Have you ever wondered what James and Stephen do every morning that has elevated them to the style icons they are today? No? Nevertheless, today we discuss brush-free hairstyles vs. needing to be groomed like a puppy, going to the gym for aesthetic purposes vs. keeping up physically with teenage children, and the importance of contentment vs. happiness.This episode is sponsored by Squarespace.
Published 08/11/16
Do you get excited about the Olympic Games? Even if you don't, you're likely to end up watching a few events on TV throughout the two and a half weeks that it dominates most media outlets. Today, Stephen and James discuss their relationship to "the games" in addition to reliving what a scandalous year 1994 was.This episode is sponsored by Mott & Bow.
Published 08/10/16
Do you get excited about the Olympic Games? Even if you don't, you're likely to end up watching a few events on TV throughout the two and a half weeks that it dominates most media outlets. Today, Stephen and James discuss their relationship to "the games" in addition to reliving what a scandalous year 1994 was.This episode is sponsored by Mott & Bow.
Published 08/10/16
Are you pouring your productive potential down the drain when you spend your free time playing games? Today, James argues that deep knowledge of a game's rules and strategy could be beneficial in a way similar to learning a new language. However, Stephen's research has shown that the return-on-investment of actual language learning is incredibly low. Still, our hosts' personal and professional relationship with each other has been cultivated over years of backgammon playing. Who will triumph...
Published 08/09/16
Are you pouring your productive potential down the drain when you spend your free time playing games? Today, James argues that deep knowledge of a game's rules and strategy could be beneficial in a way similar to learning a new language. However, Stephen's research has shown that the return-on-investment of actual language learning is incredibly low. Still, our hosts' personal and professional relationship with each other has been cultivated over years of backgammon playing. Who will triumph...
Published 08/09/16
If a website could be considered a country, Facebook would be the largest country in the world, with nearly 2 billion "digital citizens". What type of effect does this forum have on world culture? James' personal introversion has benefited as he's able to reach his social network without stepping out of his comfort zone, but is our digital culture creating more ills than benefits to our greater society?This episode is sponsored by Squarespace.
Published 08/04/16
If a website could be considered a country, Facebook would be the largest country in the world, with nearly 2 billion "digital citizens". What type of effect does this forum have on world culture? James' personal introversion has benefited as he's able to reach his social network without stepping out of his comfort zone, but is our digital culture creating more ills than benefits to our greater society?This episode is sponsored by Squarespace.
Published 08/04/16
Is there an effective way for a novelist or non-fiction author to capture people's attention nowadays? If Stephen were to begin his writing career today, would he still have pursued a track through newspaper editorial to major-publisher book writing? Do people retain enough information from reading a book to make it a worthwhile endeavor? All of these questions and more get answered on today's episode of Question of the Day.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 08/03/16
Is there an effective way for a novelist or non-fiction author to capture people's attention nowadays? If Stephen were to begin his writing career today, would he still have pursued a track through newspaper editorial to major-publisher book writing? Do people retain enough information from reading a book to make it a worthwhile endeavor? All of these questions and more get answered on today's episode of Question of the Day.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 08/03/16
Do you feel the need to shake up your work life after twenty-plus years in the job market? Professional self re-inventors Stephen and James are here to help. Both hosts have pivoted their careers multiple times, some of which while keeping their former full-time jobs, and today they give advice and examples to what their methods have been to keep them on their toes creatively.This episode is sponsored Mott & Bow.
Published 08/02/16
Do you feel the need to shake up your work life after twenty-plus years in the job market? Professional self re-inventors Stephen and James are here to help. Both hosts have pivoted their careers multiple times, some of which while keeping their former full-time jobs, and today they give advice and examples to what their methods have been to keep them on their toes creatively.This episode is sponsored Mott & Bow.
Published 08/02/16
What did Negin Farsad discover when she and a group of other Muslim-American stand up comedians toured the "American Heartland"? The further removed she was geographically from bleeding heart liberals, the more open people were to discuss race relations without worrying about giving PC answers. Today, Negin discusses the issue with James and Stephen, and gets their "liberal white guy" views on the subject.This episode is sponsored by Allstate.
