What is the Law of Attraction?Season 1, Episode 19 There is a lot of confusion about the Law of Attraction online. It seems mystical and is often rejected as “woo woo” nonsense when it really is a simple and practical way of understanding your life how mindset is the cause of success.  The Law of Attraction isn’t mystical, it is a practical method of applying the knowledge of mindset to create different results in every area of your life. It is the thoughts we think that ultimately create...
Published 09/27/22
The Mastermind Principle Season 1, Episode 18 Successful people know the journey to your goal is a collaborative one, not matter how essential individual mindset it. You have limiting beliefs, experiences and blocks that only other people can help you overcome.  Napoleon Hill knew this and wrote about the Power of the Mastermind in his classic book, Think and Grow Rich. While many people talk about a Mastermind, few actually mastermind the way it was intended. In this episode, you will learn...
Published 09/20/22
The Law of Cause & EffectSeason 1, Episode 17 Whatever goal or dream you want in your life, the Law of Cause and Effect will deliver it to you. When you understand how this law works, you can achieve any result you want.  There are 7 principles of the Law of Cause and Effect that will help you understand how powerful it is and how to apply it better. Most importantly, if you want your life to expand and increase, you must focus on expanding and increasing the lives of others.  1:53 -...
Published 09/13/22
Your Unique GeniusSeason 1, Episode 16 Each of us has our own unique experiences, interests, talents and abilities. You also have your own unique goals, dreams and desires. Tapping into your unique source of power is the only way to find fulfillment.  To do this, you need to understand your self, more. There are 2 tools I have have been using for 10 years: Myers Briggs Personality test and the CliftonStrengths (or StrengthsFinder) Assessment. These tools help use understand our talents so we...
Published 09/06/22
Attitude of AttractionSeason 1, Episode 15 The magic ingredient to reprogramming your mind and to your success is your attitude. What exactly is your attitude? What does it mean to change your attitude. Your attitude is the energy you send off into the world that creates your results. It is composed of your thoughts, feelings and your actions. If you want to change your life, you need to begin with changing your attitude.  1:32 - Your attitude is the composite, the mixture and the alchemy...
Published 08/30/22
Habits of a Positive Mindset Season 1, Episode 14 Reprogramming your mind always comes down to habits, and more accurately, habits of thinking different. Most people are seeking a more positive and empowering mindset.  I have found 6 habits essential for a positive mindset. Last week, I taught about one habit, meditation. In this podcast I will discuss Conscious Acts of Service, Journaling, Exercise,  In today’s episode, I referenced the excellent book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, and...
Published 08/23/22
From Lack to Abundance Season 1, Episode 13 One of the biggest benefits to reprograming your mind is shifting from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset. The best practice to do this is Gratitude.  A habit of daily gratitude can grow into a super power that transforms obstacles into the very blessings you need to grow. The best part is that gratitude is completely free and only takes time and discipline to develop the abundance mindset In this episode, I heavily reference the classic book,...
Published 08/16/22
Fear is Required for GrowthSeason 1, Episode 12 When you are challenging your programming, upgrading your thinking and changing your life, fear is what stops you. Fear is a necessary stage of your growth, and everything you want is on the other side of fear.  2:14 - Everything you want is outside your comfort zone. We learn this truth from an early age.  3:48 - Use your imagination to build a picture of what your mind looks like to better understand fear. This includes your conscious mind,...
Published 08/09/22
Self-Image is EverythingSeason 1, Episode 11 The cause of all change and success comes down to the thoughts, feelings and beliefs about yourself. That internal change will create an external change in your results.  Whatever goal you want to achieve, or any result you want in your life comes down to this idea of self-image, or who you think you are. The biggest obstacle to your success will always be your SELF.  3:09 - Your self-image sets the boundary of your accomplishments. Most people...
Published 08/02/22
The Four Pillars of Persistence  Season 1, Episode 10 You will never succeed in any area of life without persistence. You will have obstacles come up once you decided to Persistence is not just about sticking with something and not giving up. It is much more than that.  Passing the persistence test in goal achievement is about your goal, your plan, your mind and your support. Without each component of persistence, it is almost impossible to succeed.  In this episode, I made mention of...
Published 07/26/22
The Power of Your Decision Season 1, Episode 9 Do you understand the power of decisions? To change your life you need to make an irrevocable decision to change your life and cut ties with all of the results you have achieved in the past.  Do you allow the conditions and circumstances to dictate your decisions? If so, I will share with you the cause of indecision, procrastination and all the solutions you are looking for to help reach your goals.  In this episode, I made mention of Napoleon...
