If you are someone who constantly battles the relentless pursuit of creative perfection, you're not alone! Many creatives find themselves trapped in the never-ending cycle of striving for flawlessness, which often hinders their creativity, their productivity, and can lead to burnout. This is something I also struggled with for decades, so I know it well! The good news is that there are ways to overcome this, and in this episode we are going to explore 10 effective strategies to help you break...
Published 10/05/23
This is an episode that will hopefully make you feel seen, heard, and understood  if you’re someone who has struggled to ask for help. And maybe you don’t even realize  you’ve struggled with this, but you’re wondering why you hate your job, feel stuck, uninspired, and burned out. This episode may illuminate some of the things that you’ve been carrying around with you for months or years, (maybe even decades) so you can overcome this hurdle and move your creative career forward! LET'S ROCK! To...
Published 09/28/23
As creatives, we all know that that technology is only half of our career success equation. I mean, just because you have Adobe Illustrator in your computer, doesn’t mean you can instantly design an amazing logo in 5 minutes, right? (Ahem, difficult clients, I'm looking in your direction...) In this episode we'll talk about the core things you need to know to effectively use AI for your self-promotional materials, so you can leverage this amazing tool to support you in your creative job...
Published 09/21/23
Creatives often labor under the delusion that whatever we’ve experienced in our career is always the story we need to tell our audience. But the truth is that we have the most potential of any industry to curate our stories so they help us get the creative jobs and clients we want! Join me in this episode where I'll share 8 key facets for rethinking the narrative, so your creative career story becomes a dynamic and ever-evolving script that you can rewrite and refine whenever you want to move...
Published 09/14/23
I get it. You’re not enjoying your creative job anymore, but you’re trying to push those feelings down because you don’t want to deal with them. This is a hard place to be for any creative. In this episode, we're going to dive into the art of coping with scary career decisions, remove the fear, and turn this into an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, so you can move your creative career forward! LET'S ROCK! To get more free creative career support resources, or connect with me...
Published 08/24/23
Getting noticed by agency owners and creative directors can be tough if you don't have prior agency experience on your resume. But it's not impossible to get noticed (and hired!) if you show and share the right information in your self-promotional materials. Join me in this episode where I discuss exactly what you need to do to capture the attention of the people who make the hiring decisions in creative agencies, so you can land the agency job that reignites your creative spark! LET'S...
Published 08/17/23
Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with your creative job search? I've been there too! This episode is all about empowering you to conquer the overwhelm that comes with looking for your next creative job, so you can keep that energy and momentum going. I'll share 5 ways to manage your stress, retrain your brain, and sharpen your focus, so you can avoid the burnout that can keep us from progressing in our creative careers. LET'S ROCK! To get more free creative career support resources, or...
Published 08/10/23
If you are feeling a little stuck, bored, stagnant, or complacent in your current creative job, this episode is for you! We'll discuss some key approaches and strategies to help you begin digging yourself out of this rut, so you can define your future vision and actually move forward on a creative career path that better aligns with your talents, values, and aspirations. There are truly no limits to what you can achieve in your creative career if you can envision it. LET'S ROCK! To get more...
Published 07/27/23
When we compare ourselves with others in the creative industry, we belittle our own achievements and overlook the value of our personal growth. This is not a place we can continue to build a successful creative career from. 😖🎨⚡️ In this episode I'll discuss ways to crush comparison syndrome by refocusing our thoughts, so we won’t continue to hinder our progress and limit our career opportunities. I'll also share the 5 tricks I've used in my own 20-yr. creative career to distance myself from...
Published 07/20/23
Job interviews can be exhausting experiences for creatives. We invest so much time, effort, and emotion into crafting our self-promotional materials and preparing for every potential interview question. However, despite our best efforts, rejection can still find it's way into our lives. In this episode I'll discuss why rejection isn't always about us, and help you maintain the momentum you need to get the creative job that is out there waiting for you. Because you've worked WAY too hard to...
Published 07/13/23
Do you feel stuck in your creative career because of all the "what-if" scenarios rolling around inside your head? Are you afraid of making a mistake, or a bad career decision? You're not alone! Fear of risk is the number one way we limit our creative potential, and shut out opportunities for growth and success. In this episode I'll share the 5 ways to conquer that fear of risk, so you can get unstuck, confidently move forward in your career and stop feeling like you're holding yourself...
Published 06/29/23
Have you ever had a bad creative job interview that made you feel super disappointed in yourself? Me too! But I promise that it's not the end of your career. In this podcast I’ll share 3 things you can do to recover from this, how to think about this experience differently, and how to avoid letting a bad interview experience destroy the momentum of your creative job search. I’ll also share a few stories from my own creative job interview experiences that didn’t go as planned, and talk about...
