I was doing a coaching call recently with my land coaching clients, and some of them asked me how an assignment works on a land deal. Some people may want to do a land deal, but they're worried that they don't have the money or can't get access to the money to double close on it. Much like when we're wholesaling properties, sometimes it’s easier when you can do an assignment and then sell that contract to somebody else for a higher price. You could also assign the rights to that contract to...
Published 03/25/24
I’m in the Business Vision Workshop right now and I want to talk about something real quick. My dad was a janitor growing up but he had this incredible entrepreneurial streak – obviously, I took after him. He owned his own janitorial services business and whenever he would hire people, he has this 2-step formula for training people. —Step 1: They would just watch him do the work —Step 2: He would watch them do the work And then they would be on their own. But they would learn the tricks to...
Published 03/22/24
PPC (pay per click) and Facebook ads generate good, high-quality leads, but the problem is that they’re expensive. When you're just getting started, you probably don’t have the money to spend on that kind of marketing. The good news is there are other alternatives that you could do that can still get you leads.  My favorite form of marketing has always been direct mail. It always works, and it always will work. Why? Because we can choose who were marketing to. Here, I dive into how you can...
Published 03/20/24
I've done a lot of deals over the years. Almost every deal, if not every single deal that I've ever done, I've always partnered with somebody else. If you don’t have a ton of money to invest in marketing or you don’t have enough time, partnering with someone else who has those things and splitting the deal makes all the difference. And you don’t need to make them a formal business partner, you can simply do it on a deal-by-deal basis. When you can partner with other people, you make more...
Published 03/18/24
We’re back with another segment of my Do or Die series with Jared and Foster. If you’ve been keeping up with us so far, you know it's been exciting. Foster has been working really hard on the leads that they're getting, and they're doing very well with their direct mail strategy with postcards. We're averaging a little less than 1% response rate, which should go up soon because Foster will soon be leaving his day job to flip land full time!  Those first months in your real estate business are...
Published 03/13/24
We’re back with another coaching call with my buddies Foster and Jared. They have two properties under contract, and we get into how their direct mail campaign is doing. They’re crushing it with letters and postcards and are really gaining some momentum. We talk about what else they have in the pipeline and some tips on how they were able to get good lists of real estate agents. We also discuss how you can find realtors through sites like Redfin and Zillow. We talk about closing deals and...
Published 03/11/24
In part three of my Do or Die series, Jared and Foster are back with an update. Some good things have been happening, and these guys now have about 12 good leads. They’re three weeks into their direct mail campaign and they have even more prospects coming in. They also got their first contract signed after going through a little back and forth with negotiations, and they have two more offers out as well.   Here, I offer the guys some tips on how to get through this next leg of the journey. We...
Published 03/06/24
This is part two of my Do or Die series and I got my good friends Foster and Jared here. It’s been a couple of weeks since they were in Saint Louis, and we've been talking a little bit back and forth on text and Voxer. They've been taking massive, massive action. We’re talking 3,100 postcards sent out in two weeks. They also had a lead come in and here, we take a look at it and talk about next steps.  Patience is the name of the game, and this first lead came in about two weeks after they...
Published 03/04/24
In this Do or Die series, I’m going to be helping my brother-in-law and his friend set up a land business. We’re going to cover marketing, talking to sellers, making offers, and start flipping vacant land deals. We’ll first talk strategy, and I’ll teach them how the land business works, kind of what the steps are, how you find the deals, how you make the offers, and how you sell the deals. Then we’ll come up with a marketing plan.  We're going to be taking some counties and showing you the...
Published 02/28/24
If you want friends, you're in the wrong business. If you want a friend, go get a dog. If you want to make money, you’ve got to make offers. and I'm going to show you real simple, fast, easy ways to do so. Here, I walk through exactly what I would do to find good leads, how to calculate pricing, and how I would contact and talk to sellers. Don’t worry about whether they’ll say yes or no or if you’ll make them mad, it's all good. Just make offers.  You could get 50 of your offers rejected for...
Published 02/26/24
In this podcast, I talk about the 4 things you should be focusing on instead of focusing on revenue. I learned this from another guy on YouTube, Dan Bolton, and I have to give credit where credit is due. But I love how he kind of condensed this and this is something that I've tried before. —Profit —Recurring revenue or cash flow —Cash in the bank or net worth —Target monthly income But it's not just talk. The reason why I’m sharing these to you is because I want to invite you to join me at...
Published 02/24/24
It’s really important to understand the importance of making offers. If you can get into the habit of making 1 or 2 offers a day, I’m telling you guys, you will do deals. It's as simple as that. It's not a complicated business. It doesn't matter if you're doing commercial apartments, multifamily houses, land, whatever. If you want to do more deals, make more offers. If you’re not making somebody mad by noon, you’re not talking to enough people.  When you're following up with sellers, you're...
Published 02/23/24
It doesn't matter how bad your credit is, you can still do deals. I did a lot of deals, even with bad credit. Three years ago, I had a huge tax lien, a federal tax lien of $520,000 on my house, on everything we owned. The IRS was threatening to send me to jail if I didn't pay this thing off. Basically, what happened was I started doing a lot of deals, I started making a lot of money, and I wasn't setting aside any money for taxes. I kept on paying off my old taxes without paying my new taxes....
