We travelled the streets of Los Angeles for the 109th episode of Producing Unscripted. Well, we went a couple of exits down the 101, where we met with this week’s guest, the multitalented Roger Nygard. Roger has edited on many highly acclaimed television series, including Grey’s Anatomy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Veep (for which he’s earned an Emmy nomination). He’s also a successful documentarian, with box office hits like Trekkies. Plus, his upcoming doc, The Truth About Marriage premieres...
Published 09/25/18
Jon Kroll is the man behind some of your favorite unscripted television shows. From Big Brother to The Amazing Race, he’s been in the industry for over 25 years. He’s here today to share his secrets to success and amazing career advice. Like the students he teaches in the Peter Stark Producing Program at USC, you will learn so much from Jon today. Just like we did when he guest-lectured at a course we took, back when were were trying to break in the industry. Jon shares his his take on how to...
Published 08/28/18
It’s time for Episode 107! And to celebrate, we’re taking you all the way back to Episode 6 (ah, so long ago.) Pitches come in every day framed as family-centered docuseries. How can you make yours stand out? We checked our own advice, looking back at the six traits that Reality TV characters must have to be pitch-ready. How do these traits translate to the real world when pitching family-based shows? Well, to help answer that, we’re taking a look at one of the most successful family-based TV...
Published 07/31/18
When you’re pitching a project, whether to us or anyone else, you’ll be sending a cover letter (or providing information) to briefly explain what the project is about. Unfortunately, this is where many newcomers go wrong. There are certain statements that both we and our network executive friends have read from numerous people on multiple occasions – and none of them help the pitch. In most cases, they hurt it. So today we’re going to share the three most prevalent mistakes we see on a...
Published 06/30/18
Marc Jackson says he feels like he’s living his dream. A retired police officer, Marc wanted to start a new career in filmmaking and TV production – but had no production experience. Like many of you, Marc discovered the Producing Unscripted podcast and this site. He trusted us with his concept, pitched it through our portal, and we developed it together. We’ve now set it up as a television pilot at a major cable network. Marc’s earning his first producer credit and jumping in the deep end of...
Published 05/30/18
Jon Collins has been working in unscripted television for nearly 20 years. He started as a tape logger on the first season of HBO’s Project Greenlight. His credits include The Bachelor and Bacheloette, Project Runway, and House Hunters, just to name a few. And he’s worked on shows at MTV, TLC, E!, HGTV – the list goes on and on. Today, Jon shares the kind of advice that can only be garnered from two decades of experience. From dealing with the notes process, to putting together story in post,...
Published 04/24/18
Unmasking a Killer is our new true crime documentary series for CNN and HLN. It premieres Sunday, March 18, at 9pm on HLN. Todd Lindsey brought us the show. Additionally, he became the series Supervising Producer. A true passion project, we were thrilled when Todd trusted us to be his partners. Today, Todd discusses the journey: from ten years of research to completing a documentary series for CNN / HLN. The ups, the downs, working through creative differences, dealing with law enforcement,...
Published 03/13/18
Daniel Strange is a TV commercial director who has also dabbled in unscripted television – and he’s one of the most honest people you’ll ever meet. Today, Dan shares tips and stories about working in the entertainment industry. More importantly, he discusses finding true success and happiness. The conversation is a no-holds-barred discussion of day-to-day working life in the entertainment industry. It’s also chock-full of useful tips. Plus, the ep includes an AMAZING Richard Marx story you...
Published 02/27/18
Many people visit this site to learn how to pitch their own TV shows. Today, we give you an inside look at what happens when our production company teams up with an aspiring producer. We met Abra Chouinard through this very podcast and our newsletter. We did not know her before she submitted her concept and package to us. Now, she’s joining us for pitch meetings at major TV networks (and getting great response!) Abra shares the whole process, from pitching to us, to teaming up, making a tape,...
Published 01/23/18
Episode 100! Thanks for supporting us over nearly five years. To celebrate, we made you a “thank you” gift. It’s a brand new resource we wish we had when we started in this business. It’s completely free, and it will save you hours of time. Plus, a very special tip from Joke. And of course, a tiny bit of nostalgia from the early days of the podcast. 100 Episodes – Because You’re So Great When we started this podcast, it was for a lot of reasons. We wanted people to know what it...
Published 11/14/17
Casting true crime projects takes special care. With networks hungry for true crime programming, the genre is currently exploding. But every true crime project has one essential element that can’t be forgotten. At its center is someone who went through a tragedy. It might be a survivor, or friends and family members of a victim. Many want to share their stories. Many don’t. So how do you reach out in the most courteous, professional manner? Here’s how to find and approach survivors and...
Published 10/03/17
If you have, or know, kids — well, you know it’s that time of year…back to school! Being parents, we feel it’s only right to celebrate the spirit of education we feel filling our household. So, we’re sharing our favorite 2017 resources for learning and improving filmmaking skills. We have a wide range of resources for you…the same ones we use every day. You’ll get the methods we use to put these resources to work on our own TV shows and films. Plus, a few Joke and Biagio insights you won’t...
Published 09/05/17
If you want to work your way up in the entertainment industry — especially in unscripted television — chances are you are going to spend more time freelancing than working staff jobs. Today, Joey Korenman, entertainment professional and author the book The Freelance Manifesto is here to inspire you to greatness. Get practical, hands-on tips to help you find freelance work in “Hollywood” (or wherever you are.) More importantly, start weighing what’s truly important to you…and your happiness. ...
