In a world where we are looking for a label to put on everyone, medication has become prescribed more and more, especially for children.  Robbie Wright, M.D. will be our featured guest to address this controversial topic.  Dr. Wright is a child psychiatrist and will discuss when  to get your child evaluated for medication, as well as the harm medication can bring when not prescribed and monitored correctly.  If you’ve ever wondered about “why” children could benefit from medication, or want...
Published 07/23/13
"Addiction" is a word people don’t like talking about, but it’s very real in today’s world.  Whether you have been addicted, or you know someone who is currently addicted, this is the show you NEED to listen to. Parents of teenagers, this show will help you understand the WARNING SIGNS for trouble, and what you can to help your child. Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S will have special guests on the show who are currently in recovery from addiction and in a 12 step program.  Don’t miss this chance to...
Published 07/16/13
Parents of teenagers, do you know where your children are…and who they are with…and what they are doing?  You would be surprised at the latest in dangerous trends teenagers have been practicing.  Chat Roulette, Inhaling Nutmeg, and Drinking Sanitizer are just a few of the latest trends, but there are many more that teenagers are trying out without fear of the consequences. Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S will educate you on many of these trends.
Published 07/02/13
The creator of ADHD says he had no proof that ADHD was for real, so does that mean it doesn't really exist?  Join Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S as he discusses the difference between a "symptom" and a full blown "disorder".  Call in to (347)838-9737 and listen from your phone or ask your question about this topic.
Published 06/27/13
Have you ever lived with a self absorbed person, or someone who feels like life is all about them?  You might be describing someone who is narcissistic and if you grew up with a parent like this, then you know how hard life can be.  Special guest Tina Fuller, author of 'It's My Turn" will be the featured guest on the show to answer your questions, and give you tips on how to live life with a narcissistic person.  You don't want to miss this show so tune in and call in at (347)838-9737.
Published 06/25/13
Psychologist Susana Rosin, Ph.D will be on the show tonight to discuss "When Children Need Psychological Testing", because she spends every day working with families who want to make life better for their children.  Whether it's anxiety, ADHD, depression, poor school performance, or something else that keeps them from reaching their full potential in life...she is the one that can answer the question about whether your child coould benefit from psychological or developmental teting.  Tune in...
Published 06/18/13
Should grandparents raise or spoil their grandchildren?  Are grandparents in touch with the modern world in 2013?  Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S will discuss ways grandparents are invaluable in today's world, and also the things grandparents can do to stay current with technology and advances in 2013. Don't miss this chance to call in and give you comment or ask your question at (347)838-9737.
Published 06/13/13
Parents aren't always sure how to talk to their children about dreams, and children aren't always sure about how to describe their dreams.  Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S is excited to welcome authors Kelly Bulkeley and Patricia M Bulkley to the show, to talk about the findings in their book titled "Children's Dreams".  Their book introduces readers to the basic psychology and neuroscience of dreaming, then offers practical advice on understanding dreams from early childhood through adolescence. ...
Published 06/11/13
All parents have experienced those moments of frustration, concern, and confusion. "How do I handle this situation?...will this harm my child?...should I make them do this or not?" Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S is here to give you tips to handle even the toughest questions about routines, rituals, and the pushbacks children can give. It's a CAN'T MISS show where you can call in to ask your question and give your advice about what has worked for you. Parents were never given a manual, but now is...
Published 06/06/13
There are more divorces, more single parent homes, and definitely more blended families than ever before.  Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S is going to talk about how difficult it is to make a blended family successful, and how these homes CAN be successful if EVERYONE pulls together.  Tom will go over the statististics of families today, as well as the picture of the modern american family in 2013.  If you are in a blended family or are contemplating starting a blended family, this is a show you...
Published 06/04/13
Special guest Sandra Dupont, MA,MS,MFT will join Tom Stevens, LPC-S,RPT-S on this special show about teenagers.  Sandra has a private practice in Santa Monica, California and specializes in working with teenagers and their parents.  She has a facebook page dedicated to understanding and learning how to raise teenagers (search under "Los Angeles Teen Therapist") and her website is located at  http://www.losangelesteentherapist.com/ Teenagers can be exciting or challenging, depending on the...
Published 05/23/13
It's what parents don't like to talk about, and every parent has them.  Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S will address the "Top 5 Fears Parents Have" and will even talk about the difference between the fears of moms and dads. Tom has over 18 years of experience, as a psychotherapist, working with parents and will discuss the Top 5 Fears he has noticed throughout his career. He will also talk about some great ways to reduce your fears, as well as take your LIVE phone calls Now is your chance to ask...
Published 05/21/13
Join us for a whole new look at life after death, and a possible way to help those grieving the loss of a loved one. Marianne Turner-Marken, owner of White Owl Messaging, will be our special guest as we focus on grief, loss and ways to leave special messages even after we have passed away. White Owl Messaging specializes in deliveries sent to your loved ones, after you have passed from this life, to express love, appreciation, and support.  Tom Stevens, LPC-S, RPT-S will discuss the grief...
Published 05/14/13
This show will help you understand what consistency in the bedtime routine will do for your child.  Whether it seems like a big deal or not, it is.  Sometimes it's hard to see what an impact regular bedtime routines can have, until it's been done for a while. Try this show out and see if it can help you!
Published 12/17/12