Published 02/19/24
Jamil Damji is in the house and here, we’re talking about the upcoming Squad Up Summit, an event that I'm going to. It’s April 23rd through the 25th in Orlando. It’s jam packed full of amazing speakers and presentations on how to take your real estate business to the next level. Jamil has been a wholesaler for a couple of decades, and he founded one of the larger wholesale operations in the country, Key Glee. His franchise company is now in over 100 markets. Wholesaling is in his DNA, and he...
Published 02/14/24
One of the things I'm always telling my clients and my friends to do when they want to get started in real estate is to stop asking “what if” questions and start asking “what next” questions. Big, big difference between the two. It’s easy to get stuck in what-ifs, like what if the seller gets mad at my offer? What if I offer too much, the seller accepts my offer, and then I get it under contract, and I'm trying to sell it, and I can't sell it because I've offered too much? What if I can't get...
Published 02/12/24
Here, I want to share with you the story of how I got myself into the real estate business. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you as you head out on your own journey. I've done all kinds of crazy deals, everything from traditional to creative financing with subject-twos and lease options. Right now, I'm doing a lot of vacant land, and the great thing about this business is that no matter what direction the market is heading, whether it's going up or down, things are always moving. The market is always...
Published 02/07/24
Would you like to learn how to do deals while golfing? Here, I’ll show you how to do it. A few months ago, we were out hitting some balls, and I got a text from my acquisitions manager saying that we just made $36K on a flipped vacant lot deal. We never went to see it and barely talked to the seller. We worked with a realtor and got this: it was listed for $340,000, we got it under contract for $215,000, and then we sold it for $280,000.  After all our closing costs, taxes, and other stuff,...
Published 02/05/24
I want to share with you the five biggest mistakes to avoid whenever you're making offers or buying vacant land. If you ignore these mistakes, you're going to be ignoring them to your peril because they’re really critical. You have to understand what makes a good deal a good deal and what makes a bad one bad. I talk about why it’s important to know who is on the title, which is a big deal with land, and how to clear things up. I also get into terrain and why you need to know how much of the...
Published 01/31/24
Here, I’m covering how to talk to sellers, and specifically, realtors. Sales is a million-dollar skill. If you're not on this phone, you're not making money. When we do marketing, the lead comes into a voicemail. We send an offer. We're averaging about one out of every 25 offers accepted for every deal—one offer accepted for every 25 offers that we send when we don't talk to the sellers first. However, when we do talk to the sellers first, we're averaging one out of ten. You're always going...
Published 01/29/24
How would you like to learn how to go from $7K to seven figures? Does that sound spammy? Well, maybe it does. I don't know; I don't care, but it's true. Sumner Healey joins me here to talk about his journey from $7,000 to seven figures through doing land deals. If you translate that and do the math in your head, that's over $1 million. Not too bad, right? Is it all rose-colored glasses, flower petals, and easy-peasy lemon squeezy? We're going to find out. I discovered Sumner on YouTube, and...
Published 01/26/24
Would you like to learn how to sell your vacant lot in two weeks or less? I'm going to show you how to do that here. I've been doing houses for years and years, but the last 3 or 4 years I've been doing more vacant land flips. And I love it for one simple reason: it’s easier. It's so simple that my kids could do it with me. Another reason why I love vacant land is because there is not as much competition. There aren't as many investors trying to chase these sellers. When you do find a...
Published 01/24/24
You know what? It's time to stop flipping houses and it's time to start flipping dirt, baby. I believe land beats houses every single time and I'm going to show you why here. Now, I may be wrong, and you can make an argument for why houses are better, but I'm telling you, from my experience, from my years of doing deals, teaching people, helping people to do deals, I love vacant land for one simple reason: it's just easier. It's a faster way to do deals.  I've taught a lot of things and have...
Published 01/19/24
Greetings from the beautiful Bahamas! And I’m excited to do this quick but important episode because I have my good friend Aidan Booth on today. He’s promoting a really great program this week that I know you guys are gonna love. Listen up because this is important: YOU NEED TO HAVE MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME!  You might be asking, “Why, Joe?” Well, as much as I believe in real estate, it will not always be good all the time. So about once a year, I talk about multiple streams of income and...
Published 01/17/24
What if you could do just one or two things every day that would practically guarantee your success? What if when you did these things consistently, you would do one or two deals each and every month? Would you be interested in that? If so, you’re in luck. Here, I talk about the importance of creating a marketing plan and why it’s so important to me. As I like to say, we’re not in the real estate business, we’re in the marketing business. To get your marketing done for you, in spite of you,...
Published 01/12/24
Do you want to do a lot of deals in 2024? Here, I share the four secrets to doing a lot of real estate investing deals, whether you're doing houses, vacant land, or wholesaling. I've been doing deals full time since 2009, and I've done a lot of different kinds. I've done residential houses. I've done a little bit of commercial, rehabbing short sales, vacant land, buying homes, subject to owner financing. I've done them all. I've also coached people from all over the world to do deals. These...
Published 01/10/24