Okay, okay…so maybe that title was a LITTLE clickbait-worthy. But listen, I never do that—I’ve earned at least one! Today’s episode DOES feature a separation story…but it’s the story of how I separated my two businesses. I have my bookkeeping business and my coaching business. And for a long time, I ran both together…even though I knew I really shouldn’t. On the surface, they seem like they could go together. But trust me…after eighteen months spent working to unravel them and turn them...
Published 11/07/23
Last episode, we talked about CLIENT RETENTION: what it is, why it matters, and why we need to shift it to the top of our priority list. However, I know what you’re thinking…you probably looked at that priority list and thought, “There’s no way I can put client retention above X.” Whatever that “X” is for you, I can guarantee you that retaining clients absolutely should come above it…no matter how crucial it may seem. So today, I’m going to go through a list of nine things that might be...
Published 10/30/23
What if I told you that growing your bookkeeping business…actually SHOULDN’T be your focus at all? It sounds pretty strange. Every business owner wants to see their business grow. However, there’s something else that should actually take priority as you’re running your bookkeeping biz… Client retention. Nobody talks about it, but it’s true: client retention is KING. It’s the key to building a consistent, sustainable business that allows you to live the kind of life you want. It’s how I’m...
Published 10/23/23
What if I told you that it’s not only possible to make 10k per month with a bookkeeping biz…it’s also possible WHILE paying a team, WHILE covering all your business expenses (including a couple nice-to-have extras!), AND working fewer than 30 hours per month? Yes, I said fewer than 30 hours PER MONTH. It sounds like I did some bad math. But I pride myself on my quality bookkeeping–if there’s one thing I NEVER do, it’s get the numbers wrong. Still don’t believe me? I thought not. That’s why...
Published 10/16/23
If you’ve been eyeing my on-demand workshops for a while, but weren’t sure which ones you needed, which ones to start with, and what they all included…good news! Today’s episode includes a full walkthrough of all seven on-demand workshops currently available in my shop! Whether you’re a bookkeeper, a business owner, or both, these workshops are packed with unbeatable value for a fraction of the cost they really should be. Some of these lessons (particularly the Intentions series!) are...
Published 10/09/23
I’m so excited to introduce this new offer, I can barely find the words…so if I stumble over them, forgive me. I’m just too giddy to speak straight! I am so thrilled to introduce a new resource to save stalled-out bookkeepers from getting stuck on website worries: a Kajabi template pack made specifically for bookkeepers, by a bookkeeper! Building my original website was one of the biggest headaches I went through while starting my business, and let me tell you…the little sister in me is...
Published 10/02/23
In the past, I’ve dabbled in payment plans for my various offers… And they’ve always proven to be an administrative NIGHTMARE. Clients would default on payments and disappear…after they already had access to my program for some time. Sure, I could revoke their access afterward, but how much did they already glean from the program in the meantime? This is a business. I can’t have people coming in and only paying part of the cost for their program…but I couldn’t figure out a way to stop them...
Published 09/25/23
Thanks to the era of online business, there are some aspects of starting a business that can be glossed over in the beginning…particularly the parts that seem big and scary and overwhelming. Legal is one of those pieces new business owners can sometimes slide right past…or, sometimes, it can be the piece that stops them in their tracks before they ever get started. Ideally, we don’t want to see either. Of course we want to tackle the legal side of things–early and well, when we can–but we...
Published 09/18/23
Today, I want to talk about the Big Bad Wolf of Bookkeeping: artificial intelligence technology. A lot of people have been wondering if artificial intelligence technology is going to huff and puff and blow the entire bookkeeping industry down. But I don’t believe that at all. Even if AI took over 80% of bookkeeping, our clients would still need us. And even if it took over 100% of what we currently do, it would only open up space for us to do higher-level tasks that we currently don’t have...
Published 09/11/23
For so many working moms, there’s a strange duality that occurs when your kids are finally all in school… On one hand, you expect it to be a relief. You have so much more time on your hands, a quiet house to work in, and no one to feed or change or carry on your hip. But on the other hand…there’s grief in it, too. Because you have no one to feed or change or carry on your hip. Because you have a quiet house. Because you have almost too much time. Back when I was in the thros of new...
Published 09/04/23
There are three things that you need to remember when you’re building a business for the first time: It doesn’t have to be perfect. Professionalism is overrated. And mistakes are not permanent. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been reflecting back on what I would do if I had to try starting a bookkeeping business all over again…what I would repeat, what I would avoid, and what I would recommend you do.  To finish out this mini-series, I want to talk about the beliefs that didn’t serve me...
Published 08/28/23
When I look back on starting my bookkeeping business, there are many things I would do differently now… But there are also plenty of things I would do exactly the same—and recommend that you do, too. If I had to build my bookkeeping business again from the ground up, there are five things that I did the first time I would absolutely do again…some that are easy, and some that are not so easy.  But I promise you, each and every one of these steps will make your journey to starting your own...
