Dave, Marcus and Colin discuss the hugely disappointing Matrix Resurrections – even Keanu Reeves seems bored.  The hyper-meta commentary falls flat, the techno-babble is ludicrous, and the action choreography is a mess.  We should have taken the blue pill and watched John Wick instead.  Connect and continue the conversation on Twitter: @reeldmc Email: [email protected]
Published 01/26/22
Dave, Marcus, and Colin discuss the revolutionary sci-fi action adventure film, discuss the mythology of the Matrix, debate whether the red pill or blue pill would be the better option, and discuss how the film has influenced modern culture. Everybody agrees that Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne kick ass (and each other) Carrie-Ann Moss looks great in latex, and bullet time is still cool! Connect and continue the conversation on Twitter: @reeldmc Email: [email protected]
Published 01/12/22
The guys discuss Denis Villeneuve’s visual masterpiece, Dave is quite taken with the film, while Colin remains obsessed with the 1984 David Lynch version. Everybody loves Timothée Chalamet, Jason Momoa, and the giant sandworms. Dave also conducts a quick interview with his Mom, turns out, she was not a fan.
Published 12/27/21
The guys discuss Paul Verhoeven misunderstood attack on fascism staring Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards, and Dina Meyer. They discuss the film, the original Robert Heinlein book, and how Neil Patrick Harris rocks his gestapo uniform. Nazis in space, fighting and killing bugs with oversized guns.....what could go wrong?
Published 12/07/21
The guys discuss this incredibly bizarre sequel - Jamie Lee Curtis takes her Laurie Strode character to a drug induced heights and Marcus struggles to pronounce Haddonfield. This movie is more insane then the psychopath those true-crime podcasters were following in the first film....I believe his name was Michael Myers.
Published 10/31/21
Part one of a two-part podcast on the new Halloween trilogy. True crime podcasters investigate the babysitter murders from 40 years ago and accidentally unleash Michael Myers on Haddonfield. We discuss Jamie Lee Curtis kicking ass, go deep on the Halloween franchise, and wonder is Michael Myers a cool guy? Long live John Carpenter!
Published 10/23/21
The sleeper has (finally) awakened with the new Dune film being released. Last year we discussed both David Lynch’s 1984 cult classic and the Frank Herbert novel. Enjoy this discussion from our archives!
Published 10/21/21
For its twenty year anniversary, Dave, Marcus and Colin indulge in the unexpectedly great anachronisms of the Heath Ledger medieval “sports movie,” A Knight’s Tale. Meanwhile, Marcus is convinced he’s watching a high school rom-com. Hilarity ensues.
Published 10/15/21
Dave, Marcus and Colin discuss Daniel Craig’s first time playing 007, leading to fun discussion on all things Bond (you never forget your first Bond). Also discussed, poker odds, cocktail recipes, and the effectiveness of testicular torture.
Published 10/05/21
Colin and Dave continue their Zack Snyder movie journey and discuss his first feature film. Colin attempts to help Dave with his pronunciations (and fails) and also expresses admiration for mutant executioners and Xerxes’s orgy game.
Published 09/15/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin mosey on over to the Mojave desert with Gore Verbinski’s animated western Rango. Colin is not really a fan of animated movies, will this zany lizard tale win him over?
Published 08/31/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin discuss watching random video tapes and Japanese horror films as we dive into the 2002 cult classic movie The Ring – directed by Gore Verbinski, starring Naomi Watts and our favorite horror child actor David Dorfman.
Published 08/20/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin dive deep into Crimson Tide. Amazing performances by Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman, and plenty of blue lights, rain, and sweat you know it’s a Tony Scott movie. Set conditions 1SQ and take us to launch depth!
Published 08/10/21
Dave takes an insane angle on the Rawson Marshall Thurber directed action spectacle, and Colin and Marcus totally disagree. The Rock is literally cooking in this Die Hard / Towering Inferno mashup.
Published 08/03/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin marvel at the amazing cast–and try to unpack the smart, complex plot–of director Curtis Hanson’s and co-screenwriter Brian Helgeland’s 1997 modern film noir classic, L.A. Confidential. Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush!
Published 07/13/21
Independence Day (1996) Dave, Marcus, and Colin discuss the @rolandemmerich directed, B movie classic and watch stuff get blow'd up real good. All three marvel at the realistic approach to science, but Colin hates Russell's kids.
Published 07/04/21
Dave and Colin continue their quest to discuss every Zack Snyder film, (apparently) while offering thoughts on proper tram operation, nuclear propane bombs and the fun of post-apocalyptic shopping sprees.
Published 06/29/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin take a tour of a spacious Detroit home in a neighborhood with plenty of growth potential. This week we watch the Fede Alvarez home invasion thriller Don’t Breathe (2016) starring Jane Levy and Stephen Lang. Don’t go in the basement.
Published 06/25/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin discuss the chilling post-apocalyptic film 28 Days Later, written by Alex Garland and directed by Danny Boyle. A gripping story and artistically shot movie, thankfully our real global pandemic is nothing like this terrifying scenario: fast infected zombies!
Published 06/16/21
Dave and Colin discuss the various film inspirations Zack Snyder called upon for Army of the Dead Some of you might remember a film called ALIENS..... James Cameron is gonna' sue!!
Published 06/10/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin continue to look for a scary movie, this week we watch the 2007 Spanish horror movie REC. Whatever you do, don't watch the English dubbed version, don't make the same mistake Marcus made.
Published 06/04/21
Dave, Colin, and Marcus discuss the Ridley Scott directed spectacle - incredibly entertaining yet historically inaccurate. If you listen, we hope YOU ARE ENTERTAINED!!!! But, we'd settle for mild amusement
Published 05/25/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin go spelunking in the claustrophobic nightmare The Descent (2005). Our advice, if your friend finds a random cave to explore, maybe you should proceed with a bit of caution, or find new friends.
Published 05/14/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin discuss why it's NEVER a good idea to go to The Cabin in the Woods. Colin and Dave align on when it's ok to kill friends, and Marcus contemplates death by unicorn
Published 05/07/21
Dave, Marcus, and Colin review the 2003 remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Jessica Biel and R. Lee Ermey are great in this well-crafted horror movie, but Colin has some gripes when compared to the original. Also, is a chainsaw really a practical weapon?
Published 04/30/21