This is the week where both Jewish and Christians celebrate their holidays, both Hanukkah and Christmas. And I am all about faith and fitness here on my show and on all the work that I've been doing with BeFit4Akhirah. So having Sara come on the show to talk about faith and fitness from the Jewish perspective was super inspirational. The mission of Fit Jewess is the following: Fit Jewess has a two-fold mission: 1. To provide women and gals across the world with tips, guidance, and...
Published 12/25/19
Are you ready to finish 2019 off strong and be ready to start 2020 on a positive note? IF YES, then this the episode you must listen to! In today's episode, I have answered questions from my audience on IG & FB on what is the most they struggle with when it comes to goal setting and having a vision. I also talked about what I have learned and how important it is to keep it simple to not overcomplicate our goals. I am a huge fan of Productive Muslim when it comes to goal setting. Check...
Published 12/19/19
The holidays are here and the end of the year is approaching! This can only mean more stress for a lot of people and the start of a burnout phase. In this episode, I discussed how to know if you're actually going through a burnout phase vs what is stress.  I shared how I overcome my own burnout phase as well as tools to help you manage stress! Don't forget to listen to this episode, take one takeaway tool that you will try to manage your stress, and tag me with this episode on social media...
Published 12/04/19
Thanksgiving season is at last here, and the holiday season is kicking in! With this time of the year, I reflected and remembered to be thankful for myself, yes, myself! In this episode, I talked about: why it is important to be thankful for ourselves. how to be thankful for ourselves. tips on how to stay healthy during Thanksgiving dinner. And so much more motivation!  You definitely do not want to miss this episode out! Don't forget to subscribe to the show and share it with friends and...
Published 11/27/19
Do you ever feel like your emotions get the best of you?  Listen to this podcast episode as Yasmin and I dive deeper into understanding our emotions and how that is very important for our fitness journeys. Our guest for today is Yasmin Essa who is a Board-Certified Health Coach who helps individuals and families introduce and sustain healthy habits for the sake of Allah SWT. She draws inspiration from psychology, nutrition, fitness, Islam personal development, and neuroscience. She holds an...
Published 10/10/19
Are you in a community that supports your fitness and health goals? If not, what are you waiting for? Join Kelly and me as we talked about the importance of having a supportive community to stay physically active and to live a healthy lifestyle. Kelly Young offers a variety of fitness classes in her community. she has been offering outdoor fitness classes for the past ten years and two years ago, she opened a training studio to enhance and compliment the outdoor Bootcamp style classes.   Her...
Published 10/02/19
Fall season, as well as Spring, are the greatest times of the year to go on a hike! And hiking should be fun experience for all. In my interview with Faizan, we discussed how hiking can be helpful for our health as well as can be added to our fitness journeys.  Faizan is an outdoors enthusiast who has been creating opportunities for people to explore nature and learn outdoor skills. He is an outings leader with the Sierra Club, national environmental advocacy and outdoors organization and...
Published 09/29/19
Being purposeful in life is very important! Especially when it comes to our fitness journey! But how can you be purposeful in your workouts and your weight loss journey...? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Well, my friends, join me in this episode as I share with you: Exactly why I signed up for the VA Beach Half-Marathon. How my training went. What happened during the race and afterward. How to build a purpose in your fitness journey This podcast episode is also in a blog post,...
Published 09/26/19
Are you a Muslim woman looking to feel energized and want to be active? Join Coach Ola and Coach Carin as they talk on how to be energized Muslimah! Carin Timskog is an online trainer, with her own business Energized Muslimah, that offers both in-person- and online training. Carin is a stay-at-home mum living in Tanger, Morocco with her husband and 3 years old girl. Carin started in the fitness industry already in 1998, and is a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, to mention a few of...
Published 08/29/19
We often hear about mindful eating, mindful this and mindful that! Yet, what about being mindful in our fitness journey too? This week's guest Micah Anderson!  Born in Connecticut, Micah Anderson spent several of his teen years in and out of placements due to struggles with drugs, crime, and anger. Around this time, he was introduced to 12-step fellowship, and after extensive travel overseas, began a personal meditation practice in the early 1990s and converted to Islam soon after. He began...
Published 08/21/19
Knee pain and discomfort is a common issue among many people! There are various factors to look into! This episode is NOT to diagnose the pain, but instead, it's to educate you about knee pain and how to go about it! Our guest today is Dr. Evan Osar, an internationally recognized speaker, author, and expert on assessment, corrective exercise, and functional exercise. He has authored Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction, Functional Anatomy of the Pilates Core,...
Published 08/14/19
As we get closer towards Hajj, this episode is a great time to listen to because we talked about functional workouts which will help improve your mobility during hajj! In this episode, we have a special guest who I had the honor to learn from in person at my previous IDEA East Conference in March 2019.  Adam Jongsma (Yongsma) is the Founder/CEO of Kinetic Performance Movement Education. Working as a clinical Kinesiologist and Strength and Conditioning Coach, Adam has worked with professional...
Published 08/08/19
Have you fallen off the track with your fitness journey? Are you feeling guilty for eating that bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup? Do you find it frustrating to keep losing your way on staying consistent? If so, then this the episode you want to listen to! In today's episode, I talked about the following topics: Why I took time off from releasing any new episode and my reasons behind it. How I got back on track with my fitness journey. Why giving up is not an option. How to find purpose...
