Faraz Tahir was one victim in the almost unspeakable murder tragedy in Bondi at the weekend. Faraz was part of the Ahmadiyya community, a branch of Islam that suffers severe persecution in Asia and the Middle East. 
Published 04/17/24
In the days of Donald Trump, there's been a controversial trend on the religious right — leaning into a raunchier, sexier side, over modesty.
Published 04/10/24
On October 7, Avi Dabush made a narrow escape from the Hamas massacre that killed 1,200 Israelis. Since the escape, he has only been more determined to pursue a peaceful resolution — in Gaza, and the Palestinian West Bank.
Published 04/10/24
Despite the many dating apps available, why is matchmaking making a comeback among South Asian Americans of all faiths? 
Published 04/03/24
Robin Margo was a respected Jewish leader. But his passion for reconciliation in the Middle East made him a pariah to many.
Published 04/03/24
To those who encountered him, Father Patrick Ryan seemed like a typical village priest in Northern Ireland. But he lived a top secret life, because for almost 20 years, Ryan was a spy for the Irish Republican Army.
Published 03/28/24
Islamic State carried out a deadly concert attack near Moscow, killing at least 140 people. Why has the terrorist group targeted Russia?
Published 03/27/24
Church and human rights advocates fear that Article 23, as it’s known, could require priests in Hong Kong to report anti-government activity they hear about in the confessional.
Published 03/27/24
At the Holy Family Church in Gaza, where hundreds have taken refuge, they will not abandon their tradition. Despite the destruction in Gaza City, they continue to celebrate Easter. 
Published 03/27/24
Recently, Father Felice Palamara found a literal chalice that had been poisoned by the mafia. It's another sign of growing violence against priests who speak out against such criminal organisations. 
Published 03/20/24
A new religious discrimination law would reportedly allow faith-based schools to keep their spiritual character, but some religious groups worry this could be open to endless legal challenges.
Published 03/20/24
In China, the government is testing technology that allows authorities to monitor a person's thoughts. It’s an AI development that particularly worries federal Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay.
Published 03/20/24
Did Pope Francis really tell Ukraine’s leaders to hoist "the white flag" — ending a war that Russia began two years ago? Also, the Pope has upset Israel's government in its diplomatic efforts.
Published 03/13/24
The popularity of Putin among nominally conservative Christians sounds baffling — but why is it a growing phenomenon in the US?
Published 03/13/24
In the world's largest democracy, India, there's been a huge shift in who is going to the ballot box. 49% of voters will be women in this year's elections  — and they'll outstrip male voters by 2029. ABC's Avani Dias examines this turning point in the country, the leaps and strides women have made, and the barriers still present today. 
Published 03/06/24
Over 40% of students who attend Catholic high schools, aren’t Catholic. In fact, many aren’t even Christian. That’s one finding of a major study involving 1,200 parishes across Australia. 
Published 02/28/24
Australia spends $6 billion a year on prisons. But we still have one of the highest rates of repeat offending in the world. So what is prison good for? 
Published 02/28/24
If Israel's military offensive in Gaza continues into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, it could ignite a wider conflict.
Published 02/28/24
How did a small Christian college in Michigan end up at the heart of Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election?
Published 02/21/24
When does anti-Zionism become anti-Semitism? It's possibly the most contentious question of the moment.
Published 02/21/24
Indonesia's new president Prabowo Subianto has a history of courting Islamists - but religion was far less prominent in last week's national elections.
Published 02/21/24
In a trend mirroring Australia, around 30 percent of Americans call themselves religious "nones." They have no affiliation with any organised religion. But a new study reveals that many "nones" still believe in a higher power.
Published 02/14/24
At the heart of Russia is the vast hinterland known as the Steppe, bordering Mongolia, China and the Central Asian Republics. Around this territory, Putin has endorsed an ideology called "Eurasianism," and it's influenced by Eastern Orthodox Christianity. 
Published 02/14/24
In Britain, concerns have been raised over the false conversion of asylum seekers to Christianity, so they can stay.
Published 02/14/24
The business of espionage certainly involves a multitude of sins: deception, blackmail, betrayal, and even murder. So can there be an ethical form of espionage?
Published 02/07/24