir John Pendry assesses recent developments in the field of transformation optics – the science behind invisibility cloaks. (Extract 4 of 5 from the Imperial College Podcast 22 August 2012)
Published 08/21/12
Professor Pendry talks about the latest research in transformation optics and how this theory can be used to make better airport security scanners, state-of-the-art microscopes, non-invasive medical scanners and cancer killing devices
Published 08/08/12
Professor Zulfikar Najmudin shows how lasers and plasmas may herald the future for particle accelerators in his inaugural lecture
Published 07/18/12
Professor Jim Virdee looks at how the Large Hadron Collider is addressing some of the most fundamental questions about the origin, evolution and composition of our universe.
Published 07/05/12
In her inaugural lecture Professor Fay Dowker asks how can we realise the full potential of relativity and quantum theory?
Published 07/02/12
Professor Konstantin Novoselov talks about his Nobel Prize winning discovery graphene, and what the future holds for it in the 2012 Kohn Award Lecture
Published 03/22/12
Faulty wiring appears to be responsible for an apparent violation of the universe’s speed limit observed by scientists in Italy last year. (Extract 2 of 5 from the Imperial College Podcast 29 February 2012)
Published 02/28/12
Dr Mark Richards explains how pupils in Brighton are helping Imperial scientists monitor air pollution around their schools.
Published 02/08/12
Imperial scientists gather air pollution data with the help of Brighton school children
Published 02/02/12
Last year ended with promising results from the Large Hadron Collider, but Professor Jordan Nash is keeping the champagne on ice. (Extract 1 of 5 from the Imperial College Podcast 18 January 2012)
Published 01/17/12
Imperial theoretical physicist Professor Jerome Gauntlett discusses the preliminary results from the Large Hadron Collider and how the ongoing search for the Higgs Boson may change following this week's announcement
Published 12/14/11
Imperial physicist Dr Jonathan Hays works at the CMS particle detector of the Large Hadron Collider. He discusses the news this week of preliminary new results that point to the existence of the elusive Higgs boson.
Published 12/14/11
Imperial physicists explain how the European space missions they're working on will get up close and personal with the Sun, and give us a glimpse of the nascent universe.
Published 11/01/11
Imperial physicist Professor Steve Warren talks about amazing power of Euclid to capture maps of the sky, and discusses what we can learn about dark matter and the early universe by measuring light with its deep-space camera
Published 10/25/11
Imperial physicists Professor Tim Horbury and Helen O'Brien show off their prototype kit for the European Space Agency's Solar Orbiter mission and explain why it won't be possible to send a manned mission to the sun just yet
Published 10/25/11
Podcast presenter Gareth Mitchell passes the time with particle physicist Professor Jordan Nash and asks what item of clothing he would eat if it turns out neutrinos really travel faster than light
Published 10/13/11
A film about scientists. Professor Stephen Curry interviews six different scientists to find how how they got interested and what drives them in their life and work.
Published 09/19/11
Martin Archer is a DJ Physicist. By night he's dropping tunes on his evening show on Kiss FM. By day he works at Imperial College London as a PhD Space Plasma Physicist.
Published 07/21/11
Take a tour of high-speed measurement technology that provides startling insight into the world around us, from electrons to galloping horses. Professor John Tisch delivers his inaugural lecture. Recorded at Imperial College London on 22 July 2011
Published 06/29/11
Professor Tejinder Virdee talks about the CMS experiment currently being conducted at CERN
Published 06/29/11
In the first of two reports from the Cheltenham Science Festival, Simon Levey speaks to Professor Tejinder Virdee about why the Large Hadron Collider might be considered the greatest scientific achievement of the last 10 years.
Published 06/28/11
What you learnt in physics wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. Light can behave in amazing ways with extraordinary consequences. Professor Martin McCall presents his inaugural lecture, held on 2 March 2011.
Published 03/23/11
Tejinder Virdee on what the biggest experiment on Earth can tell us about the building blocks of the universe.
Published 02/25/11
Brian May explains why he swapped his guitar for a telescope to chase zodiacal dust.
Published 02/25/11
Physicist Russell Cowburn on anti-counterfeiting technology that reads the 'fingerprint' of objects such as paper.
Published 02/25/11