Welcome back, Purpose Chasers! This is an episode where we're diving deep into the art of saying no without feeling guilty. I'm thrilled to continue our exploration of the PEOPLE Pillar, focusing on the theme: stopping the people-pleasing cycle. Now, let's face it—saying no can be tough. We've all been there, juggling commitments and feeling torn between our own priorities and others' expectations. But guess what? You don't have to feel guilty when you say no. That's right, it's time to...
Published 02/08/24
The theme for this month on the Redefining Wealth App and in the community is all about the PEOPLE Pillar. We are really honing in on our people-pleasing tendencies and today’s Wisdom Point takes us back to a lesson I learned the hard way in 2019. People pleasing doesn’t just look like saying yes to everything. It also comes up when we are not honest with people when a season of our lives is up. And sometimes, we’re not even honest with ourselves. Maybe we know a relationship is over or has...
Published 02/05/24
Hey there, Purpose Chasers! Today's episode is all about breaking free from the shackles of people-pleasing and reclaiming your power to say no. You see, it's not about having a problem with saying “no”—it's about having a "yes" problem. We're here to help you flip the script, courtesy of none other than The People Displeaser himself, Nick Pollard. We’re leaning into the PEOPLE Pillar this month and the theme is Stop People-Pleasing. Together, we're zeroing in on stopping this cycle that's...
Published 02/01/24
Hey there, Purpose Chasers! Today, we're bridging the gap between the FIT Pillar and the PEOPLE Pillar. There's always a beautiful intersection where these two pillars meet, reminding us that we can't thrive in isolation. Growing up, I was taught to believe that asking for help was a sign of weakness, that other people don’t really care about helping you with your big ideas. But guess what? I've learned that's far from the truth. In fact, it's through collective effort and community that we...
Published 01/29/24
You are a Purpose Chaser… but you might also be a Purpose Chaser with a busy brain! Today's episode is all about understanding and tackling burnout, stress, and the infamous "busy brain," and I've brought in my amazing real-life friend, the incredible Dr. Romie, to guide us through it all.  Dr. Romie Mushtaq is a board-certified physician, award-winning wellness speaker, and the founder of brainSHIFT. She brings together over 20 years of authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and...
Published 01/25/24
Hey there, Purpose Chasers! Today’s Wisdom Point is about giving voice to the guilt associated with taking care of ourselves. The concept of slowing down and dedicating time solely to ourselves can be challenging, thanks to a myriad of cultural and societal expectations that often prioritize putting others first. Let’s revisit Valorie Burton’s story that guides us through what happens when we make decisions from a place of guilt. Ask yourself, what is it costing you to not care for...
Published 01/22/24
We’re delving into the concept of limiting beliefs today and the cycles they can create in our lives. If you've ever found yourself stuck in repeated failures, it's likely that limiting beliefs are at play. In this episode, we'll explore the signs that may indicate these beliefs are holding you back and discuss the ways to shift them. From recognizing negative self-talk to addressing the fear of failure, we'll navigate the key indicators and provide insights on breaking free from these...
Published 01/18/24
In today's episode, we're exploring why, despite its transformative potential, we often find ourselves running from mindfulness. It's like we're scared to get still and truly let mindfulness happen because who knows what we might discover about ourselves? We're taking a moment to go back to the March 2023 episode, "Come Home to Yourself," where Dr. Thema Bryant shared something so honest and radical with me that it completely opened my eyes. Join me for this Wisdom Point episode to address...
Published 01/16/24
Hey, wonderful listeners! In this episode, we're diving headfirst into the transformative world of mindfulness and self-care, exploring how we can infuse those precious everyday minutes with presence. I mean, let's be real – a minute here, 30 seconds there – there's got to be room in our day for a sprinkle of mindfulness. Let’s break down the misconceptions about mindfulness and self-care practices, all while understanding that wealth is way more than just the dollars and cents. This is a...
Published 01/11/24
It's the Month of Mindfulness, and in this Wisdom Point episode, we're diving deep into the FIT Pillar. I've got a game-changer for you – Future, the personal training app that's been my sidekick for over a year. It's not just about fitness; it's about fitting into your life seamlessly. And speaking of game-changers, let me drop some wisdom the beautiful and amazing Monique Coleman shared with us about healing. She introduced this concept during "Peel Back the Layers" in January 2019, and...
Published 01/08/24
Mindfulness is my superpower! In this podcast episode, we're diving into a topic we can all relate to – self-care and self-love. It's not a one-size-fits-all deal; it's personal. So, in this episode, I’m sharing what works for me, how I structure my life using the six pillars, and why you should never brush off those self-care rituals as something trivial. We're all about preventing burnout and becoming the best version of ourselves, mentally and physically. This episode is like a self-care...
Published 01/04/24
Welcome to a brand new year and a brand new feature called Wisdom Point! After some deliberate thought and surveying you, the listeners, I am shifting away from video and into short-form but impactful content. These short episodes will be available every Monday and are simple nuggets, thoughts, and ideas that can take you from whatever stage you are in and on to the next step. So, welcome to Wisdom Point! Listen to learn more about plans for 2024, the Redefining Wealth app, and how to anchor...
