Unpack the psychology behind conspiracy theories. Do you have a pet conspiracy theory or two? Almost everyone does, although we usually hesitate to admit it. We know that conspiracy theories are regarded as being paranoid or nonsensical and yet we all engage with them from time to time. But have you ever wondered why people spend so much time and mental energy on conspiracies? Why do we want to believe in them? Why do we spend hours picking them apart? Suspicious Minds (2015) unpacks our...
Published 04/24/21
Unlock the power of the habit that can change your life. We know about the seven wonders of the world, unparalleled in their beauty and historical significance. But what if there was an eighth wonder? What would it change? What would it add to our understanding and appreciation of the world? The eighth habit is much the same in that it builds on the established principles for success to add something new and revolutionary. Written for anyone who feels lost or wants to enhance their sense of...
Published 04/23/21
Learn why math and soccer go hand in hand. Here’s a riddle for you: what do soccer and math have in common? At first glance, you might say, “Nothing!” We tend to think of sports and STEM as operating in two different hemispheres, populated either by dumb jocks or “eggheads.” But David Sumpter argues that math and soccer are intimately intertwined. Soccermatics (2016) explores this theory in depth. Do you want more free book summaries like this? Download our app for free at...
Published 04/22/21
The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life. Everything you know about emotions and actions is wrong. It isn’t our feelings that guide our actions but our actions that guide our emotions. For instance, you aren’t laughing because you feel happy, you feel happy because you are laughing. This revolutionary theory about emotion and behavior was initially presented by Victorian philosopher William James, which led to the remarkable conclusion that, “If you want a quality, act as if you...
Published 04/21/21
Discover the captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world’s most underappreciated forces: shame. What do you think of when you hear the word “shame?” For many, shame is perhaps worse than any possible punishment. After all, we spend our lives building a career, a reputation, and a family, and one thing can take it all away: shame. The shamed people today are people just like you or me. They are people who made a joke on social media that came out badly or made a mistake at work....
Published 04/20/21
How to supercharge your potential. Remember that Daft Punk song entitled “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger?” It’s a catchy tune with a great message that speaks to the power of a strong personal work ethic. And this book is basically that song in book form! Smarter, Faster, Better (2016) was written for anyone who wants to maximize their potential. It’s for anyone who’s serious about accomplishing their life goals. Packed with tips for productivity, motivation, and more, Charles Duhigg’s...
Published 04/19/21
The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business Those with a passion for food and hospitality often dream of opening up their own restaurant or becoming the next celebrity chef. And why not? After all, it seems as if restaurateurs and celebrity chefs live a life surrounded by good food, great drinks, and even better people. People pursue this passion because they believe that their love of food is enough, but these people also struggle, and more often than not, they fail. Opening a...
Published 04/18/21
Secrets of the Ueber-Brands. When you think of prestige brands, you might think of companies like Apple, Red Bull, and Hermès. Each company is vastly different; while Apple dominates the technology sector, Red Bull dominates the energy drink market and Hermès is known for its prestigious fashion. But did you know each company shares one thing in common? Well, maybe not just one, but seven. After years of research, prestige brand experts JP Kuehlwein and Wolfgang Schaefer uncover the seven...
Published 04/17/21
The Bad - And Surprising Good - About Feeling Special. Today, society is becoming obsessed with the topic of narcissism. In fact, “What is narcissism?” is one of the fastest rising searches on Google, and articles about the topic are continually going viral. Yet, despite its popularity, the word elicits the same negativity as words like sexist and racist. In other words, being a narcissist is bad - really bad. What’s worse is that millennials, or those born after the 1980s, are consistently...
Published 04/16/21
The art of talking to each other in the age of Instant Messaging. Written for anyone who’s ever felt that the advent of social media has negatively impacted our communication skills, Reclaiming Conversation (2015) is a critical examination of communication in the digital age. Considering such issues as message overload and ghosting, Sherry Turkle examines the evolution of new communication practices and how we can adapt to function in an ever-changing world. Do you want more free book...
Published 04/15/21
Unlock the super-computer of your self-esteem. Have you ever thought about your brain like it’s a machine? Maxwell Maltz believes that the human mind is the most powerful computer in the world and that your self-esteem is the software it needs to run. If you need a boost for your self-esteem or you’d simply like to learn more about how to make the most of your mind, Psycho-Cybernetics (1960) is your guidebook to unlocking your potential and creating your best life. Do you want more free...
Published 04/14/21
The price is right… if you know these tricks! Pricing is the magic key to making your business profitable. But how can you find the right price for your product? What works for one business may not work for another so it can be tough to find the right strategy. Pricing For Profit (2013) is your step-by-step guidebook, packed with actionable tips that you can implement right now to generate real results. Do you want more free book summaries like this? Download our app for free at...
Published 04/13/21
Learn about the power of the collaborative economy and why it’s changing the world. You know Robin Chase as a transportation entrepreneur and CEO of Zipcar. But Peers Inc (2015) is your personal guide to the business strategies that built her empire. Providing a sneak peek into Chase’s extraordinary mind and philosophy, Peers Inc. will teach you how to unpack and implement the peers model in your own life and business. And, believe it or not, Chase’s solutions might also help you save the...
