We are so inundated with dating/relationship "Do's and Don't's," our timelines and social media feeds are full of everyone else's thoughts and opinions on the matter. In this episode, although Katherine shares her own personal experiences, lessons, and desires - above all else - she encourages listeners to take it to God. To ask God what He wants for you, what He desires for you.  Many times in dating, our focus is on the other person. But as Katherine shares in this episode, when we take a...
Published 04/25/22
Rooted is always a personal experience, but in this episode, Katherine gets personal about what is currently happening in her life in "real-time." In "Getting Personal," Katherine shares about how she is currently living out of a suitcase, big recent life events that have occurred, the root of why she is passionate about what she's passionate about, as well as Faith and family. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/itskatherinemurillo/support
Published 04/11/22
In this episode of Rooted, Katherine challenges her listeners to examine their limiting beliefs and the different forms of self-sabotage that subconsciously keep us "playing small." Once we begin the uprooting process, it creates momentum for us to challenge what we have CHOSEN to accept, and what we have CHOSEN to believe about ourselves.  Katherine shares her personal journey with this and opens up about quitting drinking for 2022. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 03/28/22
In this episode, Katherine dives into what we are feeding ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and most importantly - spiritually. We cannot separate one from the other, they are ALL interconnected.  Many of us are driving on autopilot and not realizing that what we consume, is actually consuming us. What we "feed" ourselves is bigger than us. It affects the way we not only show up for ourselves but for the world around us.  Katherine shares some of her daily routine, and what she...
Published 03/14/22
In this Season 2, Episode 1 of Rooted, Katherine dives deeper than she EVER has. This is by far her most personal and emotional episode to date. If you are someone that has previously or is currently struggling with Rejection (or know someone who is), you do not want to skip this episode. Katherine gets deeply personal about her own battles with this topic and reminds us that none of us are alone in this struggle. But most importantly, she reminds us above ALL else, WHO and WHAT we are Rooted...
Published 03/01/22
"Boundaries are the realization of our own person apart from others. Intimacy does not thrive where someone is not free to choose separateness without guilt." - Dr. Henry Cloud "In trying to take responsibility for someone else's feelings and attitudes, we, in turn, are abandoning the responsibility that we have to ourselves. We need to call ourselves out on being our biggest enablers. I used to say, 'no one can negotiate with me, like me.' When you strip down the word boundaries, it helps...
Published 06/15/21
"It takes work to remain single, as ridiculous as that may sound. Every person that presents themselves to you or shows interest in you, you do not have to entertain.  The same way I feel you have to be intentional with dating, you have to be intentional with your singleness.  If you have made this commitment to yourself then only you have the power to truly honor it, no one else can do that for you. If they want you now, they can want you in 1 or 2, 3 months when you feel like you’re ready...
Published 05/07/21
"I’ve been single for 4 1/2 years, and in those 4 1/2 years, if I’m being honest with myself, half of that was spent healing from my last relationship. Truly healing. It took so much longer than I wanted it to because turns out I don’t get to choose how long it takes for me to heal. But something I want to be sure to point out is we don’t have to be “fully healed” in order to be open to giving and receiving love. I mean, are any of us ever truly healed? Healing is not linear, but so many...
Published 04/23/21
"There’s more to life than what we accept.  There’s more to life than what we allow ourselves to settle for. But we have to fight for it. Each day is a fight for our life, and that will look different for each of us. But you are worth the fight." In this episode of Rooted, Katherine shares her recent feelings of being unmotivated and feeling "in a funk." She discusses the ways we enable and negotiate with ourselves, but ultimately, no one else can "save us" - this is work only we can do. 
Published 04/14/21
"The enemy convinces us to stay isolated with what we're REALLY struggling with…that If anyone knew, no one would look at us the same... If people at church knew what I have done…if she actually knew who I really was...they think the know, but they have no idea the mistakes I’ve made and the past I have.... So what happens is we take all of these thoughts and we remain isolated in our shame, in our guilt, in our hurt, in our pain, because we think that’s easier than showing or telling...
Published 03/19/21
"When we say we hate something about ourselves, do we actually hate them? Or are they just things that people, or culture, or society have made us feel bad for? Often times when someone else makes us feel bad about something about ourselves, it’s things they possess - suppress - and then project onto you, so you can hate yourself as much as they do." It's 2021, we're not letting other people project their self-hate onto us.  In this episode of Rooted, Katherine reflects on her own...
Published 03/10/21
"When I first moved to Portland I actually deleted all my social media and got off all dating apps I was on. I did not want any distractions, I intentionally wanted this time with my thoughts and with myself. I knew I was going to struggle, I knew I was going to have a lot of lonely moments, but I wanted to feel everything. I did not want to numb it with social media or men, I wanted to experience the whole experience. Plus, I did not want to date out of distraction. I wanted to date with...
Published 03/03/21
"There were times in life where I would be hurt when someone didn't fight for me or fight for 'us,' but I realized I needed to learn to fight for myself. When was the last time you fought for yourself? Did you ever learn to love yourself? Who taught you? What does that look like? What if what we learned wasn't healthy? What if we now have to fight to unlearn it?" In this part 2 of Love, Katherine elaborates on last week's episode of what love looks like in each of our lives, how different...
Published 02/17/21
"Healing others won’t compensate for the healing we ourselves need. Loving others won’t compensate for the love we need to give ourselves. It took me awhile to realize that I am a power source, therefore, I cannot allow everyone access to me, to have access to me is a privilege, and when I started initiating this in my life it became a form of self love. Love is this infinite, vast, unconditional resource, it can't be boxed or defined...but if we have a distorted definition of what love is,...
Published 02/09/21
“Discovering the truth of who we are is so powerful because once we know the truth, we can never un-know it.  Where our truth lies, our power resides.” In this episode, Katherine explores the journey of self discovery, and asks listeners to question what identity they're operating from?
Published 02/03/21
"When you think of becoming or working towards becoming a better version of yourself, who is it you’re trying to be? What does that look like? Because you’re already that person, again, it’s just clearing out the other versions of ourselves that we’ve created. We partner with the beliefs we have about ourselves - what do you believe? This isn’t what others think about you, or who are what others say you are. This goes directly to the root of what do you actually believe about yourself, the...
Published 01/24/21
"I kept thinking one day a light switch would turn on and I’d be unstoppable , one day a fire within me would blaze and I would spring into my God given purpose, 'one day' right? Like God would just Amazon Prime it to my doorstep. The problem with 'one day,' is we assume we have all the time in the world for 'one day.' Many of us use time as an excuse. Thinking we don’t have enough of it - so we don’t start - or assuming we have SO much of it - which is another excuse to not start right...
Published 01/24/21
"John Lewis said, 'when you lose your sense of fear you’re free.' Isn’t that what we all are ultimately striving for - freedom? When we step out of fear and into freedom, it's so much bigger than us. We never know the magnitude of that action until we actually do it.  I challenge you to look within and identity what fears have been holding you back? Do you know how to identify when fear presents itself? Once you do identify them, what are those fears ROOTED in? Because getting to the ROOT is...
Published 01/24/21
Rooted exists to dig within and generate reflection and transformation through personal stories, faith, and humor. We are removing the weeds, cultivating the soil, and nurturing a space for individual growth and collective community. I hope you’ll click SUBSCRIBE and stick around a bit. I would also love if you stay connected, you can find me on Instagram @itskatherinemurillo.  Thank you for joining me on this this journey of Rooted. 
Published 01/24/21