This episode was produced by Yemerican Graduates. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
Usually people have different opinions about things, especially when it comes from people from different generations. What make each generation special are its own values , politics and beliefs and that turned out to be difficult to convince and persuade people from different generations to stand on one opinion, but that is something natural and it happened all over the world which is called "generation gap." This episode was produced by the Kindness Force. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a...
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Spiritual Leaders. It looks at freedom of expression in social media in both Yemeni and American societies, and how it affects political security, however, social media is a platform for all people used to discuss various issues of nations. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens...
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Team One. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Podaciety. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Relation Creation. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
Would you be able to deal with immigration and bullying at the same time? The student Anas is one of those who faced bullying during immigration. Listen to our podcast in order to know why he was being bullied, how he dealt with it and did it affect him. This episode was produced by the Oppression Limiters team. Team management by Abdullah Al-tamimi. Narration by Mariam Bajbaer. Sound design by Othman Ba faqas. Graphic design by Mohammed Bin Laswad. Record support by Abdullah Al-tamimi and...
Published 01/25/23
He was being bullied in school, but he did not give up his dreams. He is a disabled person and he is interested in learning. What is the story of the hero Allawy? Listen to his struggle story that represents the meaning of disability power. This episode was produced by Oppression Limiters team. Team management & Narration by Abdullah Al-tamimi. Sound design & Translation by Othman Ba faqas. Graphic design by Mohammed Bin Laswad. Record support by Mariam Bajbaer and Maha Ba Fadhel....
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Mounaqasha. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Leadership of Education. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
This episode was produced by Inspirers. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 320 Yemeni and American students in four cohorts, or 640 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, Hadhramout Foundation, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 01/25/23
Mental health has increased in visibility within the past few years. Especially among youth it has become an increasingly persistent challenge. The way that society and our culture views mental health can help with overcoming it. However, as we examine differences between Utah in the United States and Yemen, we find there are many faucets to the issue. There may be many hurdles to overcome, but humanity has proven countless time we can face these challenges. This podcast was produced by Utah...
Published 01/25/23
Dear you who would listen to our podcast, you’ve reached your destination!Have you ever thought about studying, working, or living abroad !?Have you ever thought of what’s going on out there and how it really feels, looks and sounds to leave your country and settle down in a new place ! If you have thought or not yet, stop overthinking or don’t think anymore!Here’s BRAIN DRAIN podcast that will hopefully answer your Qs and enlighten the picture of living abroad!In this podcast, we...
Published 01/25/23
قد فكرت بيوم عن حياة الاشخاص الناجحين و كيف بدأوا من الصفر و كافحوا لما وصلوا لغايتهم؟ كأي شخص يبدأ بمشروع جديد بيواجه عوائق و أزمات و عثرات و إحباط و تردد كبير لكن هل بيكمل او بيستسلم؟  أكثر حلقة بتبتسم و انت تتسمعه مع رائدة الأعمال (بثينة)بتشارك قصته في بدء مشروعه من الصفر إلى الريادة .
Published 07/20/22
قد سمعت/ي عن أكبر شركة سيارات بدون سيارت؟  كأي شخص يبدأ يفكر بمشروع اول شيء يخطر بباله رأس المال و هو أكثر شيء يعيق فئة الشباب متوسطي الدخل،و لكن في بودكاست من الصفر إلى الريادة قد يتغير مفهومك و تتوسع نظرتك للأمور المتعلقة بالريادة.
Published 07/20/22
بودكاست من الصفر إلى الريادة عبارة عن بودكاست مختص بمجال الريادة يقدم مفهوم الريادة بالإضافة إلى تصحيح مفاهيم و تقديم افكار مختلفة ومشاركة قصة نجاح لرائدة أعمال و كيف تبدأ بفكرة جديدة من لا شيء كل هذا متمحور في 3 حلقات قصيرة و ممتعة 🤍. في ظل إنتشار المشاريع بمنطوق واسع في المجال الاقتصادي نعرض عليكم معلومات قيمة و تصحيح بعض المفاهيم المتعارف عليها . نسمع عن كلمة رائد اعمال و رجل أعمال لكن هل نعلم الفرق بينهم؟ كل ذلك و أكثر في بودكاست من الصفر إلى الريادة🤍.    
Published 07/20/22
النجاح هو حصيلة المثابرة، الاجتهاد، السعي والحلم المستمر، قصتنا عن إمرأة قررت تأسيس مشروع لها، محاربة كل المصاعب ومحاولة الوصول إلى حلم قد لا يراه أحد سواها ومع مرور الأيام تمكنت من حصد ثمرة، ما كان بداية بذرة نجاح
Published 07/20/22
بإمكان المرء تحقيق النجاح حينما يضع هدفه نُصب عينيه ، ويسعى جاهداً لتحقيقه ؛ حتى وإن كانت الظروف لاتساعده ، فهناك دائماً بصيص أملٍ في نهاية ظُلمة النفق. وهذا ما تم توضيحه لنا من مصورات الأعراس الشهيرات "بنات زيد" عبر ممثلتهم "هبة" في هذا البود كاست.
Published 07/20/22
قربنا لك البعيد وسهلنا عليك الصعب و وفرنا عليك التعب وخسارة المواصلات، اعزائي مستمعين برودكاست جد لتجد هنا ستجد كل المعلومات التي تضمنت فيها احدى قصص ريادة الاعمال قصة  إلهام ونجاح مؤسسة بازاري  والتي يرويها لنا الاستاذ عبد الله النجاشي المدير التنفيذي للمؤسسة والتي نقلت مفهوم التسوق التقليدي إلى التسوق عبر الإنترنت.
Published 07/20/22
قربنا لك البعيد وسهلنا عليك الصعب و وفرنا عليك التعب وخسارة المواصلات، اعزائي مستمعين برودكاست جد لتجد هنا ستجد كل المعلومات التي تضمنت فيها احدى قصص ريادة الاعمال قصة  إلهام ونجاح مؤسسة بازاري  والتي يرويها لنا الاستاذ عبد الله النجاشي المدير التنفيذي للمؤسسة والتي نقلت مفهوم التسوق التقليدي إلى التسوق عبر الإنترنت.
Published 07/20/22
This episode was produced by AquaStory. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 160 Yemeni and American students in two cohorts, or 320 students.  Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 05/21/22
This episode was produced by Hiwar (dialogue). This episode looks at health care in both Yemeni and American and how it is perceived in both nations and how healthcare also has a discriminatory aspect to it. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 160 Yemeni and American students in two cohorts, or 320 students. Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State....
Published 05/21/22
Environmental changes are happening, and human beings are in danger. In order to preserve the environment, the world must reduce the average global warming and carbon footprint. Young people’s role is crucial to achieving this goal. They can create new means to protect our planet and make it better. In this episode, we are discussing the issue with all aspects with Dr. Abdulqadir Ali from Yemen and Miss. Salado Ali from the US. Both of them are young and aware of the problem. This episode...
Published 05/21/22
This episode was produced by Ruyat Al-Mustaqbal. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 160 Yemeni and American students in two cohorts, or 320 students.  Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.  
Published 05/21/22
This episode was produced by Culture's Codes. Qisasna, or “Our Stories,” is a product of a cross-cultural exchange podcast training program featuring 160 Yemeni and American students in two cohorts, or 320 students.  Qisasna is sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Stevens Initiative and funded by the U.S. Department of State. Amideast, in partnership with ICRD, YFCA, and Kerning Cultures, implements the Qisasna Project.
Published 05/21/22