During stressful times it is easy to turn to unhealthy patterns. Based on research findings on stress we often cope in ways that hurt relationships. Discover new strategies for addressing your stress and the stress in your relationship. Your relationship is more important than a virus. Learn how Dr. Skinner and Brett Williams suggest to deal with stress in your relationship.
Published 06/18/20
What is love and how can we be better at creating the love we want? While we all long to have a deep committed relationship we often miss the “How” to create the love we long for. In this episode Dr. Skinner introduces his new co-host and friend Brett Williams. Together, these two experts discuss the how to increase the love in your relationships. In this episode you will learn how the power of attention can change your relationship.
Published 06/07/20
Now more than ever we need to be strong. Discover what resilient people do to make it through difficult times. Today’s podcast focuses on Dr. Al Sieberts resiliency quiz. You can take the quiz and discover your current level of resiliency. Also learn three ways to stay mental strong during this difficult time.
Published 04/16/20
During this pandemic we are all experiencing high levels of stress. Our normal lives have come to a screeching halt and we are faced with decisions that can be overwhelming. Learn three strategies to help you respond effectively to the stress you are facing.
Published 04/03/20
The global pandemic has influenced nearly everyone’s life. In today’s podcast Dr. Kevin Skinner discusses three strategies for dealing with the feelings of grief and loss. Grief and loss can come from losing opportunities, financial concerns, or even changed marriage plans. Discover three strategies you can use to attend to your loss and grief.
Published 03/26/20
The pandemic is forcing all of us to distance ourselves away from others. While social distancing is essential for our safety, what are the mental health implications of doing so. Learn three solutions you can use to combat the potential negative impact social distancing can have on you and those around you.
Published 03/23/20
Welcome to The Relationship Builder Podcast. In this episode Dr. Kevin Skinner introduces the first tool for building successful relationships—Safety. The first principle for healthy relationships is creating an environment where you and the people around you feel safe. If you want to improve your relationships create and find safety in your relationships.
Published 03/23/20