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第一个星期已经过去了,请继续努力! 科学研究发现,要让潜意识完全接受一个信念,需要重复十六遍。 所以,一遍一遍听,就是用新的信念程序,覆盖旧的程序。 加油! *1.       心智的运转,是由两种平行的行为模式产生的:一种是显意识,一种是潜意 识。戴维森教授说:“那些想要用自己有限的显意识去说明精神行为整个范畴的 人,无异于想要用一支蜡烛照亮整个宇宙。” The operations of the mind are produced by two parallelmodes of activity, the one conscious and the other subconscious. Prof. Davidsonsays: “He who thinks to illuminate the whole range of mental action by thelight of his own consciousness is not unlike one who should go about to illuminate the universe with a rushlight.” *2.       潜意识的逻辑运行是准确有序的,绝无出错的可能。我们的心智是一件精心 设计的杰作,它为我们准备了最重要的认知基础,而我们却丝毫不能理解它的运 转方式。 The subconscious, logical processes are carried on with acertainty and regularity which would be impossible if there existed thepossibility of error. Our mind is so designed that it prepares for us the mostimportant foundations of cognition, whilst we have not the slightestapprehension of the modus operandi. *3.       灵魂的潜意识,就像一位素不相识的慈善家,默默地为我们劳作,满足我们 的需求,用成熟的浆果喂养浇灌我们;对思想过程的终极分解表明,潜意识是最 重要的精神现象上演的舞台。 The subconscious soul, like a benevolent stranger, works andmakes provision for our benefit, pouring only the mature fruit into our lap;thus ultimate analysis of thought processes shows that the subconscious is the theatreof the most important mental phenomena. *4.       莎士比亚正是通过潜意识,毫不费力地领悟了最伟大的真理──而这真理就 埋藏在一个普通学生的显意识之下;正是通过潜意识,菲迪亚斯创作了大理石和 青铜雕塑,拉斐尔画出了圣母像,贝多芬写成了交响乐。 It is through the subconscious that Shakespeare must haveperceived, without effort, great truths which are hidden from the consciousmind of the student; that Phidias fashioned marble and bronze; that Raphael paintedMadonnas; and Beethoven composed symphonies. *5.       我们做事的从容不迫、尽善尽美,完全取决于我们不再依靠自己的显意识; 弹钢琴、溜冰、打字、老练的商业行为等种种完美的技巧,统统取决于潜意识过 程。一边在钢琴上弹奏华丽的乐意,一边引导一场风趣的谈话──这种奇迹充分 体现了潜意识的神奇功效。 Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in whichwe cease to depend upon the consciousness; playing the piano, skating,operating the typewriter, the skilled trades, depend for their perfectexecution on the process of the subconscious mind. The marvel of playing abrilliant piece on the piano, while at the same time conducting a vigorous conversation,shows the greatness of our subconscious powers. *6.       我们都清楚自己对潜意识的依赖。我们内心的思想越是伟大、高贵、卓越, 我们就越明确地认识到,其源头就潜藏在我们的视野之外。我们发现,造物主赋 予我们在艺术、音乐等方面的技巧、本能和美感,其源头或居所,全部在我们的 潜意识之中。 We are all aware how dependent we are upon the subconscious,and the greater, the nobler, the more brilliant our thoughts are, the more itis obvious to ourselves that the origin lies beyond our ken. We find ourselvesendowed with tact, instinct, sense of the beautiful in art, music, etc., ofwhose origin or dwelling place we are wholly unconscious. *7.       潜意识的价值是无限丰富的;它激