Published 07/19/22
Your Journey to Your Goal Season 1, Episode 8 The journey you travel from your current life to the manifestation of your goal is going to be as unique as you and your goal. However, there are similar aspects to everyone’s individual journey that are shared. There are principles of growth you will travel through, and if you understand those principles you can manage the details of your journey effectively. We need to be studying principles, not strategy and tactics.  In this episode, I made...
Published 07/12/22
The Right GoalSeason 1, Episode 7 All change in your life will begin with setting the right goal, but most of our goal setting is a reflection of our self-limiting beliefs. We need to approach goals in a completely new way.  Goals are designed to help use grow. Without a goal, you become stuck in life. So what is the right goal? I will walk you through the ideas and steps to help you set the right goal in your life.  In today’s show, I referenced the book The Science of Getting Rich by...
Published 07/05/22
The Power of MentoringSeason 1, Episode 6   One of the most effective ways to reprogram your mind, if not the best way, is through formal, paid mentoring. I know this from my own personal experience of hiring a coach and investing in myself. It caused me to think differently about myself.  Additional benefits of hiring a coach are an increased self-image and self-confidence. You learn information in an organized and intelligently directed manner that creates acceleration. Group mentoring...
Published 06/28/22
The Law of RepetitionSeason 1, Episode 5 One of the most important principles in reprogramming your mind is repetition. This is a basic law of learning anything. Through a process of repetition, we become what we think about. Indeed, practice makes permanent.  The repetition of new ideas, over time, that reprograms your mind. Within this episode I repeat the same ideas in several different ways to help you understand the impact repetition can have on your life.  In this episode, I...
Published 06/21/22
Understanding Your MindSeason 1, Episode 4 If you are going to make changes to your life, you must understand how your mind works, and everyone’s mind works the same. When you make changes in your mind, you can change your behavior and change all the results in your life.  You have a conscious mind connected to the outside world through 5 physical senses. You have a subconscious mind which speaks in emotions and contains your conditioning and belief system. You have a body that is the...
Published 06/14/22
Methods to Reprogram Your MindSeason 1, Episode 3 Once you have an idea of what your current programming is and what you want to shift your programming to, you need the mechanics of reprogramming your mind. I have identified 8 methods to Reprogram Your Mind, and I have used them all. Each of these I mentioned the book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. You can order that book from Amazon, here: https://amzn.to/3PG51Mo 3:40 - I have put together a list of 8 different...
Published 06/07/22
The Solution to Powerlessness is Your EmpowermentSeason 1, Bonus Episode XX1 In the wake of the Uvalde shooting and continued mass shooting violence in the US recently, I feel compelled to share my version of the solution. With Colombine, Sandy Hook and hundreds of other school shootings, we need Where do we start?  We start with us.  The bonus podcast isn’t political, because the problem isn’t political. It is social. It is first and foremost, a mindset problem. It is a problem of...
Published 06/04/22
How to Reprogram Your MindSeason 1, Episode 02 To change the results in your life you need to learn how to reprogram your mind for success. This episode is about creating awareness of your current programming, which is the starting point of learning how to reprogram your mind. When you  In this episode, I reference The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard, and you can order it on Amazon with my affiliate link, here: https://amzn.to/3z1EOlc 1:09 - Your success is 95% mindset and only about...
Published 05/31/22
You are programmed to live your lifeSeason 1, Episode 01 No one wants to acknowledge and admit to this truth, but you are programmed to live the life you are living. Because of this, the best place to begin this journey to reprogram you mind the way you want to is with the awareness of our current programming.  As human beings we value our freedom and our free will, but that only makes the fact that we are programmed so much more important to understand and change. But you can’t change your...
Published 05/24/22
My story serves to inspire youSeason 1, Episode 00 My name is Todd, and I am one of the world’s leading coaches in the area of mindset and success. What I have to say only matters to you if you understand my own story of transformation. Today, I want to share with you where I came from, what has happened and how I used it as fuel to transform my life. 2:30 - The conditions and circumstances of everyone’s life is different. That is what makes us who we are. 3:41 - My history of sexual abuse,...
Published 05/24/22
Welcome to the Reprogram Your Mind podcast, I am your host, Todd L Bauerle. Todd is one of the world's top personal development coaches in the world at teaching people how their mind works, so they can think differently and radically transform their results in life. Todd is a top global consultant, mentored by master teacher on human potential, Bob Proctor. Bob awared Todd the Silver Pin for the Circle of Excellence within the Proctor Gallagher Institute in 2021 because of his outstanding...
Published 05/18/22