Many clinical professionals all over the world are incorporating tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) into therapy. They offer diverse benefits and can be a game-changing way to introduce enjoyment and creativity into therapy sessions. For this conversation, we are thrilled to be joined by Megan Connell, author of Tabletop Role-Playing Therapy: A Guide for the Clinician Game Master, to talk about the advantages and potential of RPGs in therapy. Using the wildly popular Dungeons&Dragons as...
Published 11/22/23
Is curiosity one of your greatest superpowers when it comes to making meaningful connections, healing, and growing personally? This episode features Scott Shigeoka, an expert on curiosity and the author of Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World. Join us as Scott draws from personal experiences and extensive research to teach us about the power of deep curiosity and how it goes beyond mere knowledge-seeking to revolutionize your well-being, relationships, and even the...
Published 11/15/23
We are all affected by change in some way or another. Whether it is an economic crisis, a career change, a global pandemic, or having children, change is unavoidable. In this episode, we welcome back best-selling author Brad Stulberg to talk about his new book, Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing - Including You. Brad shares a new model for defining change and draws upon principles for developing a renewed mindset around change that is supported by modern science,...
Published 11/08/23
It is astounding how much information we are exposed to on a daily basis. But how can we transform information overload into opportunity? For this episode, we invited internationally recognized leading futurist, entrepreneur, and author Ross Dawson to the conversation to share valuable insights from his new book, "Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success in a World of Exponential Information" Ross gives his take on the challenges of information overload in today's digital age and...
Published 11/01/23
The topic of weight and body image is more prevalent in today's society than ever before. Every day we are bombarded with messages that convey the thin ideal and encourage us to strive for certain body types. Sadly, what is often overlooked is the harmful impact of these societal expectations, especially on people who don't fit the narrow definition of beauty. Our guest for this episode is Dr. Sarah Pegrum, a clinical psychologist, ACT peer-reviewed trainer, and author of the groundbreaking...
Published 10/25/23
Unseen, unheard, undervalued - have you ever felt like that? As our guest this week, Dr. Janina Scarlet, a licensed clinical psychologist, points out, these feelings, while understandable, can be overcome. In Janina's mission to de-stigmatize loneliness and help people connect and support one another, she authored the book 'Unseen, Unheard, Undervalued: Managing Loneliness, Loss of Connection and Not Fitting in’ which serves as the backdrop for the conversation in this episode. You'll hear...
Published 10/18/23
Students in high-achieving schools across America are facing increased rates of anxiety, depression, and self-harm due to intense pressure to succeed. This leads educators, parents, and community leaders to grapple with a difficult question: how can we encourage excellence while avoiding overwhelming our children? In this episode, co-host Emily Edlynn interviews award-winning reporter Jennifer B. Wallace about her book, 'Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic-And What We Can Do...
Published 10/11/23
The secret is finally out! We’re kicking off an amazing new chapter for POTC this week as we reveal our two latest additions to the cohost team - Emily Edlynn and Michael Herold! It’s going to be a blast having them aboard, and we can't wait for you to discover all the invaluable wisdom and ideas they have to offer in the realm of psychology. With Emily's insight into science-based parenting guidance and Michael’s background in confidence and social skills training, they bring such a...
Published 10/04/23
In a bittersweet episode of POTC, we say farewell to our dear friend, Yael Schonbrun, who, after six cherished years on Psychologists Off The Clock, is stepping down from her seat as cohost. We take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for Yael's brilliant contributions, chat about decision-making tips, reflect on some of Yael's most influential episodes, and discuss what Yael will miss most about her role as cohost. Plus, we give a sneak peek at some exciting new developments...
Published 09/27/23
Have you ever experienced the unsettling feeling of not being good enough despite all of your achievements? Do you fear being exposed as a fraud in your professional life? Prepare to be enlightened as we discuss the uncomfortable reality of imposterism with our extraordinary cohost, seasoned psychologist, and eminent author, Dr. Jill Stoddard.  Jill has dedicated her professional career to helping people reach their full potential, a quest she is celebrating with the release of her latest...
Published 09/20/23
It’s natural for us to have feelings of anger as we navigate the obstacles of life, but if left unaddressed, they can easily consume us and negatively impact our lives in more ways than one. Forgiveness, on the other hand, can help us let go of anger, improve our mental health, and maintain healthier relationships.  To explore these closely connected topics, we are thrilled to welcome back therapist Robyn Walser, who co-authored The Act Workbook for Anger alongside Manuela O'Connell. Through...
Published 09/13/23
We all want to raise our children to be self-sufficient and to explore their own identities, but it can be difficult to strike a balance between control and support. For this episode, we enlisted the guidance of Clinical Psychologist Emily Edlynn, who, through her book ‘Autonomy-Supportive Parenting’, provides parental strategies that encourage your kids to have autonomy while also establishing boundaries.  We love how Emily’s compassionate, very non-judgmental approach alleviates some of the...
