Are you ready for the truth about protein? Can protein help you lose weight? How much protein should I eat per day? Is too much protein bad for you? If you’ve ever asked any of these questions, then this episode is for you. Chances are you’ve heard tidbits from all the viewpoints; probably everything from “too much protein is bad for you” to “protein is healthy and builds muscle.”  The sad part is that nutrition experts are often the culprit.  Dietitians and nutritionists tend to be the...
Published 06/18/24
For most people, losing weight is not fun. It’s something we feel like we HAVE to do. It’s a source of stress, overwhelm, and sadly failure. Who would want to do that?!  And this is why we often wait until we feel motivated again before starting another diet. We think we need motivation to be successful.  BUT!  The only reason we feel this way is because we’re forcing it. Once we make the shift from forcing to choosing, we no longer need that flighty, here-today, gone-tomorrow feeling of...
Published 06/11/24
Published 06/11/24
I’m giving you four of my top weight loss tips! If you want to drop a few pounds quickly, then I’ve got you covered. These weight loss tips are simple and they work.  But that’s not all! We’ll dive deep and answer some other really important questions like . . .  Are weight loss tips an effective approach for true success?Have you become a “tip collector”?Two different ways to view your weight loss journeyThen I help you find your best next step P.S. Forewarning - there might be a small...
Published 06/04/24
Are you eating healthy but not losing weight and you’re frustrated? Are you doing the Frankenstein diet and don’t even realize it?  Are you combining different things from different diets? Are you kind of, sort of doing keto? If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of those questions, then this episode is for you! You’ll learn … What the Frankenstein Diet is and if you’re doing it.The “oranges guy” storyHow keto really works and why keto-ish will not lead to weight lossThe two things you must...
Published 05/28/24
Do you feel like losing weight is harder for you than it is for most people?  Do you feel like your body is cursed and just won’t drop weight? Do you often think a basic diet won’t work for you and you need something special to kickstart weight loss? If so, then this is the episode for you! I’m going to explain the secret to losing weight and not gaining it back. We'll also dive into …  One of the worst things anyone can do when it comes to losing weightSome basic, but super powerful science...
Published 05/21/24
There are some weight loss goals you might want to stop chasing. Not only will certain goals make you miserable, they can also hold you back and leave you feeling stuck in a constant state of dissatisfaction with your body.  If you consistently feel unhappy about your progress of how you body looks, then I highly recommend you check out this episode. I share a few specific goals that fall into this miserable category. Then I explain 4 steps to help you identify what you really want and find...
Published 05/14/24
There are certain things we say, do, and believe that can keep us from having the life we really want. These borderline unconscious thoughts and actions work against you. The stuff you might not even realize that you repeatedly say, do, and believe is probably holding you back from weight loss success and achieving the body you really want.  Maybe it’s time to get rid of some of these things that sabotage us.  I mean, why try to drive with the park brake on?!  In today’s episode, I...
Published 05/07/24
Do you need some weight loss inspiration?  Would you like to hear about some real people (just like you) who are getting real results? Well, you're in for a treat! Today you get a peek into my Inner Circle coaching group. You’re going to hear some real life coaching that I do with Jevanna. She’s lost weight, but is encountering a really stressful time in life, and she’s battling that little negative voice in her head.  Here’s some of what we discuss . . .  Feeling like you’ve been on a...
Published 04/30/24
Crush your goals and lower your stress with these 5 tips! There are universal success principles that can and will help us in almost any area of life. If you have a goal that you want to accomplish, then this episode is for you.  Today I’m sharing 5 things to help you not only lose weight, but also have less stress while you do it.  Some of these tips are pretty straightforward. Others are kind of counterintuitive. But I promise - they’re real and they work.  I hope you’ll listen with an...
Published 04/23/24
Have you lost weight in the past, but seem to always gain it back? Do you sometimes feel like your own worst enemy?  If so, today is your lucky day! I’m explaining how to keep the weight off even if you always gain it back. It’s the third “secret” in this series. It’s a core concept of my Anti-Diet Method. And it has the power to revolutionize your weight loss journey!  I’ll explain it all, plus you’ll hear multiple stories from clients who put this into practice and experienced the amazing...
Published 04/16/24
If I had to guess, you’re probably pretty busy and you might feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done. You’re running from here to there, working overtime, trying to be a good mom or dad, taking care of kids, work, family, and life responsibilities.  Does it often feel like there’s no time left … for YOU?  I mean, how in the world are you supposed to take care of yourself when you’re exhausted trying to take care of everything and everyone else?!   Well, good...
Published 04/09/24
Do you struggle to be consistent?  Do you have a really hard time sticking to your exercise or food plan?  Does trying to lose weight always add to your stress and leave you feeling overwhelmed?  In this episode, I will explain why you feel this way and provide two simple tips to help you overcome inconsistency and stick to your goals. You’re going to learn one of the core concepts (one of the secrets!) of my Anti-Diet Method.  A recent conversation was the inspiration for this episode. It...
