Daily Qur’an Reflections: (10) Intense Love, Trials, and True Believers – Anfal 41 to Tawba 93 – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
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In explaining the 10th Section (juz') of the Qur'an, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani touches upon four main themes of these verses: (1) loving Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him); (2) trials and trust in Allah; (3) the Prophet's concern and mercy; and (4) a description of the qualities embodied by true believers   For more SeekersHub podcasts and podcast shows, visit seekershub.org/podcast. Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.