In this episode, you will discover 4 steps to implement minimally invasive foot surgery at your office-based surgery suite.
Published 08/19/21
Welcome to the Season 2 of The Podiatry Profits Podcast!! Let me explain the concept of "momentum" in entrepreneurship in this episode!! It's a simple concept yet powerful to help you scale and grow your practice~!
Published 08/11/21
In this episode, I invited one of my top clients, Dr. Helene Nguyen. We had a great conversation talking about MIFAS, podiatry, and hybrid concierge model practice.
Published 06/09/21
How would you select a great medical niche for your concierge model practice? Find out in this episode!
Published 05/27/21
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn shares how the people around you can affect your practice and what to do about it.
Published 05/18/21
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn explores how to create a lean and mean private practice.
Published 05/12/21
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn shares 4 motivating factors that keep you going as an entrepreneur. Which one of these 4 motivates you the most? What are some pitfalls you need to watch out for? Find out in the episode!
Published 05/06/21
In this episode, I share my real story of how I came to the USA and why it is important for me to share this story with you. If you are struggling in adapting to the new healthcare and not sure how to pivot, this episode may give you motivation to do so.
Published 04/21/21
Do you want to know why I love MIS? I will show you why in this episode. With MIS, you will increase your profit margin 10X while working less.
Published 04/13/21
What are common traits between successful entrepreneurs and strong working-line german shepherds? You will find out in this episode~🐕
Published 04/07/21
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn will help you tame the fear in your personal life and business.
Published 03/30/21
Why should you look into a hybrid concierge model practice? Dr. TJ Ahn gives you real-life reasons in this episode.
Published 03/17/21
Do you want to learn how to cope with feeling overwhelmed in your personal and business life? Dr. TJ Ahn shares very practical steps to bust the feeling of overwhelm!!
Published 03/10/21
What if there's a way for you to see fewer patients, make more money, and have more command over your time and energy? In this podcast, you'll learn 3 proven ways that you can use to increase your practice profits today.
Published 03/03/21
Don't get discouraged by this gloomy title! In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn will give you a clear layout of your game plan to get you out of this death spiral of the current healthcare system.
Published 02/24/21
In this special interview, Dr. Hartley Miltchin shares his wisdom in building a successful concierge model podiatry practice specializing in minimally invasive foot surgery in Toronto, Canada.
Published 02/10/21
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn explores the subject of mindset. Do you want to hear how to have a positive mindset to trigger all the good things coming to you? You will love this episode!!
Published 02/03/21
Let's find out what "organic" social media marketing is, why it is important, and how it will help you generate more new patients from Facebook (for FREE)!!
Published 01/26/21
Do you want to find out how you can implement minimally invasive foot surgery effectively? Discover 3 most important steps to achieve this!!
Published 01/20/21
Let's set your goals for 2021 and Dr. TJ Ahn will help you execute them in this episode!!
Published 01/07/21
Did you know there is an ethically persuasive way to communicate with your patients during the consultation? This episode may surprise you if you have been implementing the traditional way of taking history & physical as a physician.
Published 12/16/20
Special interview with Dr. Sev Hrywnak, DPM, MD, JD!! He predicts where podiatry is heading in 2021 and beyond.
Published 12/02/20
In this episode, Dr. TJ Ahn interviews Dr. Beth Pearce who is the director of MIS Foot Surgery Board Certification by ABMSP (American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry).
Published 11/11/20
Do you want to be the most sought-after podiatrist in your community? You need to adapt to a new environment with minimally invasive foot surgery and Dr. TJ Ahn shows you the exact steps in this episode!
Published 10/28/20
I am revealing how humans learn new skills in 4 phases. You will accel your learning processes when you understand these. You don't want to know these, do you?
Published 10/21/20