Angie LaRue is a crystologist and intuitive. After a life-changing ordeal in 2011, her life changed. Through the Akashic Records she was able to download information about this technology. She helps people using the largest orgone generator in the West.
Published 12/06/17
Maleda experienced an awakening to the Great Mother Consciousness which revealed her evolutionary work of Womb Matrix Healing. She guides women to deep spiritual realization through the natural gateway of our wombs.
Published 10/17/17
The Rise Collective Podcast features wisdom keepers and light bringers of the world, to tell their stories and spread their wisdom.
Published 08/15/17
The Rise Collective Podcast features wisdom keepers and light bringers of the world, to tell their stories and spread their wisdom.
Published 08/04/17
Nissa Howard is a Soul Crafter, Sacred Individualist, Inner Alchemist and a trail guide through the wilderness of the inner world. In this interview, Nissa shares with us her fierce love of the natural world, her relationship with The Lady of the Bones, and her deep value for integrity. As a guide, she helps women find the medicine within; so that they can heal themselves. Find out more at www.nissahoward.com
Published 06/28/17
The Rise Collective Podcast features wisdom keepers and light bringers of the world, to tell their stories and spread their wisdom.
Published 06/25/17
The Rise Collective Podcast features wisdom keepers and light bringers of the world, to tell their stories and spread their wisdom.
Published 06/25/17