Published 07/28/16
What did Negin Farsad discover when she and a group of other Muslim-American stand up comedians toured the "American Heartland"? The further removed she was geographically from bleeding heart liberals, the more open people were to discuss race relations without worrying about giving PC answers. Today, Negin discusses the issue with James and Stephen, and gets their "liberal white guy" views on the subject.This episode is sponsored by Allstate.
Published 07/28/16
Negin Farsad joins Stephen and James again today, and we learn that while all three are some sort of professional public speaker, it remains the group's greatest source of social anxiety. Listen on as our hosts self-deprecate while extolling their fears, including a traumatizing experience James had in the first grade. Also, Stephen throws back to last week's episode 156 by remembering something else he learned in college!
Published 07/27/16
Negin Farsad joins Stephen and James again today, and we learn that while all three are some sort of professional public speaker, it remains the group's greatest source of social anxiety. Listen on as our hosts self-deprecate while extolling their fears, including a traumatizing experience James had in the first grade. Also, Stephen throws back to last week's episode 156 by remembering something else he learned in college!
Published 07/27/16
What happens when an Iranian-American comedian from Southern California decides to make a leap into the publishing world by writing a book about how to entertain Caucasians? We find out today as cultural polymath and new Earwolf podcaster Negin Farsad returns to Question of the Day joining Stephen and James in the studio to discuss comedy, race, and white people owning outer space. Listen all week as Negin stays in the booth to ask the questions she's been looking for QOD to answer!
Published 07/26/16
What happens when an Iranian-American comedian from Southern California decides to make a leap into the publishing world by writing a book about how to entertain Caucasians? We find out today as cultural polymath and new Earwolf podcaster Negin Farsad returns to Question of the Day joining Stephen and James in the studio to discuss comedy, race, and white people owning outer space. Listen all week as Negin stays in the booth to ask the questions she's been looking for QOD to answer!
Published 07/26/16
James may be the outspoken QOD host regarding higher education's low return-on-investment, but today Stephen is having a hard time remembering what he learned over those four very expensive years. Listen on as we roll back the clock to test both Stephen's post-50-year-old memory and see if the electives he paid for as an undergrad were worth more than a few minutes on Wikipedia today.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 07/21/16
James may be the outspoken QOD host regarding higher education's low return-on-investment, but today Stephen is having a hard time remembering what he learned over those four very expensive years. Listen on as we roll back the clock to test both Stephen's post-50-year-old memory and see if the electives he paid for as an undergrad were worth more than a few minutes on Wikipedia today.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 07/21/16
Have you ever pretended to start a fight with someone much larger than you in the middle of the night just to start a conversation? What about entering a private community garden while people stare at you? James has done those things in the past few weeks, in fact, and today he's helping Stephen keep his vagabond mindset intact, following a return to the US after weeks abroad.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 07/20/16
Have you ever pretended to start a fight with someone much larger than you in the middle of the night just to start a conversation? What about entering a private community garden while people stare at you? James has done those things in the past few weeks, in fact, and today he's helping Stephen keep his vagabond mindset intact, following a return to the US after weeks abroad.This episode is sponsored by Magoosh.
Published 07/20/16
Will James Altucher have the same level of success calling the White House that he did 36 years earlier, as an inquisitive twelve-year-old? Today, we learn that James' podcasting days began long before he teamed up with Stephen, as James attempted to have phone interviews with every Congressperson and the President of the United States while in elementary school. As James tells his story, we're regaled to the dulcet tones of the White House switchboard's hold music.This episode is sponsored...
Published 07/19/16
Will James Altucher have the same level of success calling the White House that he did 36 years earlier, as an inquisitive twelve-year-old? Today, we learn that James' podcasting days began long before he teamed up with Stephen, as James attempted to have phone interviews with every Congressperson and the President of the United States while in elementary school. As James tells his story, we're regaled to the dulcet tones of the White House switchboard's hold music.This episode is sponsored...
Published 07/19/16
Summer has arrived in New York City, which means that school is out for the summer and teenagers are ready to get jobs until the next school year starts. On today's episode, we have an on-air guest questioner as QOD's very own Alison Hockenberry calls into the session to get advice for one of her own teenage children.
Published 07/14/16
Summer has arrived in New York City, which means that school is out for the summer and teenagers are ready to get jobs until the next school year starts. On today's episode, we have an on-air guest questioner as QOD's very own Alison Hockenberry calls into the session to get advice for one of her own teenage children.
Published 07/14/16