Published 06/22/23
If you’re feeling bad about yourself, your creative career, or your work, THIS is the motivational episode for you! I'll dive into all the reasons we struggle with our own value as creatives, and share the 5 ways you can begin developing that unshakable self-worth that we all truly deserve to have, so we can get the jobs, clients, careers and creative success we desire! To get more free creative career support resources, or connect with me directly, check out: www.rockthatcreativejob.com...
Published 06/15/23
Do you feel anxious, frustrated, worried or jealous when you read articles about layoffs, or see social media updates from creatives starting new positions? You're not alone! If you’re a creative in search of a new job, or one who feels stuck in a dead-end role, this podcast episode is for you! I'll discuss why our brains love to make us feel anxious, and present a new perspective that will help you reframe the very idea of  competition, so you can stay calm and find your true place in our...
Published 06/01/23
Do you feel frustrated, exhausted and confused in your creative job? You might be in a toxic work environment! Join me in this episode where I go through the 5 key indicators of toxic creative work environments, the behaviors this experience can manifest, the emotions associated with it, and the 3 steps to systematically move yourself into a healthier creative environment. I'll also discuss some questions to ask in job interviews that will help you identify any red flags before you accept an...
Published 05/25/23
Do you have creative burnout? Are you sure? Join me for Part 3 of my mental health series as I discuss burnout in the creative industry, how to identify if you're in the stages of it, and how you can start to take care of yourself if you discover that you're heading down this path. I'll also tell the story of my horrifying experience with burnout during my creative career (side note: only 3 other people on the planet know this insane story!) and what I took away from it to make sure it never...
Published 05/18/23
Have you ever wondered why you keep thinking you're a phony, or a fake, or a fraud when it comes to your creative career? Join me for Part 2 of the Mental Health for Creatives podcast series, where I'll discuss the root causes of these thoughts, what happens to our brains (and our creative careers) when we let them takeover, and why we're sometimes afraid of actually letting them go. If you've been struggling with imposter syndrome in your creative career, I see you, I've been there too, and...
Published 05/11/23
Creatives are more likely to experience mental health struggles than many other professions. Join me for the first episode of a 4-part series that focuses exclusively on mental health in our industry. We'll discuss the reasons creatives have these struggles, uncover some myths, and discuss ways to improve the situations that tend to hold us back in our careers, or cause us to leave the creative industry altogether. And if you've been struggling with your creative career and your mindset, I...
Published 05/04/23
Wondering if your creative career has possibly begun to atrophy? You're not alone! Since the creative industry is always evolving, we don't necessarily need to be in the same job for decades to have this creep up on us. Join me in this episode where I share two stories of frustrating atrophy experiences in my own creative career, so you can avoid making these same mistakes in yours. You'll learn how to identify the hidden signs of atrophy, so you can keep your creative career healthy and...
Published 04/20/23
Ever wonder if you'd enjoy your creative work more in a different environment? Or what it might be like on the other side? In this episode I'll go through all the key differences between agency and in-house environments, so you can gain the knowledge to make confident and strategic career decisions. I'll also share some of the highlights from my experience going back and forth between both types of creative environments, so you have full visibility into the benefits of each world. To get more...
Published 04/13/23
Whoa! It's my 20th podcast! In this special milestone episode, I want to share the surprising and unusual story of how I found my creative success secret, so you can learn to discover your own (yep, we all have them!) and use it to propel yourself forward, no matter who you are, or what you've experienced in your life. My origin story is probably not at all what you think it is, and I'm excited to share it with you. LET'S ROCK! To get more free creative career support resources, or connect...
Published 04/06/23
Do you cringe, shudder, or feel instantly anxious when someone says that you need to "sell yourself" as a creative? This episode is going to change those reactions! We'll discuss the core principles of authentic self-promotional conversations for creatives, and also share my own personal story of how I learned these principles at a really young age. You deserve to get that amazing job offer, those killer clients, or the exciting promotion you really want, and I don't want your fear or...
Published 03/30/23
If you've been ghosted after creative job interviews, this is the episode for you! Join me as I share the wild story of my first personal experience with ghosting, and how it forever changed the way I viewed this experience. I'll also share ways to reframe this when it happens to you, so you don't let it take up your brain space, degrade your self-worth, or prevent you from confidently moving forward in your creative career. To get more free creative career support resources, or connect with...
Published 03/23/23
If you're feeling nervous or anxious about that next creative job interview, this podcast episode is going to change that! I'll walk you through how to reframe your interview experiences to reduce that initial anxiety. I'll also share the 5 key things you need to know before you have those conversations, so you go in feeling confident, comfortable, and ready to sell your amazing creative skills and talent! To get more free creative career support resources, or connect with me directly, check...
Published 03/16/23
Do you have a manager that's making your creative work-life miserable? In this episode I'll share the 3 key things you need to know to more effectively manage your difficult manager, so you can stay out of the hot-seat, create more predictability in your day-to-day work experience, and survive this environment until you can move on to a better one!  To get more free creative career support resources, or connect with me directly, check out: www.rockthatcreativejob.com Linkedin:...
Published 03/09/23