Not quite an incel, not yet a Chad. The gymcel is a little-known, but hugely polarizing figure. Rather than swallowing the black pill and turning away from society (one where evil feminists govern man's ability to get laid), the gymcel takes matters into his own hands and get gains in pursuit of the ultimate Chad-bod. After all, everyone struggles with body image from time to time. So why do women hate him? Or, better yet, why do incels hate him? Hannah and Maia discuss the gymcel and his...
Published 04/03/23
He's hot. He's dumb. He's also a feminist ally. Househusband. Beef pillow. White knight. Clinically depressed golden retriever. And climate activist. Truly, what the f*** is a himbo? Is he a person who pops up in our everyday lives? Or is he just a misguided coping mechanism because women are (1) h*rny, and (2) feel let down by the real men around them? Hannah and Maia discuss the Himbo, his evolution from Himbo-Erectus™ to Himbo-Sapien™, and whether or not, like Maia's imaginary middle...
Published 03/27/23
No offence but... women are too much drama. No but seriously, we're living in a time of 'pick me' inception. Pick me's are calling other women pick me's, in response those women become pick me's and call the pick me's pick me's, and now nobody can decipher who the real pick me is. Hannah and Maia try and get to the bottom of this conundrum. Has the 'pick me' always been around or did early 2000s chick flicks do such a number on us that now we have no choice but to clap back? Or maybe this is...
Published 03/20/23
You wanna be on top? Well then girl, go do some exploitation! Hannah and Maia discuss the once revered, now maligned figure of the Girlboss™. Where did she come from? How did she get here? And why does she keep telling us to wash our face? We think sometimes you have to stop and consider, maybe becoming the #1 event planner in your state doesn't make you Malala. Join us for an unpacking of the She-EO, the world's fastest crash course on women in the workplace, Hannah's arduous journey towards...
Published 03/13/23
It's time to talk about the most misunderstood word in the Tiktok lexicon :( gatekeeping! Hannah and Maia dive into the history of the word, its sinister origins and the way it now bursts out of our mouths every time someone doesn't give us what we want, the moment we want it. Join us and extra special guest Rayne as we digress about the death of subcultures, the Supreme™ brick, the bouncer at Berghain, and the ever-overlooked qu∊∊f community!  Support us on Patreon and get juicy bonus...
Published 03/06/23
In the first instalment of our poignant, hard-hitting series: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss; Hannah and Maia breakdown "gaslight" and its terrible evolution. From a 1944 psycho-thriller starring Ingrid Bergman about a woman being tormented by her greedy husband, to a catchall for anytime anyone is ever unfriendly to us - the term "gaslight" is now a spectre of what it used to be. In this little series we ask - is this a natural linguistic evolution, or is the cultural abstraction of these...
Published 02/27/23
Hannah and Maia discuss the post-woke, irony-poisoned community of Manhattan's lower east side - also known as Dimes Square. These podcasters (Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, Cum Town, and Wet Brain), filmmakers, literary ingenues, and bloggers have come together to be as provocative as possible. But is irony-poisoning just a long, slow descent into nihilism? And is nihilism just a lazy river into the bleak world of the alt-right? Listen to find out!  **Correction**: The charges against Kyle...
Published 02/20/23
Hannah and Maia unpack the horrors of the feminist fashion world and its posterchild, Leandra Medine (founder of Man Repeller). Was Man Repeller's demise really a death rattle for the girlboss, post-feminism era? Or was this just a blip in the timeline? Join us as we digress about Moonlight v. La La Land, whether emo and Abercrombie could ever be bedfellows, 5000 different pronunciations of Tavi Gevinson's name (and the Dhoom movies), and a fun game of spot the difference with a pair black...
Published 01/16/23
Who watches the watchdog? Hannah and Maia discuss the weird evolution of Diet Prada, and whether or not it can (or needs to) adhere to a code of ethics in the lawless wasteland that is social media. Brief digressions include a fight that Maia got into (scrap!), the micro-celebs you'll find at Dumbo House, and a marvellous synchronized performance of the infamous "cerulean" monologue from The Devil Wears Prada. Support us on Patreon and get juicy bonus...
Published 01/10/23
Hannah and Maia try to make sense of the Rorschach test that is "Who is the Bad Art Friend?". Is the literary beef between Dawn and Sonya actually as juicy and layered as Twitter made it out to be? Or it it simply another case of what Safy Hallan Farah calls, "the true crime-ization of low stakes interpersonal drama"?  Also, would Maia give Hannah her kidney? Let's find out! Support us on Patreon and get juicy bonus content! https://www.patreon.com/rehashpodcast  Intro and outro song...
Published 01/02/23
Caleb was a very bad boy. But did we have to John Tucker him x 1 million? Hannah and Maia get personal about life in the trenches of online dating, and whether or not doxxing is a justified means to a feminist end. Intro and Outro song by our talented friend Ian Mills: https://linktr.ee/ianmillsmusic Sources: Camille Cobb and Tadayoshi Kohno, “How Public Is My Private Life? Privacy in Online Dating” Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, (2017). Katie...
Published 12/26/22
Is it possible to be both scammer and scammed? Hannah and Maia take a stab at the Rube Goldberg Machine that is Caroline Calloway's brilliant, chaotic mind. Is she actually staying one step ahead of the haters, or is she really just two steps behind? Let's talk about it. Support us on Patreon! And lots of bonus content + early access!  https://www.patreon.com/rehashpodcast  Intro and Outro song created by our talented friend Ian...
Published 12/19/22
It's time to talk about what happened to Lindsay Ellis. In this episode we do a deep dive into Twitter psychology, confirmation bias, and the sad sad phenomenon that is "getting woman'd". Intro and Outro Song produced by our talented friend Ian Mills: https://linktr.ee/ianmillsmusic SOURCES: Rayne Fisher-Quann, "What does it mean to get 'woman'd'?" i-D (2022). https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/y3pv5k/what-does-it-mean-to-get-womand
Published 12/12/22
Has Taylor Swift orchestrated an clever conspiracy about her sexuality? Hannah and Maia discuss the fascinating war of the "Gaylors", and accusations of queerbaiting amongst the Taylor Swift fandom. Intro and Outro Song by Ian Mills: https://linktr.ee/ianmillsmusic Sources: Christobel Hastings, “How Lavender became a symbol of LGBTQ resistance”, CNN, (2020)  https://www.cnn.com/style/article/lgbtq-lavender-symbolism-pride/index.html Willa Paskin, “The Case of the Fractured Fandom”,...
Published 12/05/22
Hannah and Maia discuss the end of nuance, and feeling betrayed by Wife Guys™.  Intro and Outro song by our talented friend Ian Mills: https://linktr.ee/ianmillsmusic Sources: Seth Abramovitch, “Why Are the Try Guys So Angry? Try Jeopardizing $6M a Year in Clicks” Hollywood Reporter (2022). https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/try-guys-scandal-ned-fulmer-eugene-lee-yang-6-million-1235233823/ Nunn and Biressi, “‘A trust betrayed’: celebrity and the work of emotion”,...
Published 11/25/22