20 YEARS IN PERSPECTIVE: It's been a juggle to combine two careers and raise a couple of healthy, good kids and particularly a career in a multinational on the one hand and a very local kind of rooted career in medicine on the other hand. The most difficult time by far was after the 2008 financial crisis, when I think a lot of businesses were under pressure and ours was no exception at the time. By far the toughest, but also very character building, so was a useful experience at the same...
Published 06/29/23
20 YEARS IN PERSPECTIVE: You know, days go slowly and years fly by". I wasn't that keen on children to begin with, but once we couldn't have one I got actually very keen and life is what happens while you're making other plans. And suddenly I have 4 children. I've been on the boards of maybe thirty-forty companies in the past fourteen years. To be perfectly honest, I was really tired with the pregnancies, and the babies, and the work, and the travel. And so I decided to try to be a board...
Published 06/22/23
You defied some of the laws of physics to make that happen! Get the dog out for a walk, hop on the train or car to work or to school, put your gym gear on and tune in to find out who's the next guest in the Republic of Insead podcast. A few of my favorite snippets are below. 20 YEARS IN PERSPECTIVE: A number of crazy things happened related to the business and the growth of the business. We happened to find ourselves in an amazing position, through rapid succession, finished a fundraise,...
Published 06/15/23
The speed of light is a hard constraint in this world. "Just mention the letters "I.T." and a disheveled Harry Potter like figure will emerge from his back-row slumber. Either cheerful or recovering from a perhaps too cheerful night, he continually brightened our spirits. He has entertained us with his guitar stylings and has bemused us with his weekend hangover wear – an exceedingly well-worn bathrobe. Sociable and hospitable, he quickly shed his studious image to become the social...
Published 06/11/23