it is hard to describe this episode, we have had many benevolent Light members of Kryon family in our MasterClasses, but this one.... Pleiadian starship, Arcturian masterminds, Alien races from galaxies away... all one Voice from our Beloved Entourage. Master Teachers.  as I was listening to it now, laughter, joy, remembrance of LOVE came back... heart wild open melting within in my universe...  LOVE LOVE LOVE Alexandra  channeling by Alexandra Tabaczynska The Voive of Ma'rtada  Let's...
Published 07/26/21
wake up wake up wake up. channeling from Ma'rtadas voice wake up to Walk-ins. wake up to yourself. wake up to the Source lightning for from you.  it is a recorded channelled message from Ma'rtada, the Entity of collective Arcturian Pleiadian here, in earthy reality. "We came from Stars says Ma'rtada, we came to be awakened. now came to be in service to Love of God within our Hearts."  please do listen with earphones on.  LOVE LIGHT PEACE channeling by Alexandra @Ma'rtada...
Published 07/20/21
pozwol sobie na 5 minut... pozwol sobie na bycie, gdzie? pozwol sobie na chwile, na podroz do wnetrza..... Alexandra Tabaczynska QHET QHET Kwantowa Terapia Hipnoza: https://qhetkwantowahipnoterapia.wordpress.com/ Dziekuje za wysluchanie medytacji!  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 07/17/21
There in now is  when you get to listen within the universe in you. Kryon is helping us to embrace a new "US". someone says something and, something occurs... someone will be here... Kryon is the energetical connectivity within us Lightworkers, as the Entourage in us. The love of self is coming very strongly in this unique channelling, someone else's dream no longer. Kryon says, I'm Kryon in you child I'm Kryon in support for from yourself, be you be in love within the universal Law of One....
Published 07/16/21
Aniolkowo, takie przepiekne wysnione miejsce, w Aniolkowie wszystko jest mozliwe do spelnienia... Aniolki na Ziemi ))) takie bliskie mojemu sercu to nagranie channeling "Dzis". Dzis jest zawsze dzisiaj. Dzis jest ten moment kiedy...  "DZIS" jest to przekaz od Kryon z przedmowa od Ma'rtada. Swiadkowie Swiatla przebudzeni do swej wielkosci, Swiadkowie Swiatla opromieniowuja Swiat; milosc, pokoj. dobrobyt tak w skrocie mozna nazwac te wiadomosc od naszego przeukochanego Kryon. Wszysko mozliwe...
Published 07/10/21
ja pamietam Kryon, mowil Kryon do nas przed wiekami kiedy spotykalismy sie, tam gdzies, w przestrzeniach universow...   Ja jestem Polakiem, to takze ja pamietam mowi Kryon do nas teraz, przypominajac o podrozy Swiadka Swiatla tu i teraz. dzis. Ma'rtada wspolbrzmienie w Kryona przekazach, wspomnienie Lemurii, wspomnienia podrozy Swiatla w nas. dzis.   Pracujac z Kryonem and the Entourage nigdy nie wiem kiedy wiadomosc przyplynie... shhhhh jak mowi Kryon.... wszystko jest dobrze, tu... w...
Published 07/06/21
one-off channeling from our beloved Kryon... where the Love is a vibration of a heart.  We meet every Monday to receive guidance from Kryon, during the transitional inner adventures Kryon represents God Will of Peace Love Compassion in us;  in this particular channeling we received a very unique Frequency transmission from I AM Yeshua and I AM Adolf Hitler. Please feel free to join our next Monday Class with Kryon channelling.  With Love  Alexandra Ma'rtada Tabaczynska  (Kryon channeller)...
Published 07/05/21
It's a journey with Kryon, the Entourage. Subconscious journey...  a message from an "ALIEN" race, how do they see us, why they are here, the meaning of contacts, where Gaia in a million years is... continuum of previous episodes from Kryon Master Class.  Thank you for listening, please do share! With LOVE Alexandra Ma'rtada  Please visit my page: https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/  and if you enjoy it, if it brought something for you, Beloved Light, please consider a donation...
Published 06/29/21
does the existence of yourself is the existence in our realm? can one personal advisor change within universe, laws of comical cooperation going down for some... New Teachings from Kryon and Bashar coming for us in these fascinating moments of transitional coaching... in loved lighted hearts. Enjoy and see you Beautiful Light Beings, dearests community of Kryon Family!   LOVE LIGHT PEACE  Alexandra Ma'rtada Tabaczynska    Let's meet!    "Spiritual Awaken Human" courses, teachings,...
