Patrick and I are always stressing the importance of code reviews and collaboration when developing. On Freund, co-founder & CEO at Wilco, is super familiar with how code review processes can go well, or become a hinderance. In today’s episode with us, he shares his unique perspective on code reviews and maintaining high code quality!
Published 01/24/23
At scale, anything we build is going to involve people. Many of us have personal schedules and to-do lists, but how can we scale that to hundreds or even thousands of people? When you file a help ticket at a massive company like Google or Facebook, ever wonder how that ticket is processed? Sanjay Siddhanti, Akasa’s Director of Engineering, is no slouch when it comes to navigating massive workflow engines – and in today’s episode, he shares his experiences in bioinformatics, workflows, and...
Published 01/09/23
Today we field questions from Programming Throwdown’s listeners about AI, machine learning, and more practical matters as developers in our annual holiday special!
Published 12/26/22
Package managers are an often-overlooked aspect of any operating system, but their importance is not to be underestimated – especially in today’s development environment. As both creator of Homebrew and CEO of tea.xyz, Max Howell is intimately familiar with the ins and outs of open-source development, software engineering, and balancing passion with practicality. He shares these experiences and more with us in today’s deep dive into the subject!
Published 12/12/22
Yonatan Cohen – Co-Founder & CTO of Quantum Machines – joins us in this episode to tackle quantum computing! Did you know anyone can run quantum programs on Amazon Web Services for mere dollars? Learn about this field early to take pole superposition in the race to understand and use quantum computers!
Published 11/28/22
In this tour-de-force, Mike Dalessio – Engineering Director at Shopify – and Evan Phoenix – self-described “long-time Rubyist” – join us for a practical discussion of all things Ruby! Ruby is a beautiful language, and we're really excited to cover the history and present of this language with two experts.
Published 11/14/22
Today we discuss adventures, books, tools, and art discoveries before diving into unsupervised machine learning in this duo episode!
Published 10/24/22
Today we go back to our programming language roots with author, KT Academy founder, and Kotlin rockstar Marcin Moskala! We talk about how Kotlin makes itself doubly useful for app and backend development.
Published 10/10/22
Finding something online might seem easy - but as Marcus Eagan tells it, it’s not easy to get it right. In today’s episode, MongoDB’s Staff Product Manager on Atlas Search speaks with Jason and Patrick about his own journey in software development and how to best use search engines to capture user intent.
Published 09/26/22
Douwe Maan’s journey sounds too fantastic to be true, yet the tale that Meltano’s founder shares with Jason and Patrick today is very, very real. Whether it’s about doing software development by 11, joining Gitlab while juggling college responsibilities, or building his own company during today’s challenging times, he has quite the story to tell. In today’s episode, he speaks on Twitter, his perspective on remote work, and why data operations are a critical part of developer stacks in today’s...
Published 09/12/22
Chip Morningstar, Software Engineer at Agoric, has had quite a career in the software industry – from designing spaceships, to joining Lucasfilm’s entertainment brands, to the emerging cryptocurrency industry. In this episode, he talks with Patrick and Jason about these and more: security in today’s online world, AI’s nascent role in gaming, and how expectations in game releases have changed with the times.
Published 08/22/22
Burnout in the tech industry is a very prominent concern among both leaders and developers alike. Ronak Rahman, Developer Relations Manager at Quali, joins Patrick and I in this episode to share his experience, and why having the right infrastructure in place can prevent work-life erosion (plus sticker shock with cloud service bills)!
Published 08/09/22
Coming off the heels of the scientific python conference, we are delighted to have Guido Imperiale, OSS Engineer at Coiled, to talk with us about this exciting space, including his own work on Dask, remote work benefits, and how distributed computing with the latest Python tools has allowed him to manage large data science projects with ease.
Published 07/25/22
In the second part of a two-episode special, Professor John Day continues to share his stories from the early days of the internet. From the debate surrounding IPv6, different methodology around network design, and John’s own career advice, there’s tons of wisdom and practical experience to be gained here!
Published 07/12/22
Computing has certainly come a long way from punch cards and literal system bugs – yet there is so much more to learn. Professor John Day shares his stories from the heyday of the computer revolution, the challenges that they faced, and what he’s been up to lately, among others. This first part of a two-episode special is a rare treat with a pioneer, and one that people in the tech industry shouldn’t miss.
Published 06/27/22
Decentralizing the future can often lead to missing out on genuine human communication. Daniel Liebeskind, Cofounder and CEO of Topia, talks about how they’re working to avoid that pitfall while building the foundation of a better online experience. Whether its his lessons from Burning Man, keeping the human spirit alive in today’s technological frontier, or how Topia fits in the future, Daniel has something for listeners.
Published 06/14/22
Not sure how to take the website or service you built on your machine and put it in the cloud? Kubernetes is by far the most popular system for deploying applications, but it is also pretty intimidating for new developers. In this episode, we are joined by Aran Khanna from Archera to explain how Kubernetes works and how you can go from n00b to expert in Kubernetes in less time than it takes to say "works on my machine"!
Published 06/06/22
How do you test changes to your web backend or database? Many people have a "production" and one "development" database, but the development database can easily become broken by one engineer and thus unusable for the rest of the team. Also, how would two engineers make changes in parallel to the development environment? What if you could spin up hundreds or thousands of development databases as you need them? Today we have Benjie De Groot, Co-Founder and CEO of Shipyard to explain...
Published 05/24/22
As anyone who listens to the show regularly knows, I've always been fascinated by marketplaces. How do we figure out what to charge for something, and how do we match buyers and sellers? How does a company like Uber match drivers to riders so quickly? Today we have Andrew Yates, Co-Founder & CEO at Promoted.ai, to talk about marketplaces and how to optimize for this two-sided problem.
Published 05/09/22
Hey everyone! Today we have a guest co-host for a special duo episode! We are joined by Adam from the CoRecursive Podcast to talk about how open-source projects can survive (and even thrive) financially.
Published 04/25/22
I've been a big fan of Brave Browser ever since attending a presentation from Brandon Eich back in 2017. Brave was one of the first browsers to aggressively block the ability for websites to share information on your computer without your consent (i.e. third party cookies). I'm so excited to sit down with Jimmy Secretan, VP of Ads and Premium Services of Brave, and talk about all things Brave, from the Browser to the other products to the way Brave takes privacy on the internet to a whole...
Published 04/11/22
"Hacking" is a word that evokes awe from the public, laughter from developers, and pure fear from technology leaders. But what really is hacking? What does trust really mean and how do we acquire and keep trust on the Internet? It turns out that, while hacking is associated with computers, the methods behind it have been around since the dawn of time. Today we have Ted Harrington from ISE to dive deep into hacking, all the way from the medieval times to today.
Published 03/28/22
What is Web 3.0? Guest speaker Michelle Lee, Product Lead of Protocol Labs, shares how web 3.0 will revolutionize the Internet and bring trust back into the web.
Published 03/15/22
What is WebAssembly? Guest speaker Kevin Hoffman, CTO of Cosmonic shares what WebAssembly is, why it exists, and what kind of things you can do with it.
Published 02/28/22
Programming is difficult as it is, but imagine how difficult it was without all the current tools, compilers, synthesizers, etc. that we have today. Eran Yahav, Chief Technology Officer at Tabnine shares how AI is currently helping with code writing and how it could change in the future.
Published 02/14/22