Day 116 - Loving my Life
Published 09/06/22
Day 113 - Is High THC Weed Dangerous?
Published 09/02/22
- When I smoked weed, I would be on cruise control- Can't be good for your brain if you just vegetate on the couch- Since I quit weed, I'm less lazy- I now code apps and write which exercises my brain- Since I've quit weed, I challenge my brain a lot more
Published 09/01/22
- There are many reasons why I quit weed, but health was the big one- When I smoked weed, I would use a pipe and a lighter- And I smoked a lot- That can't be good for my lungs- I want to live long without disability (healthspan)- Exercise is important to living longer and healthier- Quitting weed made me less lazy which prevented me from exercising- Since I've quit weed, I've been exercising more
Published 08/30/22
Day 106 - Spending time with others that don’t smoke
Published 08/26/22
Day 104 - Does quitting weed include edibles?
Published 08/24/22
Day 102 - What happens if you take a long break from weed and smoke again?
Published 08/22/22
Day 99 - I still get vivid dreams but a lot fewer nightmares
Published 08/19/22
Day 97 - How to Relax without weed? It’s nothing magical. It’s more a mindset.
Published 08/17/22
Day 94 - Training for a 5k and Other Thoughts
Published 08/15/22
Day 91 - Reflections on being clean and sober from weed for 3 months
Published 08/13/22
Day 89 - It's Important to Live Most of your Life Sober
Published 08/11/22
Day 87 - Does quitting weed mean I have to face my issues as opposed to ignoring them?
Published 08/09/22
- I wanted to have fun all the time. I guess I can have fun without weed. But weed made life more fun. I would be funnier with weed. I would laugh more without weed - But then, after a while, life became less fun with weed. I would need more weed to get that high. - I just convinced myself that weed was why I was having fun. But weed also made me feel bad and depressed. It also made me lazy and not creative - Weed wasn’t making me laugh, be creative, or just have fun. Instead, it was me and...
Published 08/05/22
Day 82 - Is it Harder Now than Ever to Quit Weed? Yes it is
Published 08/03/22
Day 80 - Admitting You Have a Problem with Weed
Published 08/01/22
Day 77 - My Sleep has Improved Since I Quit Weed
Published 07/29/22
Day 75 - ad-libbing today
Published 07/28/22
Day 73 - Does the temptation to smoke weed again ever come back? Yes, it can, but I stayed sober. I didn't smoke any weed.
Published 07/25/22
Day 70 - A Day in My Life Since I Quit Weed
Published 07/22/22
Day 68 - A Day in My Life When I Smoked Weed
Published 07/20/22
Day 66 - Why I Quit Weed?
Published 07/18/22
Day 63 - The Hardest Part of Quitting is the First Week
Published 07/15/22
Day 61 - Can you use weed responsibly?
Published 07/13/22
Day 59: Ad-Libbing and Random Thoughts Today
Published 07/11/22