Published 08/08/17
Who owns a TV show in the land of unscripted television? Like it or not, when it comes to documentary series, reality TV, true crime, and anything else that is considered “unscripted” — the owner is not usually the producer (not in America, anyway. Europe is different.) Just like us, you may spend months or years developing a project. But when it finally gets to air, someone else (the network, a studio, or a combination of both) will more than likely take all or most of the ownership. They’ll...
Published 07/11/17
Just a tiny bit over four years ago this site launched with its very first podcast episode. To be honest, we didn’t know if anyone would listen, or be interested in learning the nuts and bolts of unscripted television, documentary series, and reality TV. How It All Started Way back in 2009 we started a general filmmaking/TV producing blog at JokeAndBiagio.com. We hoped to be able to share a unique POV about the business. No one was writing about how filmmaking techniques could...
Published 06/14/17
“Deep Dive” True Crime Series – you’ve seen them. The Jinx. Making a Murderer. Our own upcoming CNN/HLN series, Unmasking a Killer, is also a deep dive. How do these series work? How can you develop true crime series like these? And why do these types of series come with far more responsibility than others? Today we share five crucial tips you need to know. Plus…where we’ve been for the last two months.   True Crime Series – Just What Is a Deep Dive? In terms of true crime series in...
Published 05/31/17
Shalandra Champ is more than just one of our favorite cast members from Beauty and the Geek. She’s a working mom, a fearless go-getter, and as of now…officially a “Beauty” turned “Geek!” Today she shares the truth about life after being a reality TV star, and so much more. Listen in on a spirited, intimate conversation as we relive some moments from season four of Beauty and the Geek. Plus Shalandra, a.k.a. “Shay” offers some advice anyone, anywhere can use. This ep is a lot of fun – and...
Published 04/04/17
Shalandra Champ is more than just one of our favorite cast members from Beauty and the Geek. She’s a working mom, a fearless go-getter, and as of now…officially a “Beauty” turned “Geek!” Today she shares the truth about life after being a reality TV star, and so much more. Listen in on a spirited, intimate conversation as we relive some moments from season four of Beauty and the Geek. Plus Shalandra, a.k.a. “Shay” offers some advice anyone, anywhere can use. This ep is a lot of fun – and...
Published 04/04/17
TV Network Executives: the elite group that filmmakers and producers wish to meet, hope to pitch, and pray will fund their projects. For some, they seem to be mysterious, god-like figures who can make dreams come true. To others, they seem a closed-door group impossible to access. Today, Paul Croce is here to shed light on this seemingly all-powerful profession, and give you real tips and truths about TV network executives. We wish someone had told us these secrets fifteen years ago. It’s...
Published 03/21/17
TV Network Executives: the elite group that filmmakers and producers wish to meet, hope to pitch, and pray will fund their projects. For some, they seem to be mysterious, god-like figures who can make dreams come true. To others, they seem a closed-door group impossible to access. Today, Paul Croce is here to shed light on this seemingly all-powerful profession, and give you real tips and truths about TV network executives. We wish someone had told us these secrets fifteen years ago. It’s...
Published 03/21/17
Producing documentaries sounds alluring or terrifying. It depends on where you’re sitting. Today, we’re sitting with Sundance fellow and TV producer Amanda Spain. Amanda is one of those rare people who’s managed to bring her talents to both the doc and unscripted TV worlds. As a seasoned filmmaker and newly minted Sundance fellow, she has strong opinions about producing documentaries. She also offers priceless advice and take-aways for aspiring producers and seasoned documentarians alike. If...
Published 03/07/17
Producing documentaries sounds alluring or terrifying. It depends on where you’re sitting. Today, we’re sitting with Sundance fellow and TV producer Amanda Spain. Amanda is one of those rare people who’s managed to bring her talents to both the doc and unscripted TV worlds. As a seasoned filmmaker and newly minted Sundance fellow, she has strong opinions about producing documentaries. She also offers priceless advice and take-aways for aspiring producers and seasoned documentarians alike. If...
Published 03/07/17
Dana Golder is one of the biggest casting directors in reality TV. Just some of her credits include The Biggest Loser, The Amazing Race, and Cash Cab. We’ve been lucky enough to work with her on Beauty and the Geek, Scream Queens, Ghost Inside My Child, and Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne. Today, Dana is giving you priceless tips on casting just about every kind of reality TV show and documentary series you could imagine. From finding great real people to talking to them and and determining if they...
Published 02/21/17
Dana Golder is one of the biggest casting directors in reality TV. Just some of her credits include The Biggest Loser, The Amazing Race, and Cash Cab. We’ve been lucky enough to work with her on Beauty and the Geek, Scream Queens, Ghost Inside My Child, and Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne. Today, Dana is giving you priceless tips on casting just about every kind of reality TV show and documentary series you could imagine. From finding great real people to talking to them and and determining if they...
Published 02/21/17
Mickey Ramos is not only a terrific, prolific TV producer who survived an attack by over 600 killer bees while filming Naked and Afraid. She’s also the voice of Kenny’s girlfriend on South Park (how cool!) Plus, she’s dealt with some of the most difficult situations you can imagine in reality TV and documentary series. Today, she not only shares some of the craziest behind-the-scenes stories we’ve ever heard, but offers you exclusive tips on breaking into showbusiness and making better TV....
Published 02/07/17