“Is Technology Helping Or Hurting How Our Children Communicate?”
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A generation ago we didn’t have cell phones, computers, and social media apps to interact with each other.  So, with all of this new technology, has the youth of today lost its “personal touch”? Are children growing up today with less social skills, less ability to “hold their own” when it comes to interviewing for a job or developing a true friendship?  All of these questions will be looked at as psychotherapist Tom Stevens dives into the dilemma of technology and its impact on the social skillsof today’s youth.  Featured guest Nicole Dayton will share her expertise and insight, as a middle and high school speech teacher, and point out what the current generation needs to be effective communicators and successful professionals in this technological age.  This is your chance to ask questions about your children or where society is going with regard to communication and relationships in a social media filled world.  You don’t want to miss this informative and entertaining show!  You can call (347)838-9737 to listen LIVE, make a comment, or ask your question.  You can also listen online at www.blogtalkradio.com/tomstevenlpc