20 July - Robin swears (!!!), Jonny's home town + JUAN IS BACK!!!
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Jonny is annoyed his name comes second… what you need for the perfect road trip… a prank Robin played on Jonny a year ago comes back to haunt him… Juan is back!!?… regular listener calls and is still listening to the show even though he said he wouldn't… Robin says the ultimate swear word on the radio… should ketchup be kept in the fridge?… why the FBI is trying to recruit Taylor Swift fans… Jonny notices Robin is sad… the stuff we only pretend to like… you should take brain breaks… we have 140 moments of this kind of peril… what would a walking tour of Jonny's home town entail?… Jonny makes a game out of Robin’s bad parenting… the worst place to propose and where Robin popped the question… Jonny's new office habit that's really annoying Robin… Robin finds out what Jonny is saying about him behind his back… the guys discus an AI created pizza… could Robin and Jonny trick a lie detector... chances are that person you're talking to on Tinder is what?… what we hate about our faces… the guy sat beside Jonny in the cinema… how many friends do you have?…
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Jonny was recognised boarding a flight… the best bad jokes of all time (just the normal material then eh??)… the top 10 celebrity friends we all want… Microsoft are back as the most profitable company… people are travelling to Dubai for this epic food… Jonny's first date… Jonny falls asleep while...
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