Roger McNamee, Co-founder, Elevation Partners keynoted Tuck's 2012 Entertainment, Sports & Media Symposium with this inspirational and completely unique consideration of technology today. Mobile and Social are no longer an option, Roger says, but a cost of doing business. Furthermore, today is the most important moment in the tech industry and HTML5 could tell us why.
Published 04/06/12
Wiliam Tworek, IBM on security in the cloud. William speaks about challenges with using the cloud such as data privacy laws and security concerns.
Published 03/06/12
Steven Caniano of AT&T discusses cloud computing's growth. Steve speaks with Vivek about how young cloud computing really is. Already, the innovations stemming from cloud are exploding are the cost savings benefits cannot be ignored.
Published 02/29/12
Mac speaks with Geoffrey about next generation cloud computing hardware and apps that handle big data in the cloud. He explains how the cloud's disruptive qualities offer great opportunity.
Published 02/29/12
Amazon's Peter Vosshall on Cloud Computing. Peter talks about the most opportune times to apply cloud technology, including "lift and shift" versus "skunk works" situations. When you're building from the ground up, you can leverage all the cloud on the first day.
Published 02/27/12
Hear experts from AT&T, Amazon.com, Google and IBM discuss the possibilities, problems and promises of cloud computing. These panelists offer real-world examples of successful innovations in the cloud and answer questions from the audience.
Published 02/20/12
Yancey Spruill T'97, CFO, DigitalGlobe describes DigitalGlobe purpose as “seeing a better world.” Cloud computing helps make that happen.
Published 12/16/11
Besides security, Enrique Salem, President and CEO of Symantec, notes that the hype around the cloud has created many myths and he discusses them in-depth. He also believes that cloud computing is the biggest change in IT in the last 30 years.
Published 12/13/11
Kent Parker, COO of Ariba, discusses the many different notions of cloud computing. Most specifically, he discusses the community (with a big C) that cloud computing gives rise to, filters and supports.
Published 11/22/11
Three top CIOs from Nestlé, Hilti and Bechtel shared their perspectives on cloud computing including security concerns and business opportunities. Panelists include: Olivier Gouin, Group CIO, Nestlé; Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti; Geir Ramleth, CIO, Bechtel
Published 10/27/11
Geoffrey Mattei T'12 interviews John Garing, VP of ViON, on his extensive experience with DISSA, where he served as CIO for over 15 years and his current role at ViON. John offers wise words of advice for today's CIO and how they should embrace new technologies, speed and innovation.
Published 10/25/11
Mark Hillman, VP of Strategy and Product Line Management, Compuware, speaks with Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow, Torlisa Jeffrey T'12, about the emergence of cloud computing and the vast business implications of its adoption.
Published 10/25/11
Vivek explores the vision Hilti has for cloud computing with their CIO, Martin Petry. Martin explains the shifting capabilities of a solid core and a flexible exterior in the enterprise.
Published 10/24/11
Peter DeSantis, VP, Amazon Web Services and General Manager, Amazon EC2, Amazon, sees a future in which harnessing a far-flung computer network becomes as easy plugging in a household appliance. For enterprises, that kind of simplicity would bring big changes. Manish asks Peter specific questions about these changes.
Published 09/23/11
Bill Brenner, Senior Editor, CSO Magazine, CIOonline.com / IDG and Prof. Eric Johnson sat down before the Human Behavior and Security Culture Workshop to discuss the current state of information security. Topics covered include Wikileaks, company culture and cloud security.
Published 08/18/11
John Stewart, VP and Chief Security Officer, Cisco Systems speaks with the CDS about the importance of understanding human behavior as it relates to information security in today's business world. Recognizing that entire societies now rely on technology, human factors upon that technology become extremely important.
Published 08/15/11