25 May - Jonny & the old lady, Robin & Malcom X + 'Reginald'
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The Mars Perseverance Rover is fed up with Robin & Jonny… Robin has the worst beef with Jonny than he's ever had… Jonny is horrible about a sweet old lady… why you should sleep at work… Calm Larry hung out with Adele… why we all owe Paris Hilton an apology… Robin is finally starting to like Jonny’s number one fan… Reginald is Jonny’s new house guest… are your nighttime routines normal?… why Jonny told a child to “shut up”… the best driving innovations of all time… a new A.I. lawnmower is coming… what animals are happy to see you… what Calm Larry’s wife is called… Robin has some insight into Malcolm X… why Robin is very annoyed… how to turn yourself into a ‘morning person’… Sly Stallone writes his daughters break up texts… phrases we all hate… the foods you should NEVER eat in the office… how David Copperfield throws people off copying his tricks… how Disney could be more woke… millenials are always ‘on’ and Calm Larry went to the theatre… do you really have to throw out your underwear after a certain time?… how old your children should be when their parents stop doing these things?...
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