On this episode of the podcast, host Praveen Ranganath breaks down the recent publication in Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging on a machine learning-based CT-FFR technique for triple rule out coronary CTAs through conversations with Dr. Simon Martin, the study’s first author, and with Dr. Abdul Ihdayhid, the author of the accompanying editorial. If you’re interested in coronary CTA, CT-FFR, and machine learning, dive into this episode and enjoy!
Published 08/21/20
On this kickoff episode, host Dr. Praveen Ranganath discusses the recently-published RSNA Expect Consensus Statement on Reporting Chest CT Findings Related to COVID-19 with the journal’s editor-in-chief Dr. Suhny Abbara, the statement's co-first authors Dr. Scott Simpson and Dr. Fernando Kay, and senior author Dr. Harold Litt. https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/ryct.2020200152
Published 04/27/20