Ellen and Erika discuss how the last five months have been, and our theme for season 2: beauty under the lens of sexuality and identity. It's everything mating, monogamy, masculinity, matriarchy, and meaning, as well as talking to the highs and lows of running a business in the ever-evolving sex space. As a tangent, we discuss current influencer pricing models and whether it’s possible to calculate ROI.
Published 04/19/23
We discuss how growing up in Australia in the 90's and attending an all girls school drove a certain kind of defiance against convention. We look at the differences between teens now and 15 years ago, going grey at 30, seeing ourselves the way other people see us, and the conflict of feeling comfortable internally but not in front of a camera. We talk to her role as designer of Jewellery brand Cleopatra's Bling, about beauty as an action or a manifestation in what we do - our careers - as...
Published 03/09/23
We discuss growing up in Germany without access to a shade range, the pros and cons of having an internet persona, the stereotypes and systems at play for women and queer individuals in comedy, and the joys of a simple makeup and skincare routine.
Published 02/28/23
We discuss the influence of an anti-beauty mother, the physical and emotional journey of experiencing cystic acne and using makeup as a crutch, how dating in your 30s impacts your sense of self, interrogating why we consider anti-wrinkle products in our 20s, and the exciting but exhausting role of being a fashion editor and writer. 
Published 02/22/23
We talk about the importance of personal values and being stubborn in the beauty industry. How no product is a must-have, Gemma’s reputation for being difficult, and accepting you can’t make everyone happy.
Published 02/15/23
We discuss the concept of choosing when to blend in or stand out, the pressures of conventional beauty vs natural skincare (is it all just a lie?), whether trends becoming mainstream are in fact a good thing, and the impact of a mother's projection of beauty.
Published 02/08/23
We talk about the magic of our industry, or lack thereof at present. Does meaning matter anymore? How the business of beauty is as interesting as the expression of identity, and the often exhausting expectations of being a founder.
Published 02/01/23
We discuss the influence of growing up in a Christian family, how beauty can feel artificial especially when comparing yourself to everyone else, why we ultimately have the choice to choose our own unique expression of self, and the internal debate of whether or not to start an only fans account.
Published 01/26/23
We discuss the journey of exploring, finding, losing, and reconnecting with your highest, evolving self. How relational support and being your own healer requires being brutally honest with yourself, and why sometimes you need to look in the mirror and be your own therapist.
Published 01/18/23
We talk with Jenna Holmes, Founder of Plant Mama, Pasta Club, and P Mami, about her casual approach to beauty: her mother's influence, her experience with getting older, her challenges with being in the public eye, how her ADHD diagnosis has helped her understand herself,  and finally, accepting the evolving parts of herself with and without makeup.
Published 01/11/23
We chat openly with Erin Deering, Co-founder of Triangl, about her relationship to beauty: her exploration of injectables and the process of altering and undoing it all; as well as her experience and learnings across business and motherhood.
Published 01/04/23
Ellen and Erika discuss the year that’s been: one of experimenting, learning, growing, tiring, and ultimately feeling energised for what’s next. What exactly is that for Fluff? Listen and find out. 
Published 12/21/22
We’re talking to Ellen, Fluff’s Head of Brand, about her relationship to beauty: her confusion around identity, the influence of location and circumstance, and how she has accepted its evolving nature. And finally, the role that Fluff has played.
Published 12/07/22
We're talking about Erika's relationship to beauty: how she thinks it's changed over time and specific influences including work and relationships, why she started Fluff, and how the business influences her personal choices around makeup and consumption.
Published 11/23/22