Published 08/21/23
I don’t have any regrets about my journey to starting a bookkeeping business…but I do have some lessons I wish I’d learned sooner. Some things have to be learned the hard way when you’re learning on your own. Luckily, you can skip the painful part of the process, because I’m here to tell you what I would have done differently…and why I would have done it that way! Some of these things are new—I didn’t always recommend them, but the longer I do this, the more I believe they’re important. So...
Published 08/14/23
As you start growing your bookkeeping business, things that feel permanent can change overnight. One day, you might have absolutely no leads, and you’re certain that isn’t going to change anytime soon. The next day, you might wake up with more leads than you can even reasonably serve. One day, you might be terrified to try and talk about bookkeeping as an expert. The next, you might see the light come on in someone’s eyes when they understand a new concept because of you, and you’ll be...
Published 08/07/23
If you’re anything like me, there’s nothing more useful to you than a checklist. Checklists can take something that feels overwhelming and undoable and break it down into bite-sized steps you can take one at a time to finally achieve your goal…even if that goal is as big as starting your own bookkeeping business! In today’s episode, I’ve put together the ultimate checklist for anyone looking to start their very own bookkeeping business. And trust me, I know exactly what I’m talking about…I...
Published 07/31/23
Here in my house, we’re only halfway through summer…but it’s already been one for the books. Come with me as I take you on a tour behind the scenes of what our summer has looked like, from days spent swimming in the pool to taking trips to working in snatches without stress. Five years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined this was possible…but I started building the foundation for it anyway. And if you have a vision for your summers—and your life—that you don’t feel is possible, take it from me…it...
Published 07/24/23
What if I told you that the right time to hire…is immediately after you start your bookkeeping business? It might sound insane. Most people think that you need to build your business BEFORE you start even thinking about hiring—a totally natural assumption to make. However, there’s something that happens when you wait to hire… You tell yourself that once you have five, ten, or even fifteen clients, you’ll be ready to hire. Until you’re making enough money to bring on someone new without...
Published 07/17/23
On today’s episode, I chatted with LIBBY student, Grisell Cano about her experience with the program and how it’s helped her build her bookkeeping business. Grisell was doing bookkeeping at a school district for their custodial services, and decided she wanted to pursue bookkeeping as a way to work from home. After some time, and getting some clients, she found LIBBY through the Bookkeeper’s Corner Facebook Group and dove into LIBBY. She really resonated with my approach to bookkeeping and...
Published 07/10/23
If you’ve listened to this podcast for just about any length of time, you know exactly how much i ADORE Xero. Which is why I am so thrilled to announce that not only are they resuming Xero Roadshows for 2023…I’m going to be speaking on a partner panel at the Atlanta event! But wait—there’s more. I have FIVE FREE TICKETS to give away to these roadshows…and you have a chance to win one! In today’s episode, I’m going to explain what these roadshows are, where and when they’ll be happening,...
Published 06/26/23
Here we are, friends…the final day of my free four-day live virtual event, Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business. We’ve talked about the six secrets to building your business. We’ve heard from some incredible quitters who were able to take those secrets and buy themselves a ticket away from corporate life. We’ve asked ourselves the six questions we need to ask to know whether or not we’re ready to become bookkeepers… And now it’s time for the big one: how my...
Published 06/19/23
Welcome to Day 3 of my free four-day live virtual event, Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business!  Today, we’re going to explore a hard question that no one really likes to ask or answer… Are you stuck in a bad case of imposter syndrome…or are you actually an imposter? Diagnosing imposter syndrome vs actual imposterhood…it’s not always an easy conclusion to come to. So I’ve put together a list of six questions you can ask yourself that will tell you once and for all...
Published 06/12/23
Welcome to day two of my free four-day live virtual event, Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business!  This is the Quitter’s Club Panel: a panel featuring five fantastic bookkeepers who have successfully and sustainably grown their businesses to the point where it is now their main source of income. The purpose of this panel is to hear their similarities—and, maybe more importantly, their differences. The journey to quitting will be unique to everyone, and that should...
Published 06/05/23
Welcome to day one of my free four-day live virtual event, Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business!  For day one, we're going to briefly cover some housekeeping items for the whole series, then we're going to uncover the six secrets to a simple, scalable bookkeeping business.  This may seem like bad marketing. I’ve had people tell me over and over to restructure the way that these days are set up, because I'm giving you all the goodies and all the secrets on day one,...
Published 05/29/23
Corporate accounting is a beast of a career…and I quickly got to the point where I had to make my escape. Not because I wasn’t good at the work. I was. Not because I didn’t like my bosses and coworkers. I did. But because the 9-5 life just did NOT match up with the life I dreamed of for myself. The story of my escape is a long and complicated one, but I love sharing it. I love to let others know exactly what’s possible…that even when you’ve only ever pictured one path for yourself, there...
Published 05/22/23
When I say that a bookkeeping business gets to be simple, scalable, and supportive to your dream life…I mean it. But how do you get there? How do you take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a booming bookkeeping business?  Enter LIBBY! LIBBY (or Life By The Books!) is the program that will decondition the high-achieving employee in you and reprogram you to be highly compensated for work you're truly passionate about, all while experiencing a life you love. Want to hear more? Let’s...
Published 05/15/23