Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions when reading your Bible, and not getting anything out of it? Has it become part of your Christian “to do list”, but you rarely feel it connects you to God? You’re not alone. In this episode, I’ll share my personal struggle with this, and how God taught me to NOT just read my Bible, but let it speak to me.
Published 12/26/23
God is speaking today, but are we listening? He wants to give you wisdom and direction for everyday life. But, how do you begin to hear him? How do you know if you are truly hearing the voice of God or your own? On today’s episode, we’ll discuss a handful of ways you can begin to start recognizing His voice more frequently in your life!
Published 12/19/23
Do you have a scarcity mindset when it comes to God’s sovereignty in your life? Do you limit God in his timing, resources, or problem solving? That’s a scarcity mindset and is not for followers of Jesus. In this episode, I’ll share my struggle with this, what I’ve learned the hard way, and together we’ll look at what God’s word tells us about his mindset! Here’s a hint: It’s the opposite of scarcity. 
Published 12/12/23
Join Rhonda every Tuesday for a new episode of the Revel This podcast where she invites you to revel in the things of God, discover what He has to say about life, and become excited to deepen your faith! Every week she invites you to the conversation of typical struggles and questions most Christians have. No topic of faith is off the table, but stale faith is! So get ready to jot a few notes, as you’re invited to not just listen, but revel in the truths of God to help you actively pursue the...
Published 12/03/23