23 year old Bazil Mwota, a Makerere University student, is making a positive impact on his community through the agroduuka app. This app will be an avenue to connect buyers to producers without the need for third parties.
Published 10/24/17
It’s official, African food is one of the hottest new food trends in London at the moment. Thanks to young cooks like Zoe Adjonyoh whose father is Ghanaian and mother is Irish. Zoe runs a restaurant in Brixton and has just published a cookbook, entitled Zoe's Ghana kitchen. Emma Wallis caught up with her at a trendy café in east London’s hipster central.
Published 10/18/17
What does the future hold for young South Sudanese refugees in Uganda? A young Ghanian-Irish cook brings African Cuisine to London and her customers cannot get enough of it and the Queen of everything Beyonce goes bilingual on a new remix of Mi-Gente, the global hit single by J Balvin and Willy William. All that and much more in this weeks edition of pulse with your host Jane Nyingi
Published 10/17/17
On this week's Pulse we’ll look at some of the consequences of online hacking in Uganda, what the youth in Liberia hope for in the country's presidential elections and a summit in London is scheduled to address the issue of menstruation particularly in low income families in the UK.
Published 10/10/17
"Period poverty" not only affects girls and women in developing countries but also those in the UK. It is when a woman doesn't have enough money to afford adequate sanitary protection for her monthly period. Campaigners in the UK are gearing up for a period summit on the 14th October where they aim to push the issue in to the open. One of those campaigners is a 17 year old schoolgirl from London.
Published 10/10/17
In Uganda, celebrities use various social media platforms to expand their fan base and conduct business. But now, the social media dream has turned sour because the rich and famous have been suffering from a spate of account hacking. Local celebrities who have fallen victim to this scam say hacking negatively affects their brand.
Published 10/10/17
In Pulse this week, a team of volunteers in Ghana have embarked on a reading clinic encouraging children to read aloud. The young members of the Rohingya community in Pakistan are a ticking time bomb waiting to explode as their people face trouble in Myanmar and a look at what’s being going on on the social media front.
Published 10/06/17
In Pulse this week, a team of volunteers in Ghana have embarked on a reading clinic encouraging children to read aloud. The young members of the Rohingya community in Pakistan are a ticking time bomb waiting to explode as their people face trouble in Myanmar and a look at what’s being going on on the social media front.
Published 10/04/17
This year to mark "Founders Day" on September 21st a team of volunteers embarked on a reading clinic and book drive event in Tamale, Ghana.  The League of Young Female Leaders gathered a group of volunteers who read aloud to children, and got them discussing books, literature and education. Reading aloud to children improves their sense of imagination and helps them learn to read for themselves.
Published 10/04/17
The recent wave of violence in Myanmar reminds the Pakistani Rohingya community of the reasons they left their homelands back in the sixties. Now younger generations, born in Pakistan, are angry about what is happening to Rohingyas in Myanmar. Our correspondent went along to meet them and find out what impact the events in Myanmar and Bangladesh is having on them in Pakistan.
Published 10/04/17
In this week's Pulse, Mentorship clubs are being formed in schools, in rural Ghana, to help young girls boost their confidence. A closer look at microchip implants in Sweden and DW's Wanjiku Mwaura tells us about her trip to eastern Germany and her impressions of the mood in the country prior to the elections.
Published 09/26/17
Many young girls living in rural communities in Ghana appear to have low confidence in themselves. In academia for instance, educationists say lack of self-esteem amongst girls has affected their performance. To break this cycle, Portia Derry and Angela Seidu are mentoring younger girls in schools by forming mentorship clubs which seek to advance the status of girls from low income communities.
Published 09/26/17
The touring arm of the Sydney Film Festival has just concluded the screening of nine films that showcase the best of Australian and international movies in some selected 19 regions. This year, the films screened include the multi Award-winning movie Ali’s Wedding, described as a Muslim Romantic Comedy, as well a documentary of the late pop star Whitney Houston titled “Why can I be me”.
Published 09/19/17
As HIV cases continue to reduce in most parts of the world, in Chile the infection rate has increased especially among the young people. According to the government figures, there are about 65,000 people living with HIV in the country, with 41,000 already diagnosed with the virus
Published 09/19/17
Today on Pulse, we focus on Chile which is battling with high HIV cases especially among the young people, we get to hear from Passy Mubalama on risks and challenges of being a young female blogger and activist in DRC, also you will get to know about the ongoing Sydney Film Festival all that plus some great music from Davido, Eddy Kenzo, Jason Derulo, and much more with your host Jane Nyingi.
Published 09/19/17
Pulse this week takes us to Ghana where one out five girls is married off before she reaches 18, we hear from an Oxford University student what young people make of Brexit and can rock 'n' roll ease the tension in the Korean Peninsula? These stories plus some good music to spice things up.
Published 09/12/17
This week on Pulse; The Sierra Leonean community in London pays tribute to the mudslide victims of Freetown. In Kenya, political rivals Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta differ on the repeat of presidential election, and does poverty have a color? We head to South Africa to find out.
Published 09/05/17
In this week's edition of Pulse we take a look at African pop artists who are going abroad to make their music videos, the hard life of beach hawkers on the mediterranean islands, and we’ll get to hear from a Ugandan journalist who fled his country 8 years ago.
Published 08/29/17
In today's world, image is everything. This has led to a major transformation in the African music industry with the artists not only investing heavily in top quality audio but also videos. Although some of them travel as far the US to shoot their videos the most preferred destinations of many are South Africa and Dubai.
Published 08/29/17
For the media in Africa restrictions range from subtle forms of censorship to imprisonment for journalists just doing their jobs. We meet Moses Okile Ebokorait, a journalist who fled his home country 8 years ago. He had to leave Uganda, because he saw that it was no longer safe for him. He now lives in Germany as a freelance journalist.
Published 08/29/17
There’s almost no corner you can turn in South Africa's most famous city, Cape Town, without bumping into beautiful people with toned bodies. Our reporter, Kerstin Welter, met a passionate entrepreneur, who not only owes his life to fermented foods but dedicated it to spreading the knowledge as far as he can. In a, let’s say, very 'sexy' way.
Published 08/23/17
In India, relatively few women work in the sciences or engineering. And there certainly aren’t many who have grown up in the slums who get into those fields. But, one man in Mumbai is trying to change that.
Published 08/23/17
This week on Pulse, we follow our gut in South Africa and get cravings for fermented foods. Girls in one of the world’s biggest slums are coding and building smartphone apps. We meet a German rapper who’s just returned from Africa, plus lots, lots more with host Jessie Wingard.
Published 08/22/17
This week on the show, could Africa be harboring the next Albert Einstein? Lesbians in Pakistan are being silenced, often with tragic results. And, did Kenya's youth vote swing the election? All that and more coming up on this jam-packed edition of Pulse with host Jessie Wingard.
Published 08/16/17
Twenty jam-packed minutes of fun, mind-stimulating information and music. Listen to Pulse every Wednesday as audio on demand.
Published 08/08/17