Published 06/27/21
an excerpt from Kryon channeling, recorded on 21.06.2021.... Lightworkers from the future came together in one thought. LOVE is a healing factor. love in me is... says you who listen now from Kryon. "I'm Kryon you said to us".... Listening is a healing in Higher Selves reality on Earth.  Love to hear from you! Love Love Love A.M.  to get in touch please visit:https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/ Thank you for stopping by! --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 06/22/21
when I sat for a day... listened within  self vibrating hearts. It's a recording from yesterday, my self-talk with myself. here. in a heart. love  LOVE A.M.  stay connected: https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/  Love to hear from you, what is your story, for today... 3 --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 06/15/21
czasem warto posluchac opowiesci, tamtych wspomnien o Lemuri naszych czasow. Jak nasz ukochany Nauczyciel przeprowadza nas w ogrod pokoju... Tea room, jak to nazywa, miejsce wypelnione magia, wspolnota zlaczonych mysli o pokoju. Jestesmy jedna rodzina, naszym wspolnym przypomnieniem nas was w Swietle.  Zapraszam do Kryon Tea Room w soboty o 5 po poludniu na zoom, do zobaczenia!  Z Miloscia Alexandra Tabaczynska Ma'rtada Voice Rejestracja na channeling od Mistrza Kryon na:...
Published 06/09/21
"we are talking to Source now, why are you talking so much beloved One, just lay down, just be, relax, let the Light Source You bring the Entourage closer and closer to your body, let the freakquencie surround you for a moment, let it be you for a day or two (days) so you can express Source in a wonderful ways"  Love Ma'rtada Alexandra Tabaczynska  our weekly student-teacher MasterClass with Kryon on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/alexandratabaczynska  Love to hear from you! --- Send...
Published 06/08/21
Channeling came to me on Sunday afternoon, 06.06. Significant day :))) The channeling about us, Light beings on Earth of Grand AWAkening within.  great awakeningof a Soul.  LOVE A.M. visist my webpage for more info "Spiritual Awakening Blog" https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/ Tank you! Love to hear from You!  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 06/06/21
recording from"Healing Through Love" Quantum Healing LIVE session,03.06.2021 Kryon is taking us on the ride, a new journey thru.. "Grand awakenings" Kryon is saying, a miracle lightworkers' era of grand leaving the closet. Well. please listen  and  see you there on a boat or a train to the new way of LIFE . LOVE A.M. Thank you for listening! Thank you for shares! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 06/04/21
a lightning of a heart mediation on I AM  LOVE LIGHT A.M. Thank you for listening! thank you for sharing!  find us on:  https://www.patreon.com/alexandratabaczynska  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 06/03/21
Channeling jest nami, wrodzona mozliwoscia porozumiewania sie, wewnatrz Swiatla; tak jak w tej ksiazce, w wibracji Swiatla dostrzegamy siebie w nim... w tym teraz, Kryon i the Entourage (Mistrzowie Swiatla), pokonuje wraz z nami kolejne etapy zycia.. Zycie jest specjalna metamorfoza, jest tym Swiatlem samym w sobie....Kryon takze przypomina o jednoczacej Milosci, tu i teraz, staropolskich slowianskich Starych Dusz wspolbrzmieniu. w Swietle. Niech to przypomnienie o Ja Jestem jako Swiatlo...
Published 06/02/21
and one day, like today, I can sit back and watch the ocean coming to me. in this beautiful metaphysical channelling of Kryon we stand together within in our Love, Self-Love. Thank you for listening, thank you for shares 3  LOVE A.M.  please follow my blog: https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/ would you like to contribute to my channel please visit https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/alexandratabaczynska THANK YOU 3  --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 06/01/21
why... a questioning ourselves... why in the past or the future all we know is... in this audio, channelled messages, received today we walk together in the quantum love field for one purpose: to bring peace within, to change ourselves approach toward us in the multiverse yet to come... if you wonder who is Kryon, why you are taking the part in this quantum channelling... listen... listen... ambient words... I LOVE ME HERE...  LOVE A.M. Thank you for listening!  please follow my blog:...
Published 05/27/21
time looks like an eclipse... round and round we go... in the channeling in Kryon Master Class we met our benevolent Light family, Arcturians, Ascended Masters with a message of.. a Diamond in a white heart...  channeling Alexandra @Ma'rtada Tabaczynska  recorded 25.05.2021  Kryon MasterClass Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/alexandratabaczynska --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/26/21
One day... a butterfly... touch my head... LOVE A.M. please follow my blog: https://quantumhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/ thank you! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/25/21
Rozmowy wewnatrz Milosnych uniesien serc... w przestrzeniach Swiadomosci Swiatla... polaczonych caloscia milosci.. Swiadka Swiatla.  Czesc pierwsza oraz przekaz of KRYON w poprzednich episodach.  Z Miloscia Alexandra @Ma'rtada Tabaczynska  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/22/21
I jak pozbywamy sie bagazu, dokonujemy zmian, przechodzimy do siebie w sobie, nasz rozum rozumie Milosc... Swiatla... Channeling od Kryon jako uzupelnienie przekazow Mistrzow Swiatla, dostepnych nagran czesc 1 i 2.  Z Miloscia Alexandra @Ma'rtada Tabaczynska  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/22/21
Jest to pierwsza z trzech czesci przekazow otrzymanych 22 maja... nazwanych Soul przejscia dokonywanych w okresie Wielkiego Przebudzenia. Druga i trzecia czesc nagrania audio w nastepnym episodzie.  Z Miloscia A.M. channeling Alexandra @Ma'rtada Tabaczynska  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/22/21
Heart will know  LOVE A.M.  patreon.com/alexandratabaczynska --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/alexandra-tabaczynska/message
Published 05/20/21