Published 04/12/21
Learn about the science that will help you to unlock your full potential. How would it feel to reach your peak potential? How would you like to unlock your optimum performance? Peak (2016) argues that your potential isn’t determined by your genetics, your environment, or your experience and demonstrates that you can reach the peak of your potential by implementing a few key strategies. Do you want more free book summaries like this? Download our app for free at https://www.QuickRead.com/App...
Published 04/11/21
Learn how to reclaim control of your day and your quality of life. Have you ever felt as though your life was just “meh?” Maybe your sex life is boring, you feel physically unfit, or you’re just not excited to wake up and face every day. Maybe you simply feel as though you could be getting more out of life. Well, Aubrey Marcus believes you’re right! Based on the author’s years of experience as an experimentalist, fitness junkie, and human optimizer, Own the Day, Own your Life (2018) is your...
Published 04/10/21
Learn all about the psychology of sales. Have you ever thought about the human brain in the style of the children’s movie Inside Out? If you saw the film, you might remember that the brain served as a control center and was operated by a spectrum of emotions. Joy, Sadness, Fear, and Anger worked together to keep the brain functional by pressing a host of relevant buttons. Well, believe it or not, the brain actually works in a very similar way! In fact, the brain of every human comes equipped...
Published 04/09/21
Learn how to avoid drowning in an overwhelming world. It’s no secret that our lives are overscheduled and chaotic or that many people struggle with anxiety and depression as a result. But author and activist Brigid Schulte aims to cut through the chaos by providing her take on the core causes of our stress. Arguing that traditional, conservative models of parenting, gender roles, and gender performativity are creating unnecessary stress, Schulte asserts that rejecting these binaries will...
Published 04/08/21
A Big History of Everything. Throughout history, historians have studied to make sense of the world. Most historians, however, typically focus on a small sliver of time, highlighting specific dates, individuals, and events. But what might it look like to study the entire history of the universe? What if we looked at everything from the big bang to our future? What might it be like if we could look at the full span of our history? Well, perhaps our entire perception of our existence would...
Published 04/07/21
Learn about the dawn of artificial intelligence. We live in a scary and rapidly-evolving time. James Lovelock argues that this is no coincidence and that we are hurtling towards a new era, which he calls “the Novacene Age.” Characterized by severe climate change and the dawn of artificial intelligence, the Novacene Age is truly a brave new world for human beings and it heralds the onset of a future that we may not enjoy. Novacene (2019) explores Lovelock’s theory about humanity, its place in...
Published 04/06/21
Learn how a dinner party can help you craft your dream professional network. How do you usually form professional connections? Is it at a networking event? At a business meeting? Or during the course of a well-planned dinner party? If the latter option has never even occurred to you, you’re not alone! Mastermind Dinners (2015) is author Jayson Gaignard’s revolutionary vision for shaking up the world of networking by hosting elaborate and inviting parties. By following his top tips, you’ll...
Published 04/05/21
Learn why myths give us meaning. When we think of something that’s not true, we tend to say, “That’s just a myth!” But at the same time, we treasure collections of ancient Greek or Egyptian mythology. That’s because myths tell us stories that inform our interpretation of the world. Written by controversial psychologist and right-wing celebrity Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning (1999) posits that myths bring meaning to our lives and that we need them, whether we believe in them or not. Do you...
Published 04/04/21
A Navy SEAL’s simple secrets for success. The titular action of Make Your Bed (2017) is a subtle nod to the author’s key message. Collated from the life lessons he learned during his time as a Navy SEAL, Make Your Bed is an anthology of the simple tips that changed McRaven’s life. The author believes this advice can change your life as well and that’s why he’s documented his experiences for the benefit of anyone who wants to learn, grow, or inspire others. Do you want more free book...
Published 04/03/21
Become an Artful Leader and Lead Your Employees and Company to Success Also known as the bible for the business world, Leadership is an Art explores how executives and managers can learn leadership skills that will build a better, more successful organization. You see, author Max De Pree doesn’t just discuss leadership as a hierarchy where those at the top intimidate those at the bottom to get things done. Instead, he views leadership as stewardship and focuses on the importance of building...
Published 04/02/21
Let self-love RAIN. There are a lot of radical ideas out there and Tara Brach posits that it’s time for self-love to be one of them. Advocating for a simple yet profound method she calls RAIN, Brach presents her theories on the practice of radical compassion through four simple steps. By practicing RAIN, you’ll learn how to embrace mindfulness, become your best self, and transcend the trap of negative emotions. Do you want more free book summaries like this? Download our app for free at...
Published 04/01/21
A revolutionary book detailing how society vastly underestimates introverts and teaches us what introverts and extroverts can learn from one another. Do you thrive in social situations or do you retreat to the quietness of your home? If you’re the former, then you’re likely extroverted and, lucky for you, are praised by western society. For centuries, extroverts have been seen as the ideal personality. They are social butterflies, they are bold, and they make great leaders. Institutions like...
Published 03/31/21