Published 09/06/23
If you are struggling to make positive changes in your life, our interview with Dr. Michelle Drapkin is full of inspiration on prioritizing and being compassionate with yourself, even when facing setbacks.  As we dig into research-proven strategies from Michelle’s new self-help book, The Motivational Interviewing Path to Personal Change, you’ll learn how motivational interviewing works and helps you move in the direction of what's important to you and your values. If you feel stuck or unsure...
Published 08/30/23
In this age of technology, our children are more exposed than ever before. As parents, it falls upon us to educate and mentor them in responsibly navigating boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation.  For this episode, we bring you Devorah Heitner, who, in her most recent book titled Growing Up in Public: Coming of Age in the Digital World, touches on many important strategies for guiding our children to live in a digital world where privacy is nonexistent and judgment is...
Published 08/23/23
Addiction is a frightening disorder with complex root causes, affecting a staggering one in every five people over the age of 14. To explore the intricate nature of addiction, we invited Dr. Judith Grisel, a renowned psychology professor at Bucknell University and the author of Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction, to the conversation.  What makes this conversation so powerful is not only Dr. Grisels wealth of knowledge but also her ability to explain complicated ideas...
Published 08/16/23
It’s time to talk about menopause. Despite being such a pivotal stage in a woman's development, it does not always receive the acknowledgment it deserves. And with half of the population affected by menopause, it’s about time we started talking about it loud and proud! Helping us unpack the whirlwind of physical and emotional changes women experience as they go through this transition is Jancee Dunn, columnist, perimenopause warrior, and author of Hot and Bothered, who shares her insightful...
Published 08/09/23
If you enjoyed our most recent episode, Episode 314, Munchausen by proxy with Andrea Dunlop and Marc Feldman on Munchausen by Proxy syndrome, you won’t want to miss Andrea’s podcast, Nobody Should Believe Me.  In this special bonus episode, we are bringing our listeners the very first episode of Nobody Should Believe Me. Andrea shares how she first became captivated by the story of Hope Ybarra–who spent ten years in prison for Munchausen by Proxy–and begins to unpack the many similarities...
Published 08/04/23
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is a psychological disorder that you may have heard whispers about in the media in which a person, usually a parent, fakes or induces a medical condition in another person to gain attention. In most cases, it is the mother of a child who pretends or even causes medical symptoms the child does not actually have. To shed light on this highly complex topic, we brought in the expertise of Andrea Dunlop, founder of Munchausen Support, and Marc Feldman, a...
Published 08/02/23
In the treatment of anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD, exposure therapy has long been recognized as the gold standard. But what if there was an even more powerful approach to confronting your fears or trauma? For this episode, we welcome two esteemed guests, Dr. Brian Thompson and Dr. Brian Pilecki to uncover the transformative impact of blending traditional exposure therapy with the principles of ACT. Through practical examples from their groundbreaking book, ACT-Informed Exposure for...
Published 07/28/23
In the treatment of anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD, exposure therapy has long been recognized as the gold standard. But what if there was an even more powerful approach to confronting your fears or trauma? For this episode, we welcome two esteemed guests, Dr. Brian Thompson and Dr. Brian Pilecki to uncover the transformative impact of blending traditional exposure therapy with the principles of ACT. Through practical examples from their groundbreaking book, ACT-Informed Exposure for...
Published 07/27/23
Have you ever considered that, while being super focused can be a positive quality, it may also have its drawbacks? Think about it: when you channel your attention so intensely on one thing, you could be neglecting a whole realm of valuable information and stimuli out there. Embark on a journey with us into the mysterious world of illusions! Piggy-backing off of the previous episode on the science of deception, we are taking you back in time to revisit an eleven-year-old conversation between...
Published 07/19/23
Deception is everywhere. Fake psychics, dodgy investment deals, cults, and pesky scam calls can be hard to detect, even for the smartest or most vigilant individuals. This poses the question of what makes us vulnerable and what precautions we can take?  Joining us for this episode are two exceptional cognitive scientists, Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons. Through studies and findings from their highly anticipated book, "Nobody's Fool, Why We Get Taken In, and What We Can Do About It"...
Published 07/12/23
Our expectations can shape how we navigate life in more ways than one. Expectations help us prepare, but not just through action; there are actual physiological changes that occur when we're anticipating certain things. David Robson, "an award-winning science writer who focuses on the extremes of the human brain, body, and behavior", joins us for this episode. Through practical takeaways founded on scientific theory from his book, The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Change Your...
Published 07/05/23
Get ready to tap into the power of your emotions, because they hold invaluable wisdom! From guilt to panic and everything in between, each emotion we feel has a story to tell. And who better to guide us through this emotional journey than Karla McLaren, an emotion and empathy expert? With more than a decade of research under her belt, Karla has mastered the intense power of language in identifying and regulating emotions. Described as an ‘emotional guidebook’ for navigating the highs and...
Published 06/28/23
Are you familiar with the term "gaslighting"? It’s been a popular topic for discussion in recent days, but how many of us actually understand its true meaning and, perhaps more importantly, how to identify it?  Join us for this thought-provoking interview with Psychoanalyst and co-founder of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Dr. Robin Stern, who gives us a fresh and detailed perspective on the subject. Shedding light on decades of research and heaps of knowledge as the author of The...
Published 06/21/23