Jung on Clarity
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For most, the goal of therapy is to increase your self-understanding. The only way to truly do this is through honest self-reflection.    https://medium.com/perennial/the-discipline-of-clarity-according-to-jung-630e8434252f   Transcript: you're listening to psych with mike for more episodes or to connect with the show with comments ideas or to be a 0:06 guest go to www.cyclicmike.com follow the show on twitter at psych with 0:13 mike or like the facebook page at psych with mike now here's psycho welcome into the psych 0:19 with mike library this is dr michael mahana i'm here with mr brett newcomb and intern michael 0:25 hello again good morning how are you guys doing great you guys are i guess i guess i should say consummate 0:32 professionals yes i think you could basically say that you can say i've always said the 0:37 shenanigans that were going on before we turned the mics on were 0:43 raucous and and then the mic goes on and you guys are like i'm much more well behaved when the 0:49 camera is on it's the sunday paper rule never put it in writing unless you want it to end up 0:54 in the sunday paper exactly true don't say anything that you don't want somebody to shout with a megaphone 1:01 in the local mall yes dear yeah although now malls are 1:07 empty yeah going out of business it's amazing so how can the economy 1:13 be running so hot and yet have just facilities that sell 1:20 stuff going out of business left and right there's this really cool new invention uh came out in the 90s or 1:25 something called the internet and uh people what's this internets that you speak of well everybody has a box in 1:32 their house and when they get sad or lonely they get on the box for several hours and advertisers show them pictures 1:39 and then they buy things for dopamine hits this is it's it's great it's going to be the next big thing i think al gore 1:45 had something to do with that did he invent it actually all right i think amazon has had a lot 1:51 more to do with al gore mm-hmm with the changes that you're talking about yeah so happy i could support jeff 1:58 bezos riding into space he's flying that phallic symbol all the way to the moon 2:04 oh jealous we're along for the i am jealous because i want to go to space but i'll never have that kind of money 2:11 so i'll miss it by just a couple of of years probably like like 2:18 three years after i die space travel will be affordable that i could have done it but i'll be dead well 2:24 now you've spoken it and manifested that into the world so that's your own fault so yeah i got 2:30 nobody to blame but me so i wish i could be more clear 2:37 i do too but i struggle with that you've been telling this 2:42 story all day well this 2:48 use your words yeah uh uh you've been talking about this phenomenon all day where i will start multiple sentences 2:56 and build this large narrative rather than just answer a simple question 3:02 and i feel like that uh this subject is very apropos for that 3:10 it's a reflection of reality now yeah so i have for the last year 3:16 been really really into reading jung so reading original young 3:22 like not reading things but one of the things that i was kind of like reading the bible yeah you actually read the 3:28 bible or just read stuff people say is in the book exactly yeah right because 3:35 i feel like there's a lot of literature out there in psychology which there obviously is 3:41 but what happens if you go back and you read the original stuff that the original 3:48 person like if i decided that i wanted to be a jungian therapist call myself a union 3:54 therapist then the psychoanalytic community here in st louis would say well you can't be a jungian therapist 3:59
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