This Sunday officially marks the beginning of Advent, a season on the church calendar dedicated to reflecting on the anticipation and longing for Jesus’ arrival in the first century while also remembering our own longing for his return today. This weekend, we’re particularly looking at the nature of who Jesus is as seen in John 1.
Published 12/03/23
In Paul's letter to the Colossians, he is addressing a faithful and growing church he has never had the opportunity to visit. As a result, he spends a great deal of time encouraging them to stay faithful to the gospel and making sure they truly understand it. In Colossians 1:15-22, he specifically lays out the significance of Jesus, who we were before his work on the cross, and what he has accomplished for us. This week, we look at this deep and powerful encouragement.
Published 11/26/23
As the crowds around Jesus continue to grow, he develops an increasing number of fans. But as his journey toward Jerusalem continues, he also makes it clear that truly following him comes with a steep cost. While he has given this caution before, in Luke 14:25-35, Jesus lays out the toughest call to sacrifice yet. This week, we unpack what Jesus means when he calls on people to take up their crosses, radically reassess their priorities, and consider whether they’re ready to count the cost.
Published 11/19/23
In Luke 14, Jesus spends a great deal of time explaining the nature of God’s kingdom, unpacking who will be in it and what it will be like. In verses 12-24, he gives the parable of a huge banquet, describing how those who are invited will fail to understand the significance of the invitation while those you wouldn’t expect to join will be given their seat when they reject it. This week, we look at the significance of this parable and what it tells us about God’s kingdom.
Published 11/12/23
In Luke 14, Jesus continues to serve and heal in ways that the religious rulers find controversial, to the point that they are attempting to trip him up. As he heals a man, he calls them out, asking them for their interpretation of the Law regarding the Sabbath. In his questioning, he reveals how they have missed God's intent for the Law and their lack of compassion.
Published 11/05/23
In Luke 13:22-35, Jesus continues his journey toward Jerusalem, only to be stopped by someone who asks how many people will be saved. This prompts an alarming response from Jesus and a prophesy of what's to come, calling out his own people for their history of killing messengers of God. This week, we unpack Jesus' response and what it shows about our own tendency toward spiritual blindness today.
Published 10/29/23
What is the Kingdom of God like? In Luke 13, Jesus is faced with this very question and his answer demonstrates the unexpected nature of his coming reign.
Published 10/22/23
As Jesus performs miracles and serves people during his earthly ministry, he routinely faces opposition from the religious elites in his day. While healing a disabled woman in Luke 13, he faces that same ridicule yet again. This week, we unpack the miracle, how Jesus responds to the criticism, and the ways he glorifies the Father through it all.
Published 10/15/23
After taking a break through the summer, we are back in our journey through Luke this week. We’re specifically unpacking Luke 13:1-9 where Jesus continues his direct warnings about the coming judgment for those who do not put their trust in him.
Published 10/08/23
Published 10/01/23
As followers of Jesus, we realize our ultimate hope is not in this world but in the world to come. Closing our series in the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple, we look at what it means to keep our eyes focused on eternity and how it informs the way we live today. Learn more about the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple at www.providencefrisco.com/maturity.
Published 09/24/23
True spiritual maturity isn’t limited to being expressed within the confines of our Christian community. We’re called to be ambassadors of Christ who have been entrusted with the gospel and sent into the world to proclaim it. As we continue in our series through the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple, we look at what it means to be his representatives in our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. Learn more about the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple at...
Published 09/17/23
It’s no secret that we live in a highly materialistic world driven by a consumer mentality. If we’re not careful, that same mentality can bleed into our understanding of the local church. We’re constantly tempted to find the church that fits our preferences, styles, and personal needs. But we’re not called to simply come to the church to receive. As our look at the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple continues, we’re exploring what it means to leverage our gifts for the building up of...
Published 09/10/23
We were made for community. It's a truth that's reinforced from the creation story all the way through the Old and New Testaments. This makes fellowship a critical part of growing in spiritual maturity. As we continue in the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple, we look at why this is such an important piece of our spiritual lives and how to grow in it.
Published 09/03/23
Our journey through the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple continues this week as we look at the critical role that studying the Scriptures plays in our spiritual growth. But this means more than just reading the Bible. Studying God’s Word involves handling it well, applying it with discernment, and allowing it to guide all aspects of our lives. Learn more about the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple at www.providencefrisco.com/maturity.
Published 08/27/23
As we continue in our series through the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple, we look at the importance of communing with Jesus. We’re designed to depend on him. But what practices foster a deeper relationship with him? How can we increase our desire for him in our lives? Learn more about the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple at www.providencefrisco.com/maturity.
Published 08/20/23
This week, we’re kicking off our new series, Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple, where we are unpacking what it means to grow in spiritual maturity. To start off the series, we’re specifically looking at what it means to be grounded in the gospel and have our identity rooted solely in what Christ has done. Learn more about the Seven Characteristics of a Mature Disciple at www.providencefrisco.com/maturity.
Published 08/13/23
Paul's letters to Timothy lay out clear instructions from an older leader to his protege. On this special Sunday, we have the opportunity to send out one of our own into pastoral ministry. As part of his commissioning, Afshin unpacks words of advice and instruction from 2 Timothy 4.
Published 08/06/23
Our message series in Proverbs continues this week as we explore the concept of diligence. We see many warnings against laziness and instruction about the importance of working hard.
Published 07/30/23
Our message series in Proverbs continues this week as we explore what it means to be wise in our friendships. We were made for community and the relationships around us play a vital role in our lives. So, what does Proverbs have to say about being a true friend? How does the reality of our broken world skew friendship?
Published 07/23/23
All around us, we're bombarded by messages designed to stoke discontentment and entice us to seek more. This taps into a deep-seeded feeling that our lives would be better if we simply had more. As we continue in our series through Proverbs, we're looking at the the importance of seeking contentment, rather than simply achieving or owning the next thing.
Published 07/16/23
When you read through Proverbs, there's an undeniable theme that runs throughout the book - words matter. In Matthew 12, Jesus tells us they come directly from the overflow of the heart. Proverbs 18 tells us they have the ability to bring both life and death. So, if they're important, what should characterize our words? How do we speak in a way that reflects the gospel's work in our lives?
Published 07/09/23
Throughout the book of Proverbs, the theme of faithfulness comes up over and over again, specifically in the context of our marriages. Not only does marital faithfulness matter to our families, but it matters to God. It displays his faithfulness toward us to come through on his word and fulfill his promises. This week, we’re looking at why this theme is so important and how it specifically reflects God’s glory.
Published 07/02/23
We know God is sovereign and we know Jesus will eventually return. We also know that we are not ultimately in control. So what does that mean as we plan for our lives, both the short-term and the long-term? Is it okay? If so, how can we do so without forgetting that God gets the ultimate say on what happens to us?
Published 06/25/23
What are the benefits of wisdom and what is its source? As he starts a new message series on the major themes in Proverbs, Afshin leads us to consider these questions in Proverbs 1:1-7.
Published 06/18/23