GI Hemorrhage
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Welcome to PICU Doc On Call, A Podcast Dedicated to Current and Aspiring Intensivists. I'm Pradip Kamat I'm Rahul Damania, a third-year PICU fellow. I’m Kate Phelps, a second-year PICU fellow and we are all coming to you from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Emory University School of Medicine, joining Pradip and Rahul today. Welcome to our episode, where will be discussing gastrointestinal bleeding. Kate: Let’s start with a case: A 4-year-old, previously healthy male presents to the emergency room after a large, bloody stool at home. He notably had an episode of dark emesis and an episode of blood-tinged emesis on the day prior. In triage, he is altered and unable to answer questions coherently. Initial vital signs are temperature 36.1 C, RR 24, HR 146, BP 110/54. Point-of-care labs show hemoglobin to be 5.1 with hematocrit 15. His venous blood gas is reassuring against respiratory disease, and he is in no respiratory distress. Further labs are sent and a massive transfusion protocol is initiated before transfer to the PICU. Before arrival in the PICU, he receives two aliquots of RBCs, 1 aliquot of FFP, and 1 aliquot of platelets. Additional labs are sent from the PICU, post-transfusion. His post-transfusion hemoglobin is 8.8. Other labs are notable for normal MCV, elevated total bilirubin to 4.1 (with direct component 3.4), and elevated AST and ALT to 309 and 495 respectively. Rahul: To summarize key elements from this case, this patient has: An undifferentiated gastrointestinal bleed with both hematemesis and hematochezia.He has symptomatic anemia, as evidenced by tachycardiaAltered mental status.He is initially stabilized via transfusion of several blood products and liver function labs are shown to be very abnormal — which we will get more into later! PK: Let’s get into important parts of the history and physical. Kate, can you tell me what some key history items in this patient are — and what are some areas to make sure to touch on when a patient has a GI bleed? Kate: Yeah! I’d love to. First - in our patient, some important elements are his rather acute onset. His parents mention he has had one day of bleeding symptoms - first with emesis yesterday, with components of old, partially digested blood, as well as some fresh blood. Second, he has a frankly bloody stool at home. Given his clinical instability, history taking was probably limited at first, so it’s important to ask follow-up questions and really dig into the case after stabilization! I like to put my questions about gastrointestinal bleeding into buckets based on the questions I need to answer. I need to answer: is this active bleeding or old blood? Is this slow, insidious bleeding or fast, life-threatening bleeding? Is this an upper GI bleed or a lower GI bleed? Bright red blood in emesis tells us that bleeding is active, whereas coffee-ground or dark emesis tells us that, while recent, the blood has been partially digested in the stomach and may not be ongoing. Similarly, melena (dark, tarry stool), tells us blood has come through the colon. While coffee-ground emesis and melena don’t rule out an active bleed, they do tell us the bleeding may be slower, as large volume, active bleedy is irritating to the stomach and gastrointestinal tracks and moves through the system quickly. The next question I want to answer is: what is the cause of this bleed? Easy bruising, petechiae and mucosal bleeding may point to a coagulation disorder. Abdominal cramping, frequent stooling, and weight loss may point to inflammatory bowel disease. Past medical history, family history, and a thorough review of systems are key here. Rahul: Yeah, that’s great! Let’s talk about your question of upper GI vs lower GI bleed. First, a definition: an upper GI...
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