Published 01/01/24
2024 is almost just around the corner, but I believe that you can’t turn over to a new page in your book before you’ve taken everything you needed to from the last one. And let me tell you, my last page was pretty full! So today on Redefining Wealth, I’m reviewing my 2023: whether I stuck to my themes of “effortless acceleration”, what my version of progress looked like, and what I’m going to be doing differently going forward. If you’re ready to scale joy in your life and to take the path...
Published 12/28/23
If you’re a part of the Redefining Wealth family, I know you’ll have heard me talking about my Six Pillars of Wealth before. They’re the foundation that I’ve built my business on, where I help people to find their purpose and fulfilment without ever chasing money. But there are some new listeners to the podcast who don’t know so much about my Pillars framework, and frankly, even if you do know it a little bit, everyone could use a refresher once in a while. So in this episode of the...
Published 12/21/23
When we talk about money and wealth, we usually bring up the same kind of advice: You need to know your credit score. What’s your debt-to-income ratio? How much money are you earning? And while each of those numbers is important, I’m here to tell you that they’re not the most important numbers to determine your financial future.  In this episode of Redefining Wealth, I’m giving you the three numbers that you actually need to pay attention to in order to be wealthy. The kind of wealth that is...
Published 12/14/23
Why do we wait until January 1st to start to change our lives for the better? I know you’re with me on this. You have a goal in mind that you want to achieve, and maybe you even have an idea of how you’d go about it. So in that case, why wait to start? You’re just holding yourself back! On this episode of Redefining Wealth, I break down why I don’t believe in resolutions any more. We’re going to discuss why resolutions just don’t work, why your SMART goals aren’t enough, and what you can do...
Published 12/07/23
Hey there Purpose Chasers! Even if you’ve only been around here for a short while, you know that I’m all about living with intention and that stretches to the way I set my goals. That’s how I was able to get my MBA, run my business, go through a divorce, write three books, raise my child, AND look after my mom all at the same time. But I’ve had people ask me how I can get it all done. The truth is, I have a system. There’s a system behind my goal-setting and behind the way I execute so that I...
Published 11/30/23
When I talk about life transitions, I always say “when” and not “if'' you're heading for a change. Because let’s face it Purpose Chasers, life is full of ups and downs. You never know when your next transition season is going to hit you, you just know that it’s coming. What you can control is how you handle that transition and what you do with yourself when you come out the other side.  On today’s episode of Redefining Wealth, I look at my life through the lens of some of the big transitions...
Published 11/23/23
So you’re ready to save money. You’ve got a specific number in mind that you want to have in your savings account by December 31st 2024. I know you really want it. But how are you going to make it happen? Well, the money mindset would have you take a second job, or cut your expenses down. But I’m going to tell you something different… In this episode of Redefining Wealth, I urge you to ditch your narrow, linear money mindset and shift to my pillar approach. I’m going to show you how...
Published 11/16/23
I can’t believe that it’s nearly the end of the year already, but here we are. And I know that a lot of you are looking ahead and thinking about what you want 2024 to bring you and that’s great! I’m all for setting goals. But I want you to ask yourself one question: are you READY to receive the blessings you’re praying for? Because maybe you’re asking God for something but you’re not making the space in your life for it. Or you’re taking your goals to God when you could actually achieve them...
Published 11/09/23
Welcome back to another episode of Redefining Wealth! I'm your host, Patrice Washington, and today I have an incredible guest joining me, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon founder of Incredible One Enterprises. Dr. Darnyelle is an award-winning business growth speaker; strategist and best-selling author who is best known for helping business owners combine spiritual principles with business growth strategy so that they leverage and scale her businesses in record time. Get ready for an inspiring...
Published 11/02/23
On today's episode of Redefining Wealth, I'm diving deep into a topic that's close to my heart: reclaiming my voice.  For years, I found myself silencing my thoughts, feelings, and opinions to please others. But no more. I've come to realize that my voice is not only powerful, but it's also an authentic reflection of my identity and truth. In this episode, I share the 5 beliefs that have played a significant role in helping me find my voice again. From doing an honest alignment audit to...
Published 10/26/23
You have to trust your season and that still-small voice guiding you to bigger things. That’s what Patrice learned this year as she closed down some of her most successful and profitable programs, to make way for her purpose. Coming off the heels of Redefining Wealth Live 2023, Patrice talks about her year of transformation and growth in this episode of Redefining Wealth. The theme of this year’s Redefining Wealth Live was “Meant for More,” as she listened to her clients speak and connect,...
Published 10/19/23
I’m coming to you fresh from the first-ever Redefining Wealth Live 2023 and it was absolutely incredible. I was blown away by having so many purpose chasers in one place, open to receiving all of the magic that the weekend had in store for them. The theme for this year was “Meant For More” and the folks in the room left feeling unstoppable, limitless, and loved. We’ve created a safe place where you can be open to receiving love, where you can talk openly about money, and where you can...
Published 10/12/23
In this week's episode Redefining Wealth, I am sharing the 3 ways you can know for certain if you’re unfulfilled. I was meeting with a client the other day and she asked me a question. She asked why I focus so much on purpose and fulfillment. We are all on a different stage of this journey called personal growth. That conversation was so insightful because it prompted me to return to the concept of fulfillment and explain a little more about what it is and how you know if you need...
Published 10/05/23