Ever gone to see a sequel to a movie that you love...and then found that the filmmakers gave no love to the film whilst making said sequel? Yup...us too. So let's chat about some of the worst sequels that ever disgraced the screen!
Published 02/24/23
February 1, 2023 If movies are a collection of scenes with a story narrative stringing them together, we have our faves!
Published 02/01/23
Jan. 11, 2023 We're looking at the first batch of flicks scheduled for 2023 through Memorial Weekend!
Published 01/11/23
December 7, 2022 The Man Of Steel has been emblazoned on screens big and small! How this comic book icon has fared from his early days to today and beyond...discuss!
Published 12/07/22
Nov. 8, 2022 Thanksgiving holiday means (hopefully) some "down time!" If you're gonna fill your time with some fine movie watching we have a feast of suggestions...
Published 11/10/22
Oct. 18, 2022 With Halloween in the air we thought it appropriate to show some love to the Master of Suspense himself, Sir Alfred Hitchcock!
Published 10/20/22
Sept. 27, 2022 It's one of the best franchises that Hollywood has ever produced and it's a favorite of ours! We give some love to this time travel classic.
Published 09/28/22
Sept. 27, 2022 It's one of the best franchises that Hollywood has ever produced and it's a favorite of ours! We give some love to this time travel classic.
Published 09/28/22
Sept. 13, 2022 Some great shows have made that leap to the big screen! Recently great films have been adapted for streaming and the small screen. Do you have a favorite?
Published 09/19/22
Aug. 30, 2022 The fall movie slate tends to get a bit interesting and award worthy! What's incoming? Here's what's on our radar for the remainder of 2022.
Published 09/01/22
July 19, 2022 What makes a good movie franchise and what can derail and sink others? Here's our take!
Published 07/20/22
June 14, 2022 We take a SPOILER-FILLED look at one of this summer's hottest movies. Top Gun: Maverick took 36 years to make it to the big screen. Was it worth it? Our take!
Published 06/14/22
June 1, 2022 Should all questions be answered in movieland? Should filmmakers hold an audience's hand to such a high degree? Should the viewer be trusted enough to figure it out for themselves?
Published 06/03/22
May 11, 2022 Disappearing into a summertime movie theatre is one of the special things in life! What to see, what to see..... Some thoughts!
Published 05/13/22
May 3, 2022 If one is good then TWO is GOODER! Wait...no. Sometimes a good movie needs to stay just one good movie. No sequel. No remake. Some we think need to stay untouched and some we think should have stayed so.
Published 05/03/22
Apr. 21, 2022 In our humble opinions, the writer(s) may be THE most critical element to a great movie. Without it you get...well..."less-than good movie." We take an overdue look at the critical writing element of Hollywood.
Published 04/22/22
April 5, 2022 Part 2 of our Bat-O-Licious look at the Caped Crusader; we take a SPOLERS-filled look at "The Batman" movie starring Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Colin Farrell, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturo & Andy Serkis.
Published 04/06/22
Mar. 22, 2022 With "The Batman" on the big screen (and before we give our take on that in the next episode) we take a bat-gander back through Adam West, Tim Burton, Nolan & BatFleck that lead us up to now.
Published 03/22/22
Mar. 8, 2022 For our 100th episode we revisit our first question pondered; What makes for a good movie?
Published 03/08/22
Feb. 22, 2022 Nostalgia is one heckuva good tool to use in making a movie. Wield it carefully; too much, forced... We look back fondly (and less-so) at some rosie-colored examples.
Published 02/22/22
February 8, 2022 Why do some great performers seem to exceed in a romantic comedy genre and others just don't seem to make it? We jump back into rom coms just in time for Valentine's Day!
Published 02/08/22
Jan. 27, 2022 Real people on the big screen; How much is real and how much is for the reel? Biopics and historical figures on the big screen. Let's meet 'em, shall we?
Published 01/28/22
Jan. 12, 2022 What to watch, what to watch...? We offer a few suggestions from our radar of upcoming films through the springtime.
Published 01/12/22
Dec. 14, 2021 Ever get a case of the "what if's"? What if this other actor got an iconic role made famous by somebody else? What if a well-known part went to the filmmakers' first pick and not the person that actually got cast? We take a dive down the rabbit hole in our last show for the year!
Published 12/15/21
Nov. 23, 2021 When watching a film on a big, flat screen isn't enough! From feel-around, smell-o-vision, 3-D or IMAX, we take a tour through what worked and what didn't.
Published 11/24/21