Published 07/25/19
It's finally summer, the kids are out from school, and it's finally vacation time! This can be the most exciting time to get outside to get active, to try something new, and to enjoy the moment! But it can also be a time where a lot of people fall in the traps of eating whatever they desire when they're on vacation or because they're more active, they think it's okay to indulge on more ice cream. Trust me, I've been there too! So you're not alone! Come join my Facebook group where there's...
Published 07/04/19
Are you tired of the fitness and nutrition industries telling you how you should look like or how you should eat? Isn't it true that we're constantly bombarded with billboard images, Google images, and messages all around us showing us how a fit woman look like? Does it really have to be all about that aesthetic looks or is there more to it than outside looks? Join my guest today, Steph Gaudreau who is a Nutritional Therapy Consultant, author of The Core 4, blogger, coach, podcaster, and the...
Published 06/27/19
If you are a parent or a coach who works with kids, this episode is for you! In today's episode, we have with us Nura from _ichallenger on Instagram who is a PE teacher and a swim instructor. She works with young children and has great experience in getting them active and staying healthy. And since we're getting into summer next week, this will be the perfect time to get kids active! And if you're into swimming, this episode will also leave you inspired to get into the pool this summer with...
Published 06/20/19
This is National Men's health week, and I am super excited to have with us today in this episode Jonathan to speak up about men's health and emotional well being! Jonathan is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, & Performance Enhancement Specialist. He is also the founder & Coach of The Recover U Coaching Program for Men in Recovery. We spoke about important topics that many communities struggle to speak up such as alcohol and drug addictions. We also...
Published 06/12/19
Welcome to today's episode. I would like to wish to all Muslims around Eid Mubarak as today as this episode is being released is the second day of Eid Al Fitr, a holiday that is celebrated after Ramadan. Today's guest is Pete Holman who I had the honor to meet in person at 2019 IDEA East Conference! Pete is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Physical Therapist specializing in biomechanics, sports performance and outpatient orthopedic Physical Therapy. He has worked with NFL...
Published 06/05/19
We are in the last 10 days of Ramadan and almost into Eid! We may be feeling tired, exhausted, and excited for Eid at the same time! So how can we maintain our energy during the last days and pick up our routine afterward? Today's guest is Maarten who is a vitality coach who focuses on creating mentally, spiritually, socially and physically stronger and resilient Muslims with his company Muslim Fit. With his background as a nurse anesthetist, he sees the importance of a scientific and...
Published 05/29/19
We are just half way till the end of the blessed month, Ramadan, and it is important to keep up with our momentum to finish off strong.  Join my guest today, Omar Adam, who is a certified personal trainer on how we can keep up with our momentum during this month. Most people know Omar as Akhi Omar. He is a Personal Trainer, located in Leicester, England as well as studied BA Sport Development at the University of Northampton and graduated in 2017. He was working as a PT under his friends...
Published 05/22/19
We all know that intermittent fasting is becoming popular day by day, and there is definitely a reason for that! It is because it's beneficial for the body, the mind, and the soul. In today's episode, we have our special guest, Idil Farah. Idil is a Registered Nutritionist and Health Educator, with a BASc in Food and Nutrition. She has over 10 years of experience working with clients in both a clinical and community setting. She is currently running her own multi-faceted nutrition practice,...
Published 05/16/19
Ramadan Mubarak everyone! Today's episode is special because Belal and I talked about how to stay physically active during Ramadan and why it's important for our bodies. Belal Hafeez is a Personal Trainer and a Ramadan Fitness Expert. He focuses on helping Muslim men become stronger, lose weight and feel young again. Belal's goal is to redefine the Muslim dad-bod. He offers online training to men anywhere in the world as well in person in the Toronto area. He has been personal training for...
Published 05/08/19
Ramadan is in just a few days, and this is one of the best months during the Islamic calendar and year where we can really regain productivity as well as get back into track with it.  Today's guest is Mohammed Faris, and I must say that his work is something I have always looked up to as well as have benefited from for years. It was an honor to have him on the show to share with us amazing tips on how we can live a more productive and purposeful lifestyle! Mohammed Faris is a productivity...
Published 05/01/19
Catherine Zaben is a fitness nutrition expert, a holistic health nutritionist coach, and a mom of 3 daughters.  In this episode today, Catherine shared amazing tips on how to meal plan and prepare for Ramadan. She kept it really simple, and she shared helpful ideas on how we can have the healthiest Ramadan, in shaa Allah. The topics we discussed were: The best tools for meal preparations. Meal preparation strategies for beginners and advanced people. The importance of meal plan before meal...
Published 04/24/19
Dr. Jen joins us to talk more about how to regain our mobility during Ramadan. She is a physical therapist and an influencer, as well as helps millions of people around the world regain their mobility through her The Optimal Body and The Mobility Method programs. In this episode, we discussed the following topics: The difference between mobility and flexibility. How the 5 daily prayers in Islam help us stay mobile throughout life. The best core exercises to do. The importance of foam...
Published 04/17/19