L'entreprise peut-elle avoir une vocation sociétale ? Quelle place donner aux autres parties prenantes que les actionnaires ? Comment y parvenir ? Régulation (externe). Action volontariste de l'entreprise. L’idée essentielle de cette présentation est que les rapports entre les producteurs et les clients sont de moins en moins directs. L’avantage concurrentiel repose de moins en moins sur les seules qualités intrinsèques de l’offre, mais sur l’ensemble des ‘médiations’ qui s’opèrent sur les...
Published 10/15/12
As more and more citizens come to reap the benefits of open trade on a global scale, as well as extended lifespan and high quality of life, they also seem to expect public authorities and companies to deliver more protection against those threats, whether industrial or natural. Amid rising awareness of the need to tackle the so-called health risk factors, such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and unhealthy diets, and of the link between good health and economic performance, the...
Published 10/15/12
Peut-on mieux piloter la mise en œuvre des stratégies marketing en s’appuyant sur des mesures intermédiaires des attitudes des consommateurs? Pour répondre à cette question nous avons suivi 62 marques pendant 7 ans (données fournies par Kantar Worldpanel). Une analyse économétrique fait le lien entre les actions marketing, les mesures d’attitudes et les ventes, mois par mois. L’attitude du consommateur vis-à-vis d’une marque contribue pour près d’un tiers à l’explication des variations des...
Published 04/10/12
The increasing breadth and complexity of information about product features available in the marketplace, especially online, has increased the difficulty of many purchase decisions. In order to assist consumers with these decisions, many websites provide electronic recommendation agents that ask users questions about their intended uses of a product and their preferences for specific product attributes, and then recommend available products on the basis of their responses. In an era in which...
Published 04/09/12
Word-of-Mouth Marketing—firms’ intentional influencing of consumer-to-consumer communications—is an increasingly important technique. Overviewing and synthesizing extant word of mouth theory, this paper shows how marketers employing WOM marketing methods face a situation of networked co-production of narratives. It then presents a study of a marketing campaign in which mobile phones were seeded with prominent bloggers. Eighty-three blogs were followed for six months. Findings indicate that...
Published 04/08/12
Marc Vanhuele - Consumer mindset accounts forapproximately a third of sales variance, according to a sales response model that also takes into account the direct effects of the marketing mix.Compteitors marketing mix and mindset also have a major impact on brand performance. The normer accounts for 13,8% of sales variance and the latter 7,9% - Associate professor of marketing and ressearch Director Marc Vanhuele has been a member of th HEC Paris faculty since 1994. He holds a PhD in marketing...
Published 07/13/10
David Thesmar - Over half of entrepreneurs oversimate their development potential when they first create their business. Only 5% underestimate this factor. Entreprenueurs convistions and their financial decisions are positively correlated. Realists generally opt for long term financing plans, whereas optimists tend to choose seemingly less qcostly, short-term financing solutions - David Thesmar is an associate professor of finance at HEC Paris and a research affiliate at the Center for...
Published 06/30/10
Kristine de Valck - When marketers intervene in in a natural word-of-mouth (WOM) relationship online, the tension triggered between commercial and community norms alters the relationships between bloggers and their readers. The nature and intensity of relational changes depend on the comppatibility of community values. The better they fit together, the smoother and more positive qthe changes for all those involved - Assistant Professor of Marketing Kristin de Valck eamed her PhD at RMS...
Published 06/23/10
Bernard Garrette - One reason why companies form alliances with competitors is because they lack the resources they need to carry a large-scale project on their own. Project magnitude, company size, and company experience with horizontal alliances have a decisive impact on the succss of a partnership - Bernard Garette gratuated from HEC in 1985 and received his docturate from the shool in 1991. He currently holds the Atos Origin Chair at HEC Paris. His research also focuses on competitive...
Published 06/16/10
Svenja Sommer explains her subject of research. Keys ideas are : divie projects into parts and only use tranditionnal planning for areas where all is clear. When risks cannot be pinpointed, approchas like trial & error learning or parallel trials will increase the chances of project success. Novel initiatives frequently require such approaches as well as typical monitoring schemes.
Published 12/13/09
Nils Plambeck explains his subject of research. Evaluation of a situation as both positive and negative generates broader organizational involvement in the solution-finding process and more novel and creative solutions. CEO interest in divergent perspectives reduces friction between third parties. Intensenty is crucial. Only strongly positive and negative evaluations increase the likehood of organizational actions - weakly ambivalent evaluations have the opposite effect.
Published 12/12/09
Marc Vanhuele introduces the podcast Research @ HEC and presents the HEC research department
Published 12/11/09