plot of story I wrote ages ago in exercise books nearly 20 years ago may rewrite.
Published 11/26/20
a poem by me
Published 11/25/20
a funny doctor who rewrite of poe's poem the raven
Published 11/25/20
a short story by me
Published 11/25/20
a talking-heads style story by me
Published 11/25/20
Fiction is the truth inside the lie.—Stephen King quote inspired the piece
Published 11/25/20
Published 11/22/20
the process of writing
Published 11/22/20
My process of writing a poem or story in a poem form
Published 11/22/20
Published 11/22/20
a poem completed version
Published 11/17/20
a poem
Published 11/17/20
poem about highwaymen
Published 11/16/20
a poem of dick turpin and tom king highwaymen of old
Published 11/16/20
a poem
Published 11/11/20
Published 11/11/20
a short story 206 words Image Credit: Pinterest, "Anne Stokes Fantasy Art " view here https://ap-pics2.gotpoem.com/ap-pics/contest/2764/767.jpg?bb8eeea28a36dfc
Published 11/11/20
A Blackadder poem
Published 11/11/20
a shark attack poem
Published 11/11/20
title edgar allan poe quote
Published 11/09/20
humorous piece about the pied currawong
Published 11/09/20
poem Prompt The air is of silver and pearl, the night is liquid with moonlight. (Willa Cather, The Collected Works of Willa Cather) this version
Published 11/07/20
Poem's Prompt The air is of silver and pearl, the night is liquid with moonlight. (Willa Cather, The Collected Works of Willa Cather)
Published 11/07/20
The air is of silver and pearl, the night is liquid with moonlight. (Willa Cather, The Collected Works of Willa Cather) a poem by me based on that quote
Published 11/07/20
a poem
Published 11/07/20