Published 04/02/24
What’s the best weight loss drug? Is semaglutide safe?  What’s the difference between Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro?  If you are considering taking one of these new weight loss medications, then this episode is for you.   These new “miracle” weight loss drugs are supposedly helping people lose weight like crazy.. Even Oprah recently announced that she was using them to help her lose weight! In this episode, we’ll answer the following questions . . .  What is semaglutide? What does it do in...
Published 03/26/24
Do you sometimes feel like you’re doing everything right, but just can’t lose weight? Or do you feel like you’re not eating “bad”, but you’ve started gaining weight?  Well, congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. You’re about to find out why.  In this episode, I'll explain a sneaky food habit that might keep you from losing weight or even cause you to gain weight. Yikes! The big problem is - you probably don't even realize you're doing this. I call it “the trickle.” It can keep...
Published 03/19/24
This episode is one of the most important and heartfelt messages I’ve ever shared.  It’s about a huge weight loss mistake, but honestly it’s so much more than that.  Some mistakes might slow your weight loss or keep you from losing weight at all. Other mistakes are much more serious and detrimental.  What I’m explaining today will steal your happiness and lead to a ton of regret. It’s my prayer that this episode will help you find more clarity, joy, happiness, and peace of mind.   1: JOIN...
Published 03/12/24
Are you sabotaging yourself with this weight loss mistake?  The really sneaky part is that most people don’t even realize they’re doing it. Or they might even think it’s actually a good thing. But it’s not.  This sneaky weight loss mistake has 4 huge consequences. Ultimately it will sling you into a self-defeating all-or-nothing weight loss cycle that just repeats itself.  In today’s episode, I’ll tell you . . .  The big weight loss mistakeHow to determine if you’re doing thisExactly what...
Published 03/05/24
If you’ve tried a bunch of different diets but none seem to work …  Or if you keep trying but keep quitting …  Or if you’re always starting the newest trendiest weight loss program …  Then this episode is for you. Your struggles may have more to do with your brain than your body. Today I’ll explain how your brain can work against you when it comes to losing weight.  There are some psychological principles and neuroscience going on behind the scenes that might lead you into a self-defeating...
Published 02/27/24
There are two core principles that must be addressed if you want to lose weight AND keep it off.  But here’s the crazy part - there are a lot of different ways you can accomplish these two. You can lose weight using keto, intermittent fasting, Weight Watchers, tracking macros, counting calories, Noom, the Mediterranean Diet, a vegan diet, or you could get weight loss surgery or choose to take one of the new weight loss drugs - ozempic, wegovy, or mounjaro.  But there are a few questions...
Published 02/20/24
Today’s episode is an excerpt from a special teaching that I did inside my Inner Circle coaching group.   I will explain why your body is the result and not the reason. I believe this misunderstanding is what 99% of people get totally wrong when it comes to losing weight. But once you understand the truth, it will absolutely revolutionize how you go about losing weight! It will literally shift your entire mindset and open your eyes like never before. Let’s get super honest. We don’t just...
Published 02/13/24
Can hormones keep you from losing weight?  Is cortisol making you fat?  Want to know how to balance hormones to lose weight?  Those are great questions. Today I want to help as much as I can. I’ll pull back the curtain on those “evil hormones”, demystify the problem, explain things in a way that’s easy to understand, expose some mindset traps we might be falling into, and give you a clear step-by-step path moving forward. When it comes to losing weight, hormones have become this mysterious...
Published 02/06/24
“Even if I don’t lose one more single pound, I am happy! I love my life!! I feel good again!” This is a direct quote from LaVon.  She has battled her weight almost her entire life. She thought her only two options were “fat and happy” or “skinny and miserable”.  She began gaining a bunch of weight in her 30s after having kids. Plus she had quite a few big life stressors that resulted in the pounds really packing on. She found herself roughly 60-70 pounds overweight.  She tried the LoseIt...
Published 01/30/24
Do you ever struggle with consistency?  Do you ever just not feel motivated? If so, then this episode is for you! I explain 5 secrets to being more consistent, but that’s just the cherry on top. You’ll also discover the difference motivation, commitment, and consistency.  These three typically get bunched together, but they’re VERY different. One is overrated. One is the secret to anything you want in life. And the other is the absolutely essential prerequisite. If you want more weight...
Published 01/23/24
Want to know how to lose weight in 2024?  It doesn’t matter what diet or weight loss program or trainer you choose, there are some foundational truths that you must understand and embrace if you want to be successful.  And these truths might not be easy to hear.  They’re also not easy to share. They’re tough love truths. But I promise they can make all of the difference in your pursuit of weight loss.  Today we’ll cover . . .  What most people don’t realize about losing weightHow...
Published 01/16/24
Did you know that roughly 92% of people will not achieve their resolutions? Yes, according to statistics - only about 8% of people will be successful with their new year’s goals.  So … What can we do to make sure you’re part of that 8%?  How can you avoid being part of the 92% failure rate? These are the things I see people do over and over again, but they never really work. Actually they go one step further and work against you, further ingraining some self-defeating thoughts and...
Published 01/09/24