In this heartfelt episode, my dear friend Heidi, a mom of four special needs children, shares her inspiring journey with lipedema. From battling societal expectations to embracing self-acceptance, Heidi's story is a raw and relatable exploration of life's challenges. She reflects on her experiences from childhood to hormonal milestones, revealing the emotional and physical complexities of living with lipedema. Heidi's transformative mantra, "You only live once, but if you live right, once is...
Published 01/23/24
Have you ever wondered how the trials you've faced have sculpted the essence of who you are? My dear friend and fellow wellness warrior, Julia Christine, joins me for a heart-to-heart that dives into the rivers of personal growth and the art of living with intention. As we share the laughter that have marked our individual paths, we unfold the tapestry of mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, all the while inviting you to consider how your own narrative weaves into a broader picture of...
Published 01/16/24
As the new year unfolds, like many, I found myself steering through a myriad of unexpected challenges, reminding me that sometimes, life demands a pause in our carefully laid plans. This episode is a heart-to-heart reflection on these early days of the year, which, for me, included the harsh reality of sickness and the devastating loss of a furry companion. It's a tale not of defeat, but of resilience and the importance of listening—to our bodies, to our needs, and to the subtle offerings of...
Published 01/15/24
I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of discussing intuition and signs with a stuffy nose—the universe's way of saying, "Slow down and listen." And that's precisely what I do in this heartfelt exploration, where sniffles can't dampen spirits or mute our inner voices. I share personal tales of everyday choices informed by that little nudge within, whether it's as simple as choosing a beverage or as enchanting as discovering a unicorn during a manifesting challenge. It's a candid portrayal...
Published 01/10/24
There's a certain magic in arranging a bouquet of flowers for oneself; it's an act of self-love that Katie Warchol and I wholeheartedly believe in and explore. As I sit down with Katie, an intuitive life coach and energy healer, we unwrap the many layers of self-care and creativity that have shaped our journeys. Embarking on an exploration of emotional wellness, Katie shares her personal transformation, highlighting the importance of holding space for oneself and the pivotal role of intuition...
Published 01/09/24
Have you ever had an epiphany in the shower, one of those moments that shift the way you see everything? I certainly did, and it led me down a path to discovering the sheer delight of self-celebration and the realization that we are not projects waiting to be fixed. During this candid conversation, I unwrap the layers of personal growth and share the intimate details of a solo dinner—an act of self-acknowledgment for the strides I've made over the last year. It's not just about patting...
Published 01/02/24
When life hands you scleroderma, you might just find a way to craft it into a gift of daily miracles—just ask Amanda Ferrin.   She joins me to share not only her journey but also the personal revolutions that have emerged from being given a terminal diagnosis. Through the twists and turns of our conversation, we uncover the little actions that can lead to monumental shifts in perception and being. Setting meaningful alarms and purposefully using social media become not just tips and tricks...
Published 12/31/23
Have you ever stood at life's crossroads, wondering if the path to personal fulfillment is just a myth? Embark on a profound journey with me as I bare my soul about my evolution from a place of dependency to one of self-discovery and empowerment. When the curtain fell on significant relationships in my life, I didn't just find myself facing an empty stage; I uncovered a world where the struggles with self-worth, the fear of judgment, and the complexities of human connections were stepping...
Published 12/31/23
Embarking on a new chapter in my life, I found myself grappling with the whispers of doubt and the daunting question of success. Yet, it was the sheer act of courage, a simple decision to record a video on a leisurely walk, that catalyzed my transformation and now brings me to you through the Pure Possibilities podcast. As we launch with the energy of new beginnings on the auspicious date of 123123, I invite you to join me in exploring the art of embracing imperfection and the beauty of...
Published 12/31/23
Tune in weekly, starting in January, 2024 for insightful episodes and occasional heartfelt mini-episodes. You're not alone on your unique journey, and The Pure Possibilities Podcast is here to offer motivation, inspiration, and a touch of fun.  Subscribe today, share with your friends, and embrace the potential for a life you truly love! Support the showConnect with us here: https://purepossibilities.net for information about Mindset Magic, FREE monthly group coaching and information...
Published 10/25/23