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*10. 在这两种力量当中,外在的可变能量被称作“显意识”,或是“客观意识”(针对以外在客体的意识)。内在的能量被称作“潜意识”,或是“主观意识”。后者能在精神层面发挥作用,并保障肉体生命功能的有序进行。Of these two powers, the outward and changeable has been termed the “Conscious Mind,” or the “Objective Mind” (dealing with outward objects). The interior power is called the “Subconscious Mind,” or the “Subjective Mind,” and besides its work on the mental plane it controls the regular functions which make physical life possible.*11. 我们很有必要细察它们在精神层面上各自的功能,以及各自运行的基本准则。其中,显意识通过五种感官对生命外在的客体及其印象产生作用。It is necessary to have a clear understanding of their respective functions on the mental plane, as well as of certain other basic principles. Perceiving and operating through the five physical senses, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of the outward life.*12. 显意识具有鉴别识察的功能,同时负有选择的责任。它有推理的能力──包括归纳、推论、分析、演绎等等,这种能力可以得到很高的开发程度。它是意志以及由意志释放出的所有能量的策源地。It has the faculty of discrimination, carrying with it the responsibility of choice. It has the power of reasoning whether inductive, deductive, analytical, or syllogistic, and this power may be developed to a high degree. It is the seat of the will with all the energies that flow from there.*13.显意识不仅能够对其他的精神活动施加影响,也能够引导潜意识的活动。从这一方面来讲,显意识是潜意识的统治者和监护人,它对潜意识负责。正是这一高级功能,使它可以彻底扭转你的生活境况。Not only can it impress other minds, but it can direct the subconscious mind. In this way the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. It is this high function which can completely reverse conditions in your life.*14.情况常常是这样的:由于潜意识不曾设防,因着接受了错误暗示的缘故,恐惧、焦虑、贫乏、疾患、冲突等各种阴云就会笼罩在我们上空。对这些,训练有素的显意识可以用警觉的保护行为把它们拒之门外。由此,显意识可以被称作潜意识重要领地的“门卫”。It is often true that conditions of fear, worry, poverty, disease, inharmony, and evils of all kinds dominate us by reason of false suggestions accepted by the unguarded subconscious mind. All this the trained conscious mind can entirely prevent by its vigilant protective action. It may properly be called “ the watchman at the gate” of the great subconscious domain.*15.一位作家曾这样描述这两种心智状态的主要区别:“显意识是推理的意志。潜意识是本能的欲望,是过去的推理意志的结果。”One writer has expressed the chief distinction between the two phases of mind thus: “Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will.”*16.潜意识从外界提供的前提中演绎出正确的推理。前提正确,潜意识便能得出准确无误的结论;反之,如果前提或暗示是错的,整个结构便会坍塌。潜意识不参与证明的过程。要防范错误信息的侵入,要仰赖它的“门卫”──显意识。The subconscious mind draws just and accurate inferences from premises furnished from outside sources. Where the premise is true, the subconscious mind reaches a faultless conclusion, but, where the premise or suggestion is an error, the whole structure falls. The subconscious mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the conscious mind, “the watchman at the gate,” to gu