The dining room was deserted except for the children. Male voices mingled with the sound of the piano indicated that Richard and his friends had adjourned to the front room. The supper table was cleared, but at one end of it three heads were bent over some toy or game. As Judith passed through with Abigail's tray she said pleasantly. " Hello, Thorne. I didn't know you were here," and the dark head came up in startled alarm. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The...
Published 02/22/22
Why, Project DF Podcast, here's the story behind the audio drama. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast
Published 02/18/22
Five weeks from the night Judith faced her election in Mrs. Prewitt's cracked looking glass while dressing to go to the theatre she sat before the mirror in what the Tomlinson's called the Bird's-eye-maple room. The face that looked back at her seemed to belong to a different person. Gone was the taut anxiety of the mouth, the pin-point sharpness of eyes worn with contriving. For the first time since her father's death Judith Amory knew the luxury of a home. Follow Project DF...
Published 02/15/22
Late Friday afternoon small printed handbills appeared in Woodridge announcing the meeting to be held Monday evening Timberley school. Dr. Caxton has placed the order with the Sentinel upon his return to the town and the bills were run off and distributed in time to catch the Saturday night that interest was running high and Miss Amory could expect a full turnout. This is Project DF Podcast: The Mystery... Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The...
Published 02/09/22
Very early in the morning did Judith, the erstwhile sluggard, rise and begin making preparations for her drive to Timberley. Accompanied by one of the Barclay girls, she walked across the square to Henderson's livery stable and engaged an elderly bay mare and a light wheeled buggy for the day. This is Project DF, The Mystery...enjoy the episode. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode...
Published 02/02/22
Woodridge, the county seat of Woods County, was a flourishing town of some three thousand souls. Situated not only on a railroad but on the equally prized hard-surfaced turnpike, it was the cultural center of one of the richest farming districts in the state. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 2 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) David...
Published 01/27/22
Candles were still used to light one to bed; kerosene lamps still exploded. Stagecoaches made six miles an hour and one traveled by rail at the risk of one's neck. Gentlemen wore greatcoats instead of overcoats, and male quartets sang " The Drummer Boy of Shiloh." Hoops were going out, bustles were not yet in, but ladies achieved quite as telling effect with tight lacing and layers of petticoats. The war referred to in conversation was not World War II. This is episode 1 of the...
Published 01/26/22
Hey Everyone it’s Valerie here, I’d like to introduce you to a new audio drama podcast called Project DF: The Mystery.. it’s a true story. It’s about a family in Indiana, in the 1940s where strange things occurred, the stories are based on first hand experiences of one person - therefore it’s founded on fact, which in turn became a legend. Each week, we will bring you one episode. Project DF Podcast is a collection of voice over artists from around the globe, some of them you may even...
Published 01/09/22